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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Decidueye Moveset

The grass/ghost type owl has the archer ability. This is a mechanic where all his aerial (A) attacks can be charged. All of them are projectiles expect for one.

The pokemon relies on a volley of projectiles and its multiple jumps to land and evade attacks. Place a target on them, soften them up, shackle them down, and smash them away.

Decidueye is not a fast runner, but has a quick walk, good airspeed, and long-range attacks. Knock-outs are made easier when your opponent is chained to the floor.


Archer Ability: All aerials can be charged.

Down Aerial (Solar Beam): Fires a beam of light formed as an arrow directly downwards. A long-range attack that does decent damage at the cost of almost no knockback. However, the beam of light causes a ring of splash damage if it collides with the ground, which does result in sending opponents flying.

The charged shot does more damage and has minor horizontal knock-back from the beam and better horizontal knock-back explosion upon the ground. Used correctly, this is a kill opportunity.

Back Aerial (Astonish): The owl turns his head over a shoulder and retches up lunch in a downward arching spew of bones and skulls. Of course, the longer the attack is charged, the more bones find their way out of Decidueye’s stomach. This unconventional attack hits multiple times and has a slight meteor effect.

Forward Aerial (Razor Leaf): Fires a sharp leaf arrow at a downward diagonal. Decidueye pulls back on his winged bow as the move is charged which results in a stronger shot.

Up Aerial (Spore):
Shoots a seed directly above. The seed goes a short distance before shedding its shell and becoming a harmless white puff. But if the seed makes contact with an enemy there is an explosion of spores, which has high vertical knockback (a reference to Ivysaur’s Up Air and Up Smash from Brawk). This is a kill move.

Neutral Air (Feather Dance): This is Decidueye’s only non-projectile aerial. He holds out his bladed wings to the side and completes a spin. Holding the attack before release results in more spins and the ability to slightly control horizontal movement during the attack.


Down Smash (U-turn): The owl flies in a tight pivoting circle inches above the ground where he was standing. The move is quick and great at pushing enemies back for some breathing room.

Forward Smash (Aeroblast): The pokemon flaps his wings forward in order to generate a slash of air. The wing slap can push an enemy into the projectile. While the attack has lag, the movement of the attack sends the archer backwards.

Up Smash (Acrobatics):
The owl flips upside down and pushes its wings along the floor as a brace. He flaps the flattened wings and launches himself talons first toward the sky as he spins.


B Special (Leafage): Fires a glowing green orb that spirals. Decidueye can hold B for a charge. The length of the charge results in more spiraling green orbs that fan out. The orbs only amount in minor hit-stun if more than of them connect with a target.

Down Special (Curse): The owl takes on a wavering ethereal form. If struck with an attack, Decidueye negates the damage and places a ghostly purple bulls-eye on the target. The bulls-eye fades, leaving a purple glow on the opponent. Projectiles do more damage and shield damage in this state.

The length of the curse is tied to the damage dealt to and negated by the owl.

Side Special (Spirit Shackle): Fires a purple ghostly arrow. The shot can be charged and angled. Upon contact purple chains lash out of the opponent in a restricted circle.

Depending the opponent’s damage and their curse status and the charge of the arrow, the radius can increase in size and the chains can strengthen.

On a grounded opponent, the arrow’s chains will shackle the enemy to the ground OR if near another enemy the chains will shackle both individuals to each other.

On an aerial opponent if the radius of chains touched the ground, the chains will latch to the ground and snap the enemy to the floor. If the chains contact another enemy, however, both opponents will be shackled together and fall.

Up B (Brave Bird): The owl launches straight up and performs a dive bomb. The attack can be angled as long as the angle is lower than the position of Decidueye.

While this attack can do damage and knockback to the enemy, a technique can be used for greater knockback. If B is pressed, the owl will unfurl its wings and stop, creating a sonic boom sphere around its body. The longer the dive before the cancel, the bigger the sonic boom.


A (Peck): A quick peck attack with hit-stun, but poor range.

