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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
If we had to get another FE character, I would rather it be Edelgard for DLC to promote Fire Emblem: Three Houses. At least she would be an axe user and not another boring Awakening sword lord.
If you saw how she plays in FE Warriors, boring would be the furthest thing from your mind. The way she wields that sword it's like she's wind personified, and the enemies are like wayward leaves at the mercy of a hurricane. That swift, precise and yet powerful swordstyle is one reason why I and many others want her in Smash.

Though you may disagree, and I respect that, but I believe her Iaido/Eastern swordstyle is more than unique enough to set her apart from other sword user in Smash, and FE considering the majority of swordstyles in the game are more Medieval/European based.
Time for another one of these...

If the third-party companies were to get newcomers for up to three reps each, who could you see them put in and why? For me, this is how it would follow:
Konami: Simon (Castlevania) & Goemon (Mystical Ninja)
SEGA: Arle (Puyo Puyo)
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Namco: Heihachi (Tekken) and a Tales rep
Square: A Dragon Quest rep & Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Konami: Raiden
SEGA: Blaze the Cat
Capcom: Amaterasu AWOOO
Namco: Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken), Jin Kazama (Tekken) Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales Rep)
Square: Sora, Squall Leonhart, Tifa Lockhart
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
I mean Mewtwo is one of the most popular Pokémon period. In fact if you don’t remember there was so much outcry for him during the Brawl and Pre-Smash 4 DLC days it wasn’t even funny.
I remember, but I'm sure there'd be just as much outcry if Lucario got cut. I'd be one of them, tbh. So maybe I'm a bit biased. I was never a big fan of Mewtwo.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Actually now that I think about it, I see 0 reason for why Pyrosphere should be removed from the game. Not even from a "it's a clone Ridley" standpoint.

You can play on Duck Hunt with Duck Hunt and still have Duck Hunt show up as a piece of the stage. :facepalm:


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
Time for another one of these...

If the third-party companies were to get newcomers for up to three reps each, who could you see them put in and why? For me, this is how it would follow:
Konami: Simon (Castlevania) & Goemon (Mystical Ninja)
SEGA: Arle (Puyo Puyo)
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Namco: Heihachi (Tekken) and a Tales rep
Square: A Dragon Quest rep & Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Konami: Simon Belmont (Castlevania) and Frogger- Simon is a fairly safe prediction on my part due to the Vergeban leak, but even if that leak was 100% fake, that doesn't get rid of the fact that Castlevania is a well known franchise that could be a favorite of Sakurai's. I don't have the link to the article on Source Gaming, but didn't he talk how formative the 80's were for gaming and name dropped Zelda and Castlevania? As for Frogger, he's a staple of the arcades much like Pac Man and Donkey Kong. He's fairly well known. That's about all I can say given my limited experience with Frogger, though.
SEGA: Tails- SEGA has a lot of franchises, but much like Nintendo, I feel as though even the supporting cast of Sonic is more recognized than 90% of every SEGA franchise. My head says Eggman, but my gut goes with Tails since he's the most famous player 2 character not named Luigi.
Capcom: Leon Kennedy or Chris Redfield (Resident Evil)- I almost went with the Monster Hunter due to the insane popularity the series has in Japan, but Resident Evil is more recognized globally. Besides the fact that the games have spawned an entire genre and Hollywood franchise, Resident Evil is one of the last big Japanese franchises along with Tekken that can go toe to toe with the likes of Street Fighter, Sonic, Zelda, and Final Fantasy when it comes to importance. The franchise has a lot of weight to it. As for who, I would've said Chris since he was the original hero, but not only is Leon more of a fan favorite, but he was the main lead 2 and 4, the franchise's two most critically acclaimed entries. Leon could be Ultimate's equivalent of Cloud and Snake when it comes to just how bonkers their inclusion is.
Namco: Heihachi (Tekken) and Lloyd Irving (Tales)- Even though Sakurai stated that he had trouble coming up with a moveset for Heihachi during the production of Smash 4, I do believe Sakurai will revisit him for DLC or even the base game and make him work. Sakurai is known for going back on his word, as he still managed to make Villager and Ridley work. Besides that, along with RE, Tekken is pretty famous. Why would you pass up the opportunity to have Ryu and Heihachi duke it out? As for Lloyd, he is one of the most popular characters of a significant RPG franchise and did get recognized with a Mii Costume. Besides that, though, I find a third Namco character unlikely and if there's going to be a second one, it will be Heihachi.
Square Enix: Geno and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)- Geno may be irrelevant, but not only did he get a Mii Costume, but Sakurai has noticed that he has a lot of popularity. Besides that, with Cloud in the game, that makes it easier to justify a character like Geno since Square is already credited in Smash. While I definitely do not see him appearing in the base game, Sora could be a good candidate for DLC. He's incredibly popular, as he has appeared in a ton of Smash fan games. Not to mention, Sora is still a relevant character in gaming today, as KH3 is just around the corner. Even though Sora is 100% owned by Disney, I could see Sakurai do his magic and try to add him in if the outcry was loud enough on the Ballot.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
Captain Toad: Cool!
Paper Mario: Woah, didn't expect that!
K. Rool: About ****ing time!

