Not sure how many people genuinely believe the music theory, but I wanted to show everyone the remaining series that haven't gotten a remix on the site yet.
are likely not getting remixes based off the Direct.)
So just to recap, almost every newcomer has gotten a remix on the Ultimate website shortly after their official reveal (
). Seeing how we have about 14 weeks until release, most of the franchises I listed will probably get a remix before then.
However, isn't it a little strange that popular franchises like Mario, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Sonic haven't gotten anything yet? Going off the pattern from previous characters, it wouldn't suprise me if these franchises were purposely being held off so they could get a remix to tie in with a newcomer reveal (Paper Mario/Geno, Gen VII Pokemon, Isabelle, Shadow). Now obviously this theory isn't perfect, as Ken could be revealed without a proper SF remix. Still, I can't help but feel like these missing franchises could be a hint as to what we'll get in the future.