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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2014
Your nearest Pizza Hut
Slow down there bud, theres still a good chance he's not in and it is just a coincidence (although anyone on here, 4chan, and Reddit saying it's a reference to standard RPG camera needs to stop. Golden Sun's camera angle is unique compared to the majority of RPGs. This pic isn't the standard angle)
I highly highly doubt its a coincidence, Doesnt automatically mean that he is in but let's not act like Sakurai doesnt know what he is doing. He is trying to evoke thought by posting ththaththat picture.

It might just be a dud to get everyone talking but it's definitely not just a coincidence

Sakurai likes to hype people up and troll his fans, this was planned
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
Porky is gamble but I'm game for him.

would Gygais work as a Mewtwo echo? I mean does he do anything in MOTHER 1?
I think that could definitely work. But we still haven’t seen a character echo a character from another series. That might not be a thing.

Does anybody here think Banjo & Kazooie have a chance to enter the roster by this stage?
I thought a lot of my choices seemed way out of left field until I saw the K-rool trailer.

The duo just seems to be made for smash.

Someone made this moveset for the duo a while back, and it seems so fitting:

The only thing I would change from that image is the final smash, and have it be related to the Jinjo's in some way.
I could certainly see them being the last reveal. Or making it in as DLC. Nintendo and Microsoft have been very buddy-buddy. And if they did good in the polls I could see Sakurai trying to get them in, knowing their importance to Nintendo’s history (much like Simon and Castlevania).


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Porky is gamble but I'm game for him.

would Gygais work as a Mewtwo echo? I mean does he do anything in MOTHER 1?
Honestly, that reddit-post has peeved me off to no end.
Making Giygas a playable character is like making Cthulu a playable character. He's supposed to be some cosmic horror alien, unable to be comprehended, much less fought. Having Pichu be able to physically interact, much less just punch Giygas out of the ring kinda defeats the entire point of his character.

But, personal opinion aside, cross series echoes haven't been done yet and seem unlikely to be done at this point, especially considering you can now stack them in their own box, which would probably mess up the series logo and labeling if they were echoes.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Re: Mother characters. Your best bets are Masked Man (can recycle moves from other fighters and definitely had oodles of requests back in the Brawl day’s), Gigue (echo fighter potential) and Ninten (I’m speculative of this simply because the only time Ninten has been acknowledged in Smash, last I’ve checked, is as a sticker in Brawl.)

Honestly... I’d rather those too. I’d much rather go for the racehorse I’ve been hoping for for over ten years

That said... I’ve already accepted that, unless there becomes a huge Masked Man campaign or Sakurai is feeling generous, I’ll have to just live with Lucas+ness+Claus and Masked Man alt costumes

(Hey, the characters in their final Smashes was way more than I was expecting, haha.)

Dark Ridley is just a nicer good version of Ridley that apologizes to Samus and tries his best to make her happy.
this is wholesome and now my headcannon


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Honestly, that reddit-post has peeved me off to no end.
Making Giygas a playable character is like making Cthulu a playable character. He's supposed to be some cosmic horror alien, unable to be comprehended, much less fought. Having Pichu be able to physically interact, much less just punch Giygas out of the ring kinda defeats the entire point of his character.

But, personal opinion aside, cross series echoes haven't been done yet and seem unlikely to be done at this point, especially considering you can now stack them in their own box.
That's why I kinda lean towards Porky when talking about MOTHER.

Gotta say that even though I think basing predictions off furniture is not the way to go about things, I really hope I'm wrong. I'm super duper jumped on the Skull Kid train.

Relax Alex though, I'm not feeling him after the stupid tweet stunt he pulled with "P". -_-
I get you because Rogersbase gets on my nerves

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Gotta say that even though I think basing predictions off furniture is not the way to go about things, I really hope I'm wrong. I'm super duper jumped on the Skull Kid train.

Relax Alex though, I'm not feeling him after the stupid tweet stunt he pulled with "P". -_-
lmao I don't get why so many people thought he knew something and tweeted a hint. The guy's a ****ing memer since day 1


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
I'd rather have the Masked Man or Porky as the earthbound representative enemy, with callbacks to Gigyas (though the first wouldn't make a whole lot of sense).

