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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I believe that is the Ultra Beast Nihilego, or UB1, possessing or harboring a woman gone mad with power by the name of Lusamine.

Also, I didn't mind Brawl's OC characters. Galleom and Duon were pretty neat.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I didn't ask if they'd be interesting. :confused:
Well, sorry for misinterpreting if I did, but I took “existing characters” to mean things that are already in the game in some capacity and not some cool stuff saved exclusively for story mode, haha


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Chrom is Fire Emblem swordfighter #47,938. Him fighting like another character makes sense because even in Fire Emblem these characters all fight with nearly identical styles.

Dark Samus fights essentially nothing like Samus in Metroid Primes 2 or 3. She almost never stops moving and when she does it’s to unleash some huge **** off attack like a Phazon scattershot or slamming like a meteor into the ground. She uses the Morph Ball exactly once and then never again, and never uses the Screw Attack at all.

Dark Samus’s name is incredibly misleading because she’s more akin to Venom than a 1 to 1 clone like Dark Pit or Dark Link. She shares a few abilities with her original but beyond surface level they have nothing in common. It’s especially irksome when Dark Samus uses one of her original, unique abilities as a win animation but not in battle.

That said if they just changed her bomb graphics I’d be 100% fine with her. Metroid Prime and its sequels are my favorite games of all time, so I’d prefer the main antagonist be represented properly, but I’m not going to have a heart attack over it.
Minor saving grace, at least Dark Samus shot a giant screen filling laser in canon.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
That is when Lusamine, one of the main villains of Pokémon Sun and Moon, fused with an ultra beast Pokémon from another dimension. Then you fight her.
That seems like some crazy Poké****


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Well, sorry for misinterpreting if I did, but I took “existing characters” to mean things that are already in the game in some capacity and not some cool stuff saved exclusively for story mode, haha
I just mean are we gonna get characters like Eggman or M. Bison, or are we gonna get Sakurai's OC of the Month?

Door Key Pig

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2010
You'd think she'd be on the table regardless, considering leaks from internet dudes don't particularly confirm anything. Fake info fed to sources, changes in plans, etc.
So was the PM in question the one that mentioned Skull Kid or is he still on the table?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2014
A few things to touch on (man this thread moves fast!):

1) the “relevancy” argument defeats itself imo. At this point, if we’re freaking talking about Geno, he has remained relevant to an extent because of the fans who were impacted by him in SMRPG. Sora would absolutely be an amazing pick, but that’s not entirely in Sakurai’s hands. It comes down to whose licensing Nintendo can successfully negotiate for and obtain.

2) This will get flak. If there is no Xenoblade newcomer on base roster, then I have a tough time seeing Elma get picked over Rex and Pyra for DLC. Sakurai played XC2 while working on SSBU, and loved the game. Would he pick the lead from the more recent Switch game with a popular character, or the also popular but older game? Time will tell, but I think we’d get Rex and Pyra.

3) Despite Echo Fighters allowing for more characters to get in more easily, people are reeeeeaaaally stretching the definition of “a few more”. In my humble opinion, “a few more” doesn’t mean 8 to 10 echoes on top of newcomers. To me, “a few more” means 4-8 total additional newcomers INCLUDING Echo Fighters.

The man says to “not expect as many newcomers” as previous entries, but we have homies thinking we’re going to get 10 more newcomers? That would MATCH Brawl if i’m not mistaken.

The max I would say would be 15 total, including echoes.

4) Something to consider. Sakurai specifically mentioned the number for music tracks and stages. If there were more to show, I humbly believe that he would not have put the number of 103 as a crowning achievement. They could add more, but i’m not sure they would even have to depending on who the next fighters are.

I’ll expand on this point in another comment in a bit.
Check out ny recent post, it may check out with my final prediction based on what your saying.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
I’m getting kinda excited thinking about the potential for cool bosses in story/adventure mode.