Tilt A (Rolling Kick): Jumps in the air performing a windmill slice with a wing immediately followed by a talon-tipped roundhouse.

Down Tilt (Cut): While crouching the owl folds his wings across his chest. A press of (A) will have him unfold his sharp wings in a horizontal slice.

Up Tilt (Fury Attack): Falls flat on his back and rapidly kicks upwards. Holding A will continue the kicks.

Running A (Triple Kick): Leaps with talons first, deliver three rapid forward kicks to rack up damage on a foe.


Leaps off the ground and grabs with talons.
A: Delivers a hard peck on the skull.

Forward Throw: A ghostly purple bow appears and the enemy is notched into the phantom device. Decidueye leaps off his enemy and pantomimes shooting an arrow resulting in the spectral bow shooting the opponent forward.

Back Throw: Pivots in place with wings flapping and the opponent swinging around by the tightly gripping talons. Swings around twice before chucking the enemy.

Up Throw: Flies around in two loops while clutching the opponent. During the height of the second loop, the owl chucks his enemy upwards.

Down Throw: Pushes the opponent on the ground into a tripped position as the owl does a small hop into the air. The throw ends with Decidueye airborn.

Incineroar Moveset

Incineroar is a heavy grappler character. Three of his specials and one smash have grab commands and his other special move prevents himself from being grabbed while the move is charging. While his smashes are strong enough on their own to throw enemies out of the ring, he can add fire and explosion effects for additional crowd-pleasing carnage. The cat's mechanic allows him to turn any aerial into a falling, ground splashing attack for exciting finishing moves.

Incineroar Mechanic: Finishing Move
– If the (A) button is held during anyone of the cat’s aerial attacks, Incineroar plummets to the floor while performing the attack. He accelerates as long as the (A) button is held. The biggest knockback from the move comes from falling onto a ground opponent. The higher the distance when the feline performs the finishing move, the greater the damage and force.

Aerial Attacks and Finishing Moves

(Neutral Aerial) Performs a body splash similar to King DeDeDe’s neutral aerial. Low damage, pushes the opponent to the side.
(Neutral Finish Move) Splashes onto his stomach and chest and sends the opponent in a horizontal direction.

(Forward Aerial) Incineroar slaps in a downward arc with an open paw. Medium attack.
(Forward Finishing Move) Smacks his paw on the floor creating a small shockwave. Sends the opponent in an arc.

(Back Aerial) Incineroar laces together his paws into a hammerfist and swings his body backwards in an arc. This is an inverse DK’s forward aerial. The fist has a sweetspot meteor effect.
(Back Finishing Move) The cat lands on his back and curled fist. His back sends the opponent outwards, but his fist sends the enemy in a vertical manner for high knockback.

(Down Aerial) The cat laces together his paws and throws down an elbow. This has a meteor effect.
(Down Finishing Move) Lands on his elbow. This move does not have great range, but does tremendous shield damage. Sends the opponent in an arc.

(Up Aerial) The cat performs a vertical dropkick for good knock-back.
(Up Finishing Move) The cat lands on his shoulders and upper back. This is the weakest finishing move.


(B) Flame Charge – The cat strikes a beckoning pose as his body heats up.
• The heat counters any grab attempt and punishes the opponent with slight hitstun and damage.
• The charge makes Incineroar’s belt glow. The move adds fire effects to the next Smash move that is performed. A full charge adds an explosion.

(Side B) Acrobatics – Incineroar summons two poles attached with three ropes constructed from dark energy. Incineroar leans back on the ropes as the move is charged.
• Once released the cat shoots forward, body parallel to the floor with arms stretched outwards.
• The first part of the move grabs. If he grabs an enemy, he will somersault around them while moving and kick them off at the end.
• After the sweetspot passes, if no one is grabbed, the cat twirls in the air like a drill with outstretched claws inflicting multiple hits to the enemy like Metaknight’s side B.

(Up B) Brutal Swing– Incineroar leaps up in the air with an outstretched paw and grabs his enemy, swinging the victim downwards. Goes 2/3rd’s the distance of Wario’s corkscrew and can be slightly angled left or right in a similar fashion.

