I rewatched the footage some more.
That K.Rool match is still really uninformative; mostly Snake was just smacking K.Rool around and then getting hit by dumb stuff like the guy playing Snake was told he needed to lose. K.Rool's projectiles really do look kinda bad on a second watch. The crown has item properties which strongly leads me to believe it can be caught, and with its movement speed, I totally imagine a Pac-Man bonus fruit scenario wherein it used carelessly can easily be turned against him except it has a much slower animation than Pac-Man bonus fruit and I don't think K.Rool can carry it as a normal item himself so it's like the downsides of bonus fruit with far fewer of the upsides? The gun is just so slow; the kill K.Rool got with it looked like a real gimmick that would almost certainly not work in a real match. However, K.Rool does have decent looking mobility and seemingly DDD nair. Sadly Snake was at almost no damage when uthrow hit so we don't know if K.Rool uthrow is the same outstanding kill throw that Charizard uthrow is, but given how weak the launch distance was at almost no damage it did look like the kind of throw that often scales to a kill throw. K.Rool also looked like he had a pretty good Bowser-esque jab. I think K.Rool so far, when you put it together, looks like a very, very plain big that, if he'll succeed, will have to rely on just good basic numbers and good normals which he might have but it was hard to tell because the guy using him wasn't exactly exploring K.Rool's options that well. I'm pessimistic about his overall value but still far from ready to write him off since we still don't know so much.
Chrom really does look just very strong, and it's hard for me to imagine him not completely outclassing Roy unless Roy has some specific buffs Chrom doesn't get to help him compete. Not having Roy's garbage sweetspot mechanics is a pure positive and will let Chrom actually use Roy's moves productively in ways that Roy just wasn't allowed to, and overall Chrom's up-B just looks better because, while Roy's has some offensive merits that Chrom's doesn't, Chrom's is just obviously a better recovery which frankly matters more (this Chrom player kept unsafely landing on stage with it, but he could have just played better to avoid those problems most likely). One thing I noticed was that right before the stage morph Chrom landed a counter on some randomly Ridley aerial and whiffed at relatively close range. This suggests that the Roy/Chrom counter has much smaller hitboxes than the enormous Marth and Ike counters we've seen from demo footage so far and thus the Roy/Chrom counter is probably still bad. That's very interesting because greatly improved counters up until now had seemed like a general design direction but maybe not?
Dark Samus didn't do much interesting in that match; it spent most of the time jumping around using Charge Shot to minimal impact and was mostly carried by Ridley. Dark Samus really is just comically floaty, and we saw no evidence of superior air control as opposed to normal Samus which makes me suspect that the floaty factor is going to be mostly just a liability here. Mostly in this match Chrom and Lucina kept jumping into fair instead of exploiting Dark Samus's vulnerability, but I expect at a higher level that Dark Samus is going to have just a terrible time landing. We did see further evidence that Dark Samus's dash attack is pretty strong and we saw a very convincing bair kill at one point; if Dark Samus has a general theme of killing easier than normal Samus that could be of some real relevance even if I still have just remarkably little faith overall in the Samus kit.
Stage morph also had much better performance than we saw in the direct. I didn't personally notice any frame drops, but I also didn't watch it frame by frame to verify or anything and I know others are far more sensitive to that sort of thing than I am so I'm a poor judge. The super bright white background in the middle of morphing will probably annoy some people, but overall it seemed to work pretty well.