Talking about Skull Kid or Majora earlier (maybe to unlock young link), this current talk about Galactica Knight (to unlock meta knight), it’s all pretty good. I wonder what else would make damn good fights
Metal Face if they add his flying transformation and his lasers would be a sick boss.
Ultra Necrozma nuking you with Light that Burns the Sky
The Imprisoned because he's always frustrating to fight
Clone Ridley (I always found Ridley to be the best boss after Rayquaza.)
Dyna Blade
Beating up Grima with Chrom and Lucina to unlock Robin
OG Pig Ganon


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I just mean are we gonna get characters like Eggman or M. Bison, or are we gonna get Sakurai's OC of the Month?
I kinda feel like fighting Eggman to unlock sonic seems more likely than fighting an OC to unlock anything. Eggmans fight is already kinda smash compatible even

Like, I could see the OCs if this was some big old adventure like SE or something but I feel like this could just be kind of a branching Melee adventure with no real spoken story, but a series of boss fights related to the characters in the game that would unlock certain characters when you beat them.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
That seems like some crazy Poké****
It is. She makes a damn good villain too. I can't help but feel a boss with her would be unlikely, but I guess then we have someone like Giratina or one of the many Teams sending out their 'mon akin to like a 100-Man Melee kind of event.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
A few things to touch on (man this thread moves fast!):

1) the “relevancy” argument defeats itself imo. At this point, if we’re freaking talking about Geno, he has remained relevant to an extent because of the fans who were impacted by him in SMRPG. Sora would absolutely be an amazing pick, but that’s not entirely in Sakurai’s hands. It comes down to whose licensing Nintendo can successfully negotiate for and obtain.

2) This will get flak. If there is no Xenoblade newcomer on base roster, then I have a tough time seeing Elma get picked over Rex and Pyra for DLC. Sakurai played XC2 while working on SSBU, and loved the game. Would he pick the lead from the more recent Switch game with a popular character, or the also popular but older game? Time will tell, but I think we’d get Rex and Pyra.

3) Despite Echo Fighters allowing for more characters to get in more easily, people are reeeeeaaaally stretching the definition of “a few more”. In my humble opinion, “a few more” doesn’t mean 8 to 10 echoes on top of newcomers. To me, “a few more” means 4-8 total additional newcomers INCLUDING Echo Fighters.

The man says to “not expect as many newcomers” as previous entries, but we have homies thinking we’re going to get 10 more newcomers? That would MATCH Brawl if i’m not mistaken.

The max I would say would be 15 total, including echoes.

4) Something to consider. Sakurai specifically mentioned the number for music tracks and stages. If there were more to show, I humbly believe that he would not have put the number of 103 as a crowning achievement. They could add more, but i’m not sure they would even have to depending on who the next fighters are.

I’ll expand on this point in another comment in a bit.
Mostly agree here, but it also could depend on what exactly Sakurai meant when he said that. Is he talking about unique newcomers or does he count echoes? Based on how quickly we are getting echoes it seems likely that there will be a fair amount of them, leading me to believe that he was saying there won't be too many more unique newcomers as opposed to newcomers overall. Which would also make sense given the flak that they've gotten over clones in the past. But who knows really, unless that gets clarified (which I doubt it will). I wouldn't count on that interpretation necessarily, but I figure it's possible and something to keep in mind. It could certainly explain the dissonance between his original claim of not many newcomers and the fact that we just got 5 in one direct.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2018
Switch FC
6001 9919 2607
Metal Face if they add his flying transformation and his lasers would be a sick boss.
Ultra Necrozma nuking you with Light that Burns the Sky
The Imprisoned because he's always frustrating to fight
Clone Ridley (I always found Ridley to be the best boss after Rayquaza.)
Dyna Blade
Beating up Grima with Chrom and Lucina to unlock Robin
OG Pig Ganon
OG Pig Ganon!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaahhhh tell me more dirty things!!!

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
How would everyone feel about Slippy as a potential unique newcomer with Peppy as an echo? I know people will complain about Star Fox being "over repped', but honestly I would love to have the full Star Fox team together in Smash.

Slippy and Peppy have similar proportions, and could easily share a move set with little alterations between them.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
It is. She makes a damn good villain too. I can't help but feel a boss with her would be unlikely, but I guess then we have someone like Giratina or one of the many Teams sending out their 'mon akin to like a 100-Man Melee kind of event.
Well, I can’t teally say anything about her likelyhood besides the glaring spoiler (?)