Deleted member

Agreed. Give me more beard characters if you're going to cut Ganondorf's.
We got Snake back, so it's a start. If only we got Lords of Shadow Simon, Twilight Princess Ganondorf, and Bearded Ryu. Then we could've done a 4-player beard free-for-all.

Deleted member

Yeah, the Isaac thread has been on that one since yesterday. Dangerous to read too much into things, but it does make you think...
I get what you mean, but that one felt a little TOO coincidental. Very much a "red eye" sorta deal.

I wouldn't have bothered with it if it didn't seem like something worthwhile. Best not get the hopes up just in case, but it seems like it might just happen.
Also I liked this post in that thread

Throw in a bear and a bird and you'd have my number one trailer of all time. :awesome:
If that happens, I would never have anything else to ask for from Mr. Sakurai.

... well except maybe letting us fight Sephiroth as a boss in the very likely Boss Rush mode while blasting One Winged Angel, but I can understand if that doesn't happen. Square Enix are a bunch of stingy *****, so it's not his fault. :smirk: (Really? Only two songs still? And I'm still salty about the missed opportunity in having Noctis and not Tifa in Tekken 7, what gives Squeenix?).


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
First it's just a pair of chairs, but now they're analyzing the pillows, too?

......I don't even know what to say about this.
We did get K.Rool, so it's not really impossible also getting Skull Kid.

Also, it would be unfair to leave pillows out of speculation, they are furnitures, too.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
First it's just a pair of chairs, but now they're analyzing the pillows, too?

......I don't even know what to say about this.
You gotta admit, the colors do line up. So if we get 2 out of Isaac/RH rep/Skull Kid, I'm definitely considering the 3rd a lock. All 3 have these hints that will seem obvious in hindsight but feel conspiracy theory now. It's gonna be weirder if 2 were intentional but 1 wasnt


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Plot twist: The newcomers are actually just the yellow and purple chairs with an alt that makes them look like the pillows.

They are an Ice Climbers echo.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
We got Snake back, so it's a start. If only we got Lords of Shadow Simon, Twilight Princess Ganondorf, and Bearded Ryu. Then we could've done a 4-player beard free-for-all.
TP Ganon would be great. Like, I know they weren't popular designs, but in general I miss TP designs. We had them like a decade, sometimes it feels like long veterans are cut.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
We did get K.Rool, so it's not really impossible also getting Skull Kid.

Also, it would be unfair to leave pillows out of speculation, they are furnitures, too.
The biggest funitutres

If they were red I'd say Pyra confirmed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Seriously though Skull Kid would be great, the Majora fight as well as Hyrule Warriors provides a great view of how he would play.

Moon soccer included.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
The biggest funitutres

If they were red I'd say Pyra confirmed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Seriously though Skull Kid would be great, the Majora fight as well as Hyrule Warriors provides a great view of how he would play.

Moon soccer included.
I don't think 'furnitures' is spelled like that.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I have problems with some requested mother characters:
Giygas has only been seeing defeated by either a song or praying, physical or magic attacks cannot harm him, nothing can harm him but positive emotions and love, and having him as an echo of a different franchise would be extremely weird.
Masked Man would work as an original character, but not an echo, he can borrow some movesets from Lucas but he is too unique for that, he have a lightsaber, a cannon and bat wings.
Ninten could work as an echo, make him different enough and you got it... but he is the most boring option for a new Mother character, in looks he looks too much like Ness, in movesets is like Ness and Lucas, and his final smash would be similar but with Teddy and Ana.
Porky is the character that would be the more unique, but at the same time it would take more time to make, if he have attacks where he can summon Giygas he would represent all the main villains from the Mother series, he has been appearing in other Smash games and have a whole stage at his name, I really doubt he is gonna get in but at least I hope for a Boss battle or a remix of his theme "Pokey means business"

Deleted member

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but Golden Sun features a Colosseum, called the Colosso Colosseum, which is an important location in Golden Sun.

