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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
So yeah despite my pretty major mistake

Mega Charizard upgraded to character

Like... I'm not sure how'd it'd even work tbh. He can't be an echo of Pokemon trainer, unless you could be. Just gets his own slot?

I somehow think people would be salty about that
Huh. I actually don't mind that idea at all; like, it's a Charizard echo that's just a standalone Charizard? That'd be great for fans of Charizard from Smash 4!


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Oh buddy believe me we had plenty of those effort, picture leaks back in the day. Feels like ancient times.
I'm enjoying these recent ones though.
Yes I know, but those Smash 4 times were weird with a lot flaming and rants going on during that time.

They feel ancient compared to now.

Deleted member

I want to wait on Edelgard simply because we aren't 100% sure of her role yet, although she LOOKS like a great prospect.

At the moment? I'd say Azura. I think it's a good opportunity to add a main Lance-wielding character.
To be honest, I think there's absolutely no way we're not getting Edelgard as our final Fire Emblem character in Smash Bros. (for now, at least). We've gotten pretty much all the main protagonists of every recent release of a Fire Emblem game when a Smash game releases; Roy, Ike, Robin, Corrin, to an extent - the pattern is way too prevalent and just makes too much sense.

And as much as I don't want another Fire Emblem character, Three Houses already is looking to have a BANGER of an OST in a long while since Awakening, so I wouldn't mind Three Houses content like music in Smash.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
Is there anything beyond the two images of the portraits and when Shadow, Chorus, Agnes and Wario are shown in a 4-player split? Is the Banjo/Dixie thing I saw a legitimate part of it?
The Banjo Kazooie thing is not part of it.

A few more images were posted afterword, but the most damning thing was this

After getting called out since Agnes's hair was in the wrong direction, and even worse, her name was spelled with a wrong accent (which the leaker claimed was due to the photo being of a "early translation"), he released another image of Agnes... with corrected name and hair.

He literally just corrected the render

So yeah its fake af


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
To be honest, I think there's absolutely no way we're not getting Edelgard as our final Fire Emblem character in Smash Bros. (for now, at least). We've gotten pretty much all the main protagonists of every recent release of a Fire Emblem game when a Smash game releases; Roy, Ike, Robin, Corrin, to an extent - the pattern is way too prevalent and just makes too much sense.

And as much as I don't want another Fire Emblem character, Three Houses already is looking to have a BANGER of an OST in a long while since Awakening, so I wouldn't mind Three Houses content like music in Smash.
See, my ideal would be adding Azura, Edelgard, and Anna, giving us characters based on Lance, Axe, and Bow; it'd really give us the full spectrum.

...I just don't think that'd happen...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The Banjo Kazooie thing is not part of it.

A few more images were posted afterword, but the most damning thing was this

After getting called out since Agnes's hair was in the wrong direction, and even worse, her name was spelled with a wrong accent (which the leaker claimed was due to the photo being of a "early translation"), he released another image of Agnes... with corrected name and hair.

He literally just corrected the render

So yeah its fake af
Yeah, but remember

He said the picture was sent to him intentionally wrong.

That makes it all right


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
Guys if could add one more Chracther from the fire emblem series which would itbe?
For me maybe Elegard or Ephiram i cant choose
Lyn from the first localized Fire Emblem and, for many, the first non-Smash FE character they met.

While yes 'another sword', we don't have any characters that use a katana-style sword nor an iaido fighting style (think Vergil from Devil May Cry)

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be far off.
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to King K. Rool, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this.

I mean, Mario already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
So yeah despite my pretty major mistake

Mega Charizard upgraded to character

Like... I'm not sure how'd it'd even work tbh. He can't be an echo of Pokemon trainer, unless he could be. Just gets his own slot?

I somehow think people would be salty about that
I dunno, the whole point of Mega Evolution is that it's a short power burst. A concept that works great for Final Smashes, but not for a full character.
Even in the Pokedex it states that Mega Evolution is physically and emotionally taxing on the Pokemon and shouldn't be used for long periods of time.
(One pokemon gets it's jaw broken whenever it Mega evolves, another get's it's back split open.)
Smash isn't always entirely accurate to a characters source material but I feel like Sakurai wouldn't overlook the one point of Mega Evolution. It's temporary.
I could be wrong, obviously. but I don't think Mega Charizard will be an echo.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
....Hasn't Ultimate basically proven this incorrect by using classic models of the characters.