(Down B) Darkest Lariat
– The cat does one rotation in place and then shoots out his arms to either side of him for a grab attempt.
• Incineroar can grab one enemy with each hand.
• Once a grab is completed, Incineroar spins. The cat and his captured swinging prey can be moved left or right during the spin. Tapping B increases the duration and damage. At the end, Incineroar tosses the enemy or enemies.


(Forward Smash) Incineroar laces his paws together, takes a step forward and brings down a hammerfist crashing to the floor.

(Down Smash) Incineroar jumps up, splits, and lands on his outstreched legs for a double-leg drop.

(Up Smash) Incineroar arcs both his paws over his head (which does slash damage on the sides) and laces together his claws.
• If the enemy is hit at the apex when the claws come together, Incineroar grabs them and performs a backbreaker, smashing them over his knee and flinging them to the side. High damage.


(A, A) Slashes, and then throws out a knee.
(A,A,A) Slashes, throws out a knee and then performs a spinning backhand.

(Side A) Incineroar cross-slashes with his clawed paws. At the apex, the claws strike each other creating a jet of sparks.
• The slash does medium damage and knock-back.
• The sparks (if it hits the front of the opponent) causes brief stun.

(Up A) Performs a quick slashing uppercut.

Crouches down on all fours like a cat ready to pounce. Can crawl.

(Down A) Lunges very far forward and swipes with a paw. Pops the enemy up, however the cat crashes onto his shoulder if he misses and suffers lag.

(Running A)
Performs a sliding clothesline. The sweetspot floors the opponent.

Grabs the opponent by neck and lifts them off the floor.
(Pummel) Jabs the enemy in the side with his unoccupied claws
(Down Throw) Choke slam.
(Up Throw) Three quick uppercuts to the gut, with the last one sending the enemy into the sky.
(Forward Throw) Kicks them forward.
(Back Throw) Releases the opponent, grabs the legs with cat-like reflexes and heaves them in one swing behind him.
Your movesets are always unique and well thought out but I don't think Decidueye needs that extra charge mechanic, especially since you already represent it's concept just fine with a focus on projectile heavy moves. They're well done and imaginative though even if your Astonish makes me want to throw up myself


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Your movesets are always unique and well thought out but I don't think Decidueye needs that extra charge mechanic, especially since you already represent it's concept just fine with a focus on projectile heavy moves. They're well done and imaginative though even if your Astonish makes me want to throw up myself
Thank you.

Half the fun for me is finding a specific mechanic for a character, but not everyone needs one. A theme (such as DK having several spiking/meteor moves) is usually enough for a sprinkling of flavor on top of a playstyle.

Of course, some themes could have started off as mechanics or complete sets and then whittled down for practicality, balance issues, ect...


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
If crossover costumes are a thing and we get a Tekken character, I think Incineroar would look nice in an Armor King outfit.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
If crossover costumes are a thing and we get a Tekken character, I think Incineroar would look nice in an Armor King outfit.
I doubt we'll have crossover ones, but it'd make an amazing Mii costume. Honestly, I wish we had a lot more. I was hoping for Nightmare from Soul Calibur, or even at least one Digimon.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Never understood why people want Tony The Incineroar over the gorgeous Primarina.
People just don't have taste :awesome:

Primarina getting in as the Gen 7 rep would be one hell of a curveball, but very welcomed too. I wonder what kind of moveset it would have. I can see it using the Bubble Blower idea from my Isabelle moveset to use Bubble as an aerial mine, and maybe it could tangle opponents up in it's hair. It could even take Meloetta's attack and create musical note projectiles that bounce around the stage.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Give Primarina a tail slap back aerial that propels her/him forward at a slight downward angle. If she/he hits the floor, Primarina carries momentum forward and can perform grounded moves while sliding.

A built in wavedash popularized in the Melee era.
Then you'll see people come around to the seal.

* This could also be a Side B.
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Trevenant would be awesome.

I would have chosen Aegislash over Hawlucha but he's cool too.