Im mentioning this because the Rathalos screenshot just so happens to take place at a Colosseum. Granted, it's the FE one.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Gah, I want them to release Ultimate now not because of the game, not to learn more about content, but because I want to hear those sweet CastleVania remixes, especially if Wicked Child and Cross Your Heart are part of them
Has anyone here listed all the song names?

Plot twist: The newcomers are actually just the yellow and purple chairs with an alt that makes them look like the pillows.

They are an Ice Climbers echo.
I still conscribe to the Wario rep theory.

Seriously though, I don't want it to get bupkis for new characters yet again just because Game & Wario bombed...
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
We did get K.Rool, so it's not really impossible also getting Skull Kid.

Also, it would be unfair to leave pillows out of speculation, they are furnitures, too.
You gotta admit, the colors do line up. So if we get 2 out of Isaac/RH rep/Skull Kid, I'm definitely considering the 3rd a lock. All 3 have these hints that will seem obvious in hindsight but feel conspiracy theory now. It's gonna be weirder if 2 were intentional but 1 wasnt
True, true, the point in regards to K. Rool is perfectly valid (I thought K. Rool was more likely to be on the roster just thinking about Ridley's surprise inclusion, myself) but why are pieces of real life furniture being analyzed in the first place? Why are people looking to that of all things to "confirm" a character?

I'm not saying it's impossible for Sakurai to do something new different, and after K. Rool's trailer it's made clearer than ever that the man can be a total troll, but still; when has Sakurai ever done anything remotely like this to tease a newcomer before? It's a bunch of freaking furniture, and the speculation is based entirely around the colors alone. That's it. All I'm getting from the pillow is that it's got a nice set of colors in a nice pattern. The chairs I can maybe slightly understand, but the pillows could way easily be a pure coincidence, even more of one than the chairs. It's grasping at straws, imo.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I get what you mean, but that one felt a little TOO coincidental. Very much a "red eye" sorta deal.

I wouldn't have bothered with it if it didn't seem like something worthwhile. Best not get the hopes up just in case, but it seems like it might just happen.

If that happens, I would never have anything else to ask for from Mr. Sakurai.

... well except maybe letting us fight Sephiroth as a boss in the very likely Boss Rush mode while blasting One Winged Angel, but I can understand if that doesn't happen. Square Enix are a bunch of stingy *****, so it's not his fault. :smirk: (Really? Only two songs still? And I'm still salty about the missed opportunity in having Noctis and not Tifa in Tekken 7, what gives Squeenix?).
Even if it is deliberate (which seems possible), there's still the question of whether it's just a cute nod or indicative of something larger. There are just too many "ifs" for me to completely jump on board, but it is curious, if nothing else.

And yeah, SE should loosen the pursestrings a bit. No new FF music makes me think we're not getting a FF AT, or really any FF trophies besides the obligatory Cloud ones, which stinks. :(
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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I have problems with some requested mother characters:
Giygas has only been seeing defeated by either a song or praying, physical or magic attacks cannot harm him, nothing can harm him but positive emotions and love, and having him as an echo of a different franchise would be extremely weird.
Masked Man would work as an original character, but not an echo, he can borrow some movesets from Lucas but he is too unique for that, he have a lightsaber, a cannon and bat wings.
Ninten could work as an echo, make him different enough and you got it... but he is the most boring option for a new Mother character, in looks he looks too much like Ness, in movesets is like Ness and Lucas, and his final smash would be similar but with Teddy and Ana.
Porky is the character that would be the more unique, but at the same time it would take more time to make, if he have attacks where he can summon Giygas he would represent all the main villains from the Mother series, he has been appearing in other Smash games and have a whole stage at his name, I really doubt he is gonna get in but at least I hope for a Boss battle or a remix of his theme "Pokey means business"
Masked Man could easily borrow moves and animations from other fighters with alterations; last I checked, Wolf in Brawl borrowed from five different fighters, including Samus’ Up B.

That said, probably not Echo material, but there’s a lot more to make him laid down than most newcomers. Hell, the Skeleton is already there with Lucas.