Dixie Reaction: About...****ing...time.
Skull Kid Reaction: Cool...let's see what he does.
Non-Specific Champion: ...
Dark Samus: Is she an echo? Ahhh...lame.
Bandanna Dee: As expected.
Decidueye: Okay.
Incineroar: That's cool.
Mimikyu: ...Okay.
Celica: This is where the fun starts.
Ashley: ALRIGHT! Instant main.
Elma: I expected this.
Rex and Pyra: Surprised honestly.
Wonder Red: Okay...this is awesome.
Dillon: Hello Not!Sonic.
Spring Man: Surprised.
Simon: Awesome! Cool! Radical!
Crash: Kinda...I'm speechless.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
Here's a visual of what my reboot roster would look like. Limited to 34.
The goal here is to provide representation for as many series as possible.

Theoretical Roster.png

I agree with Skyblade12 Skyblade12 , though. I wouldn't purchase the next Smash if they cut too many characters. I probably wouldn't take any less than this, and even this is stretching it. Why would I buy a game with half as much content? They'd have to serve some substantial gameplay improvements to make it worth it. It'd have to play even better than Melee and Smash 4 combined.

Nintendo has their work cut out for them when it comes to beating Ultimate.
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Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2010
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:
Mario: Toad
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Captain Syrup
Donkey Kong: K Rool
Zelda: Ganon
Metroid: Dark Samus
Fire Emblem: Black Knight
Kirby: Bandanna Dee
Star Fox: Krystal
Pokémon: Meowth
F-Zero: Black Shadow
Earthbound: Masked Man
Pikmin: Louie
Kid Icarus: Hades
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook
Punch Out!: King Hippo
Xenoblade: Rex/Pyra
Splatoon: Octoling
Retro: Balloon Fighter
Other: Andy
SEGA: Knuckles
Capcom: Akuma
Namco: Goku
Square Enix: Geno
Konami: Bomberman
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
If King K. Rool ever gets in, I hope that, just for the pure meme factor, the announcer pronounces "K. Rool" like it's all one word like they did in the Donkey Kong Country TV show.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Actually now that I think about it, I see 0 reason for why Pyrosphere should be removed from the game. Not even from a "it's a clone Ridley" standpoint.

You can play on Duck Hunt with Duck Hunt and still have Duck Hunt show up as a piece of the stage. :facepalm:


Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC
Goku isn’t actually a Namco character, they just license his video games and publish them. Otherwise he’s completely owned by Weekly Shonen and is a Manga character.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Actually now that I think about it, I see 0 reason for why Pyrosphere should be removed from the game. Not even from a "it's a clone Ridley" standpoint.

You can play on Duck Hunt with Duck Hunt and still have Duck Hunt show up as a piece of the stage. :facepalm:
You are playing on the game, it's not really :ultduckhunt:.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Donkey Kong:
Fire Emblem:
Star Fox:
Kid Icarus:
Animal Crossing:
Punch Out!:
Square Enix:
Mario: Waluigi
Yoshi: N/A - No real character I want from the Yoshi series.
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong/King K. Rool - I want both equally.
Zelda: Skull Kid
Metroid: Dark Samus, but I'd be happy if we just leave it at :ultsamus::ultzss::ultridley:
Fire Emblem: Hector
Kirby: Bandanna Waddle Dee
Star Fox: I think Star Fox is fine; maybe promote Krystal to playable.
Pokémon: Decidueye
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh
Earthbound: Porky Minch
Pikmin: Louie, but I think Olimar is fine on his own.
Kid Icarus: Viridi
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Punch Out!: N/A - Little Mac is fine - I just want a new Punch-Out!! game where you can play as the other characters.
Xenoblade: Rex & Pyra (Tag-teaming like Ice Climbers)
Splatoon: Octoling
Retro: Takamaru
New IP: Golden Sun - Isaac
SEGA: Tails or Dr. Eggman. You're giving me a difficult choice either way.
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Namco: Tossing up between Nightmare or Solaire of Astora for the lols. Maybe
Square Enix: Terra Branford
Konami: Simon Belmont


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
People who unironically think Goku or any other anime character would work in smash (Not moveset wise, just period) confound me.
Like do you not understand what smash is about at all?

Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
Didn't they also say Pikmin 3 was near completion in 2008? That was a 2013 game.

Nintendo is so strange with announcing Pikmin games... When Pikmin 5 is said to be near completition I'll just set the timer for 5 years.

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Where's Pikmin 4? I thought Miyamoto said it was "very close to completion". I want to see something.
Pikmin 4 is "progressing" but it fell down the list of priorities as far as we know. I get the feeling it was originally being developed for the Wii U but got delayed in order to put it on the Switch instead. I was pretty sad we didn't see it at E3, but hopefully we get a reveal in the next few Directs.

Also, something interesting about Miyamoto's "very close to completion" comment. He said it in 2015, which is when Sakurai created the Smash Ultimate project proposal. Could Pikmin 4 have influenced the amount of Pikmin content we get in Ultimate? Probably not, but it's interesting to think about. At the very least, Pikmin 3 is still a source of content, as evidenced by the addition of the Burrowing Snagret assist trophy.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Donkey Kong:
Fire Emblem:
Star Fox:
Kid Icarus:
Animal Crossing:
Punch Out!:
Square Enix:

For me I’d do this:
Mario: Captain Toad
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong
Zelda: Tetra
Metroid: Dark Samus
Fire Emblem: Lyndis
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Slippy or Krystal
Pokémon: Zoroark
F-Zero: Jody Summer
Earthbound: Kumatora
Pikmin: Alph
Kid Icarus: Viridi
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook or Isabelle
Punch Out!: Doc Lois
Xenoblade: Fiora
Splatoon: Octolings
Retro: Takamaru
Other: Chorus Kids
SEGA: Arle Nadja
Capcom: Chun-Li
Namco: Lloyd
Square Enix: Geno
Konami: Bomberman
Mario: King Boo
Yoshi: No One
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: King K. Rool
Zelda: Skull Kid
Metroid: Umm Sylux?
Fire Emblem: Ephraim
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Leon
Pokemon: Gengar
F-Zero: Bio-Rex
Earthbound: Kumatora
Pikmin: Alph I guess
Kid Icarus: Hades
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook
Punch Out!: King Hippo
Xenoblade: Rex & Pyra
Splatoon: DJ Octavio
Retro: Mach Rider
Other: Dillon
Sega: Arle Nadja
Capcom: Dante
Namco: Lloyd Irving or Yuri Lowell
Square Enix: Crono or a Mana character
Konami: Simon Belmont or Shanoa


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Reminder to everyone that Nintendo actually puts funding behind The Game Awards. It’s likely that we could get more big announcements in December than we did at E3.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2018
People who unironically think Goku or any other anime character would work in smash (Not moveset wise, just period) confound me.
Like do you not understand what smash is about at all?
I don't understand it either. I am baffled every time I go back to Gamefaqs and see another "Why Goku Deniers Are Delusional" topic.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
Captain Toad is revealed. I'd be delighted!
Paper Mario is revealed. I'd try to be happy for a cool new character, but I'd be disappointed that development time was spent on a 3rd Mario
K.Rool is revealed. Wouldn't be over the moon, just quiet, happy content that we got both him and Ridley
Dixie Kong is revealed. Depends on K. Rool, really. A happy bonus, or a bittersweet addition
Skull Kid is revealed. HOLY DONKEY BUTTS, WHAT?!?! MIND BLOWN!!!
Champion is revealed. Huh. Cool. But why not *Insert remaining champions here*
Dark Samus is revealed. Repeated self-pinching out of disbelief that we're getting TWO Metroid newcomers
Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed. HELL YEAH ADORABLE SPEAR MANIAC HYPE!
Decidueye is revealed. That's neat
Incineroar is revealed. Shock, followed by excitement!
Mimikyu is revealed. Uh... Ok... I guess?
Celica is revealed. Happiness and relief that we got a good Fire Emblem character
YAshley is revealed. Instantly start humming/singing her theme
Elma is Revealed. Awesome! We get super cool mechs and those other two probably won't show-
Rex and Pyra is revealed. "Alexa, how do I mod my Switch?"
Wonder Red is revealed. Smiles all around. Not high on my wishlist, but I'd be happy to see him
Dillon is revealed. That's neat 2: Electric Boogaloo
Spring Man is revealed. Eh... deflated hype that would mellow out into indifference
Simon is revealed. Vergebaan, regardless of whether they're legit or not, drained any hype or surprise I'd feel here
Crash is revealed. ...you know what, I really don't know how I'd react here...
BONUS: Rayman is revealed. So many tears would be shed
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Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
People who unironically think Goku or any other anime character would work in smash (Not moveset wise, just period) confound me.
Like do you not understand what smash is about at all?
Wasn't Smash originally about Nintendo games;? The fact Cloud is in smash should technically cause a lot of salt in people then considering his game (FF VII) is what sold the Playstation. He never originated or had any games of his on a Nintendo platform; in fact his game is what made Sony become very competitive with Nintendo and outright helped thrashed them in the units sold. Sakurai changes his views on things many times. Money is what drive companies and if there is a calculation that a character would drive up sells along with having popular demand; then the possibilities are endless. Not giving my opinion on wither a character should be in smash, but money makes a lot of things happen that may seem questionable. or off. Granted I think Goku will almost never happen but I say almost because again... money. Cloud made Nintendo tons of cash for being in Smash. No surprise 3 DLC characters were third party. (Just between you and me; DBZ would be the only franchise to actually pull it off considering non-anime watchers knows about him a.k.a my brother).