Rex is a probably in, but how about Pyra? I'm just not sure about 2 Xenoblade characters making it.

Also wedding outfit alts for the Mario characters would be cool.
Rex and Pyra woyld probably work as a couple, just like they do in Xenoblade 2.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Primarina could work if they made her "walk" by sliding around with jets of water. I could see her tail and fins making good long distance ariels, and there's more than enough moves in Sun/Moon to go off from for her specials.

Despite her popularity in the Pokemon games, she doesn't seem to have that much support for Smash. I guess people aren't crazy about getting a second water type Pokemon (even though Pokemon types shouldn't really matter in Smash. It's not like Primarina is automatically going to be at a disadvantage against Pikachu and Robin).
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Deleted member

If we get another water starter, it should be this guy

inb4 too many swordfighters
inb4 unova's starters sucked


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
If we get another water starter, it should be this guy

inb4 too many swordfighters
inb4 unova's starters sucked
Ehhhhh no thanks, I'd rather have his pre-evos.

Overall, I'm quite satisfied with Greninja, my second favourite Pokemon.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
If we get another water starter, it should be this guy

inb4 too many swordfighters
inb4 unova's starters sucked
Samurott would be cool. Excluding the Pits, we've never had a character who wielded more than one sword. (Although I have to admit, seeing a guadruped sword fighter sounds comical).
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Samurott would be cool. Excluding the Pits, we've never had a character had a character who wielded more than one sword. (Although I have to admit, seeing a guadruped sword fighter sounds comical).
Going by One Piece and Fairy Tail, it could work; it would just involve a lot of spinning.

Twin Shot

Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2014
With all this Pokémon talk and in celebration of Pokémon Day - wanted to share my ballot vote and my guess for a Pokémon Newcomer.

Ditto - Replaces the Random Slot. Has a unique opening where he transforms into a random character and his own victory sequence. This was my ballot pick because it creates a character for the random slot without much work (also I think it would be neat if you were able to toggle the ability to change to another random character after losing a stock and respawning)

Decidueye - My guess for most likely newcomer. Represents the grass starter we lost in Ivysaur (...RIP) and the current generation. Seemed to be one of the more popular starters after reveal and Ash has one so it ties to the anime. Decidueye would be a unique new addition to Smash and among the Pokémon reps.

Deleted member

Decidueye - My guess for most likely newcomer. Represents the grass starter we lost in Ivysaur (...RIP) and the current generation. Seemed to be one of the more popular starters after reveal and Ash has one so it ties to the anime. Decidueye would be a unique new addition to Smash and among the Pokémon reps.
Ash doesn't have a Decidueye though. He has a Rowlet, but it hasn't evolved yet.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2018
I'm not against Ridley, but it seems unlikely.
Also Ridley would not be the first character to have aerial grabs, Bowser did in Melee.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Primarina could work if they made her "walk" by sliding around with jets of water. I could see her tail and fins making good long distance ariels, and there's more than enough moves in Sun/Moon to go off from for her specials.

Despite her popularity in the Pokemon games, she doesn't seem to have that much support for Smash. I guess people aren't crazy about getting a second water type Pokemon (even though Pokemon types shouldn't really matter in Smash. It's not like Primarina is automatically going to be at a disadvantage against Pikachu and Robin).
Primarina sliding around like a seal is an interesting way to move.

Deleted member

Since the Shovel Knight thread is pretty dead as of now, I have a question to people who are good at designing movesets:

I'm in the process of making a moveset for Shovel Knight and I wanted to ask, do you think Shovel Knight should use relics in his standart moveset? Some ideas I had include:
-Dust Knuckle as a jab
-Throwing Anchor as an up smash
-Fishing rod being used for a throw or two
-Propeller Dagger as a back air (he holds it behind himself. Multi-hit attack with windbox, propels him forward)
-Fleet Flask as a dash attack
-Maybe some other relics for his throws such as the Flareo Wand

What do you think?