But that Pokémon Team multi man melee idea is awesome. ...but, I cant help but feel it would be kinda limited?


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I believe that is the Ultra Beast Nihilego, or UB1, possessing or harboring a woman gone mad with power by the name of Lusamine.

Also, I didn't mind Brawl's OC characters. Galleom and Duon were pretty neat.
Nihilego possessing Peach or Zelda would be cool for a trailer. A different take on the "EVERYONE DIES" theme.

So Young Link is OoT Young Link as opposed to MM Link.
This leads me to believe that the final Smash won't be Fierce Deity.

Now, my personal theory on what the Final Smash will be is that it's going to be Triforce Slash... with a twist.
Instead of just doing the same-old same-old, Young Link will first draw the Master Sword from the pedestal, transform into adult OoT Link, Triforce Slash, and when he's done, re-insert it into the pedestal.
It'll be a callback to one of OoT's most memorable moments, distinctly unique from Toon Link's Final Smash, and be relatively light on resources to implement compared to creating an entirely new final smash for a clone.
Young Link is weird because he's heavily based on OoT (with Fire Arrows, from both games, and the Hookshot as Majora's Mask elements). However, his trailer song is a Termina Field remix (as opposed to Saria's Song, which would've really fit for OoT) and his stage background pic is Great Bay. So I think they're probably referencing both games. I would imagine he would be pretty important in a Skull Kid trailer.

So did we ever confirm that Emily Rogers **** last night, or was it a bunch of bogus?
What did she say?


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I can see Slippy getting in, but Peppy? Eh. Before Krystal came in, Peppy kinda already was an old coot so there is a time where the team is just Fox, Falco, and Slippy, I believe. Hecl, this is further solidified with like, half of the ending where Krystal leaves Star Fox in Command.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US

Mewtwo is not evil but in the environment of Smash Bros. it would be antagonistic at least. Mewtwo exists to fight and wants A. to be left alone and B. to utterly destroy things with its immense power.

He has no plans or ambitions, but even according to the Pokédex Mewtwo is a heartless being with no compassion that lives only to fight and get stronger. He’s not a villain in the traditional sense, but if you took Wario and replaced greed with wrath you’d have Mewtwo.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Here's the thing about Spirits if it includes boss battles. Will we get preexisting characters like Rathalos, or will we get

View attachment 156941

"im sorry, who?"
I'm betting more bosses from actual games this time around. Aside from Rathalos, we got Yellow Devil, Dracula and his goons(though I'm betting most of them will be minions rather than bosses themselves or minibosses) and probably Metal Face too. Maybe Mother Brain or Kraid can be a boss since Ridley is now a playable character.

I wonder if we'll get more mooks from other games now. KI, Mario, Metroid and Zelda have a decent amount. But I'm thinking if there's a Mega Man stage in this Adventure/Subspace mode, I'm hoping to see more than Mets, though it was cool that they were in Smash 3DS. Sniper Joes would make sense and they come in a ton of varieties. Then there's the Battons and the Shield Attackers, who also have a few variations.

EDIT: The Mech Dragon from Mega Man 2 would also make for a good boss.
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Sep 26, 2013
Nihilego possessing Peach or Zelda would be cool for a trailer. A different take on the "EVERYONE DIES" theme.

Young Link is weird because he's heavily based on OoT (with Fire Arrows, from both games, and the Hookshot as Majora's Mask elements). However, his trailer song is a Termina Field remix (as opposed to Saria's Song, which would've really fit for OoT) and his stage background pic is Great Bay. So I think they're probably referencing both games. I would imagine he would be pretty important in a Skull Kid trailer.

What did she say?
Iirc, someone here was going on about Emily Rogers said that there was a Palutena Echo in the works.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
At this point, i want a lot of characters but I'm going to narrow my wants down to seven.

Skull Kid
Spring Man
Bandana Waddle Dee

I really want these six more than most Nintendo newcomers.

How likely do you think those seven are, for both base roster and DLC?

Edit: added a seventh.
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