People had problems with Snake ( I call them hard-core gamers or Smash purists) because he was off-putting or didn't fit in yet Sakurai clearly indicated that people wanted Snake to return to Smash which tells me that the general public does not really care about the logistics / technicalities of a character and is more interested if the character is hype. You should see the reactions when Snake was revealed as returning.

Companies and by extension games are for profit businesses; they don't toe the ideologue line every time. Look at Breath of the Wild; first Zelda game I can actually finish without quitting while others criticized the lack of puzzle-solving dungeons of typical Zelda game-play, however it won game of the year. Things can always change if their is a projection / calculation that a more money will be made from the change.

I mean really ANDROID 21
from DBZ Fighters is a video game character since she originated from a video game and thus I am able to openly advocate for Android 21 for Smash right?? No arguemnts since she originated from a video-game and DBZ Fighters is not only incredibly popular (the franchise as well) but is also coming to the Nintendo Switch. Irony... I love it.
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Next Door Dog

Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2018
>When no one can look past the weapon I wield.
Personally, I think the fact she uses a katana would be enough to differentiate her moveset with the rest of the cast (same with Takamaru). I'd rather see Hector make it, but I'd be happy either way.

Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Mario: Paper Mario
Yoshi: Kamek? Boshi could be a cool costume/echo at the very least.
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: K. Rool
Zelda: Lana
Metroid: Sylux
Fire Emblem: Hector
Kirby: Adeleine, I'd be fine with whatever though.
Star Fox: Krystal
Pokémon: I expect some gen 7 pokemon, I'd like to see some gen 2 pokemon like sudowoodo
F-Zero: Black Shadow
Earthbound: I'd want Duster or Kumatora, but I think someone from Mother 1 would be better for the sake of representing the whole series. So Giegue or Ninten as echoes would seem more plausible (or at least a Ninten costume for Ness)
Pikmin: I've never played any of them, I wouldn't mind another character
Kid Icarus: Don't really want another character, I've only played the first game anyway
Animal Crossing: Resetti needs to return in this game in some form, wouldn't mind Isabelle
Punch Out!: Bald Bull or Doc Louis, pretty much anyone tbh
Xenoblade: Couldn't say
Splatoon: Same as above
Retro: Mike Jones
Other: Any retro character honestly, Travis Touchdown if we're talking 3rd parties.
SEGA: Tails or Shadow
Capcom: Leon S. Kennedy
Namco: Nightmare or Jin/Kazuya (don't get why so many people want Heihachi over anyone else from Tekken)
Square Enix: Geno
Konami: Any Castlevania character that's not related to Judgement or Lords of Shadow (preferably Alucard, but I'm just as fine with Simon)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2018
10 minutes without another message. Y'all alright? Lol.

Also, Smash is mostly a celebration of Nintendo history, and crossing the line into general gaming history with the 3rd party characters. Goku would just... be weird.

Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
Cloud was actually a video game character. The moment the roster expanded with Melee 3rd parties were considered viable (Snake and Sonic were either planned or wanted by the team) so 3rd parties aren't even comparable to non-video game characters.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Stepping away from the roster for a minute, is anyone else hoping Ultra Necrozma shows up as a stage hazard that uses The Light That Burns The Sky?