(Please don't reply with "He shouldn't be in". I can understand why one would think that but this is purely hypothetical anyway)


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
I doubt we'll have crossover ones, but it'd make an amazing Mii costume. Honestly, I wish we had a lot more. I was hoping for Nightmare from Soul Calibur, or even at least one Digimon.
I'd like to see crossover outfits given to the cast for more than just palettes and a small number of true alternate costumes. It would give some variety in the costumes department. On the other hand, this may take away from the appeal the Miis have in costumes.

If we get another water starter, it should be this guy

inb4 too many swordfighters
inb4 unova's starters sucked
I wouldn't be mad if we got more water users in Smash. I am really in the mood for a jack-of-all-trades kind of fighter, like my most wanted third-party character, Bartz.


Smash Rookie
Feb 25, 2018
Personally, I hope the Ice Climbers and Pac-Man return as playable characters or unlockable in Smash Bros. for Switch. In my opinion, since there is no 3DS version to hold the Ice Climbers back, I am almost entirely certain that the Ice Climbers will make their big returnhttp://
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Deleted member

Happy Pokemon Day! Lets talk about what Pokemon would be the most suitable for Smash for Switch and what legendary would be. The pokemon that is the most suitible is Decuideye at this point. Close seconds are Mimikyu, Incineroar and Primaria. They are just the most popular ones to chose off the bat as of now. The legendary that seems to have the most potential is Zerora. It's size seems suitable and it looks like a fighter itself. A quick electric fighting type of character ( Electric kind of Ryu ) would be fun. The legendary I would chose is... I have no idea.
If we get another water starter, it should be this guy

inb4 too many swordfighters
inb4 unova's starters sucked
No. That is ugly. Swampert is better.
I can't believe Smash Bros' objectively best character that should never have been cut was forgotten.

Ya'll are ignorant heathens.

I agree with you, especially when PM Ivysaur was hype. Brawl Ivysaur was fun as well.
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Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
Zygarde is clearly the best choice, unless there's a better one from Pokémon Switch, and unless Isaac gets in.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
To be honest, I haven't really followed Pokemon for years - I missed generations 4 and 5, and I'm having a tough time getting back into Pokemon Y. From an outsider's perspective, I'd be interested in seeing what they could do with something like Genesect or Decidueye, but I'm not sure how popular or noteworthy they are in the grand scheme of things.

Deleted member

Zygarde will join Smash when we're all done collecting its cells, which is never.

Deleted member

Zygarde is too big and it sucks

You have a lot to learn.
Zygarde 100% is one of the best Pokemon ever. It is in the top tier of the Uber tier list in Smogon.
Zygarde 50% and 100% would be too big indeed, but what about 10% form? An Earth dog would be cool.
Says the Emboar fan
I do think Emboar is ugly. Just because I prefer it over Samurott does not mean that I am a fan of it bud.
Serperior: The only reason why I like it is because contrary + leaf storm spam for the win.
I would not Emboar in Smash for Switch to be honest either. Incineroar is much better looking than that garbage Emboar. Incineroar has more move-set potential plus looks better in general.


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
Seriously though, Zygarde is one of the most interesting from the perspective of unique mechanics.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Y'all better not be dissing Samurott. It's a samurai otter with a shell helmet. What could be better?

Then again it wouldn't even have a shot until a hypothetical Unova remake.

Deleted member

Zygarde 100% is one of the best Pokemon ever.
Is it though? Considering it needs to be at low health to change form I doubt it's really that great.
I think I might be stuck in 2015 when Zygarde still had just Aura Break andd it sucked because of that. I still don't like it for many reasons.

Serperior: The only reason why I like it is because contrary + leaf storm spam for the win.
It's literally the only reason why it's good.

Incineroar has more move-set potential
Citation needed.

Didn't even cover all of it.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Welp, Pangoro had won the last one as expected. He was followed by Trevenant, then Diancie, and lastly Meowstick. What a great way to end Gen 6.

But now comes the moment we all been waiting for, Gen 7. This is likely a hot topic if only because it's the most relevant Pokemon generation ripe with plenty of good choices. Your picks are Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina, and Crabrawler.

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Let the 4 Way Battle Begin.
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