Like, just Simon, or Snake, for example.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
I'm gonna say this as nice as possible but.....no u


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Oh definitely. I was the worst back then. Feels like we were all angry kids those days.
Well, I literally was a kid during those times, and I got mad over the clones and thought Shulk was a cocky, shirtless, FE character that was related to Marth who was also a surfer.

Good times.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to King K. Rool, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this.

I mean, Mario already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.
Not to mention Ganondorf.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Maybe not, Pac-Man uses his classic look instead of the new one.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2013
New Jersey
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Pac-Man, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this.

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May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Sakurai literally wasn't going to add Pac-Man unless they let him use his classic design.

I think they could work something out here.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Which is why Sakurai went with Pac-Man's Ghostly Adventures design. Oh wait. One of the best hopes we have for B&K in Smash is Sakurai to put right what once went wrong. *do do do do*

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I remember my biggest fear for Simon in Ultimate, my only fear in fact, was that he'd use his stupid redheaded pretty boy design.



I think we'll be fine.


Simple and Clean
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Where does Bandanna Waddle Dee fall in the likeliness; In your opinion? Cause I'd say he's in the top 5 most requested AND first party. I'm curious to your reasoning though! Personally I'd replace Incineroar with BDee (Part of my misguided idea that Pokemon won't get a rep till DLC xD)

Otherwise; solid prediction for the most part I'd say! I do think Sakurai is gonna surprise us with the roster number though ;3
He's going to be an assist trophy. Call it a feeling, but Ashley was about as, if not more popular than Bandana Dee and she's still an assist trophy.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2018
Switch FC
6001 9919 2607
Thank you. I'm not joking when I say that makes me feel a lot better.
I’m in thousands of dollars of debt, in school late in my life(at 28yo on my second college year), I don’t have a house of my own because renting was all I could afford for my post office job that killed my spine after my surgery for a bulging disc...which is now degenerating(causing extremely painful spasms that locks my back so I fall to the floor and can’t move) and is the reason I need the expensive education for a less laborsome job. I’m also married with a child and my wife works at Sonic.

You’ll find a way. I happened to find a retired 79 year old man who is basically a bone shaman who aligns my back for $40 a session. In 2 weeks he did what no doctor could and I haven’t had spasms in a while. I also found programs that help students with finances if they face any sort of disability or crippling health issues. I hope you find the courage to search for help. There’s always some program or agency or old bone shaman chiropractor who can help somewhere out there. You just gotta be patient and find the will to get up and look.

Dee Dude

“Never ask Dee for anything again”
Oct 25, 2015
Kidnapped by Sakurai.
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Yeah, same way we unfortunately got Ghostly Adventures Pac and Mac’s Brawl-oh wait.

Chances are Microsoft will probably forget that redesign even exists since it hasn’t been used in nearly a decade, they seem to be aware of the N64 designs considering Rare Replay and such.

Plus, the recent figure had them in the classic look so it’s likely Sakurai will that instead.

Unless Microsoft screws us over and requests for the N&B design to be used...
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Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to King K. Rool, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this.

I mean, Mario already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.
Really meaningful post here. /s

Since Banjo is 3rd party, unlike K. Rool, Microsoft might give Sakurai specific requirements for his visual design.

Also, K. Rool looks almost exactly like your image. The only difference is the gold armor on his belly.

Maybe not, Pac-Man uses his classic look instead of the new one.
This, however, is actually a good argument. If Microsoft lets Sakurai use the classic design, he might opt for it.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Not to break anyone's spirits here in regards to Banjo, but if we do get him...

...odds are he'll look like this:

I mean, Sonic already met him like this:

And I know there are people out there that aren't particularly fond of this design but since this is his most recent design it is probably the one which would be used in Smash.

In which case, all other image rumors of the character might be insatiably far off.
Yup :ultpacman:.
They totally :ultmegaman:.
Absolutely :ultsimon:.
Have to go with the most recent design :ultkrool:.
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