(Also agreed on Pokey Means Business)


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
From a thematic standpoint, I very much prefer TP Ganondorf.
OoT Ganondorf felt like a warlock that threw lightning everywhere, but TP Ganondorf felt like a giant muscle-bound Tyrant. He's the type of guy to get stabbed through the chest with a holy sword, and then USE THAT HOLY SWORD AS HIS ROYAL SCEPTER.

Even as the smallest thing in the entire room, he still feels larger than life and demands your attention... all without even trying.
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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
I could see masked man borrowing very heavily from Toon Link, they have a very similar body type and both have swords.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
True, true, the point in regards to K. Rool is perfectly valid (I thought K. Rool was more likely to be on the roster just thinking about Ridley's surprise inclusion, myself) but why are pieces of real life furniture being analyzed in the first place? Why are people looking to that of all things to "confirm" a character?

I'm not saying it's impossible for Sakurai to do something new different, and after K. Rool's trailer it's made clearer than ever that the man can be a total troll, but still; when has Sakurai ever done anything remotely like this to tease a newcomer before? It's a bunch of freaking furniture, and the speculation is based entirely around the colors alone. That's it. All I'm getting from the pillow is that it's got a nice set of colors in a nice pattern. The chairs I can maybe slightly understand, but the pillows could way easily be a pure coincidence, even more of one than the chairs. It's grasping at straws, imo.
Well there was the “red eyes” tweet which may have been a reference to Simon and K Rool.

Then there’s the question as to why that pillow and those chairs. And why are they just chilling there.

But mainly it’s just fun to speculate

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Has anyone here listed all the song names?

I still conscribe to the Wario rep theory.

Seriously though, I don't want it to get bupkis for new characters yet again just because Game & Wario bombed...
https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/95o6kq/here_are_the_songs_that_will_be_in_smash_bros/ This link has the names and links to the tracks, though it links to the NES Vampire Killer theme when the Smash trailer used the Chronicles/Judgement one, not sure which personally


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
First it's just a pair of chairs, but now they're analyzing the pillows, too?

......I don't even know what to say about this.
*Sakurai goes to IKEA*
“Now, I’m looking for some random throw pillow that has a color scheme matching a character I’m putting in... Ah! I’ll get the SKYÜLKYDD!”


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
From a thematic standpoint, I very much prefer TP Ganondorf.
OoT Ganondorf felt like a warlock that threw lightning everywhere, but TP Ganondorf felt like a giant muscle-bound Tyrant. He's the type of guy to get stabbed through the chest with a holy sword, and then USE THAT HOLY SWORD AS HIS ROYAL SCEPTER.

Even as the smallest thing in the entire room, he still feels larger than life and demands your attention... all without even trying.
Warlock who manipulates the political scene to stage a coup is more interesting than muscle-bound tyrant to me personally. I know people feel like they lost a character with TP gone, but I felt the same way with OoT gone.

Deleted member

Even if it is deliberate (which seems possible), there's still the question of whether it's just a cute nod or indicative of something larger. There are just too many "ifs" for me to completely jump on board, but it is curious, if nothing else.

And yeah, SE should loosen the pursestrings a bit. No new FF music makes me think we're not getting a FF AT, or really any FF trophies besides the obligatory Cloud ones, which stinks. :(
Not having One Winged Angel on Midgar is a crime against humanity. Along with all the really good songs that are from the FF series, like Decisive Battle from FF6, Red Wings Over Baron from FF4, the Highway Chase from Advent Children... But OWA's absence stings the most, idk why SE was so stingy with that, it's probably the most iconic song in the franchise, and this is SMASH BROS. The biggest crossover in gaming. Not exactly the best place to start being stingy tbh.
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
The fact that the Spirits mode already became uncovered now makes me think there's more stages that were deliberately left out of that build in that direct. And I think the development team knew the Spirits Mode would be uncovered. If the missing stages were in that build and pixelated as well. Then it wouldn't take long for someone to uncover them and spoil a significant chunk of the remaining newcomers.
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