I just think it’d be awesome.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Reminder to everyone that Nintendo actually puts funding behind The Game Awards. It’s likely that we could get more big announcements in December than we did at E3.
The Game Awards takes place one day after Smash Ultimate releases. I can only hope they announce that the game is getting DLC there, and they reveal who the first DLC character will be.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2018

So this leak was posted on gamefaqs, and it actually has some interesting things. For once, it says that there is only one echo fighter, in the form of Isabelle (unlike most of the others leakers that say that there are tons of echoes) but the most astounding thing is that if you check Ayumi's moveset and scroll down below an anon says this:

">Look up the game
> Narration: "Suddenly, [the protagonist] realizes they've [he and Ayumi] taken a wrong turn, as they come face to face with the huge mirror. There's nowhere left to run - they're trapped!" (Neo Demiforce and Tomato, Famicom Detective Club Part II Translation, 10 Oct 2004.)"

Looks like the leaker did his homework at least. It's most likely fake but unlike most other leaks they don't leak Simon Belmont, has only one echo who doesn't contradict the idea of echoes and the moveset ideas look promising.

Btw sorry if this was already posted before


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World

So this leak was posted on gamefaqs, and it actually has some interesting things. For once, it says that there is only one echo fighter, in the form of Isabelle (unlike most of the others leakers that say that there are tons of echoes) but the most astounding thing is that if you check Ayumi's moveset and scroll down below an anon says this:

">Look up the game
> Narration: "Suddenly, [the protagonist] realizes they've [he and Ayumi] taken a wrong turn, as they come face to face with the huge mirror. There's nowhere left to run - they're trapped!" (Neo Demiforce and Tomato, Famicom Detective Club Part II Translation, 10 Oct 2004.)"

Looks like the leaker did his homework at least. It's most likely fake but unlike most other leaks they don't leak Simon Belmont, has only one echo who doesn't contradict the idea of echoes and the moveset ideas look promising.

Btw sorry if this was already posted before
Already covered this one, yeah. Interesting that it was posted to GameFAQs. I guess I'll have to search there too.

Just when I thought leak hunting couldn't expose me to anymore cancer.

Anyways, here's another leak from 4chan. Not that impressive. I think it might be fake.
I'm a beta tester for Smash. Can't answer any questions. If I'm too "correct" or "detailed" they'll know they have a legitimate leak in the company. I don't know anything about the marketing, I can't explain why these characters were picked over any other.

I normally test B-Grade shovel ware schlock, so when Nintendo was offering a job I thought I was in for a treat. Game f***ing sucks, I was wrong.

Looked up the roster of Smash For Wii-U, everyone from that is in it, except for Charizard

Added to that

Pichu (Isn't this just Pikachu? Has a bug where he keeps hurting himself... I keep getting told it's intentional)

Snake (Doesn't even look like a snake..)

Pokemon Trainer (You pick him and he stays in the background, you play as some turtle instead)

Wolf (Plays just like Fox for the most part, but has this brooding savage feel to him.. I hate "Evil Counterpart characters" so lazy)

Young Link (Why does Nintendo want three of this guy? Does the Zelda series just not have characters?)

Daisy (plays like Peach, but her turnips are orange, look more like carrots)



Geno (Has a star for his logo, no idea what game he's from)

Waddle Dee (Blue scarf on his head, holding a spear. Look I just test these games, I don't get it either)

King K.Rool (Has alternate costumes, his name changes to Kaptain K.Rool or Baron K.Roolenstein if used)

Lord Fredrick (Plays just like K.Rool)

Ashley (Listed as a Wario character, does magic spells, I thought Wario's villain was a pirate.. whatever)

Dixie Kong (Very similar to Diddy Kong, has different throws)

Isabelle (Very similar to Villager)

Chorus Men (Really ****ing annoying to play, you have smack A in sync to their singing or their damage is terrible)

Dark Samus (Slightly more different than Dark Pit is to Pit.. I mean at least Dark Samus floats in her running animation.. What's with game designers thinking "Dark" automatically makes a character cool. As a tester I roll my eyes at this **** all the time)

Word limit didn't let me post these

Ice Climbers - Not sure why Nintendo put in a stereotype of innuit people, the Hillary shills in America are going to go ape**** over this (Glad I voted for Trump, f*** your feelings)

Saki - Some anime kid with a gun

Isaac - Like Marth, but shoots hands at people... Laziest addition I've seen

Elma - Some black b**** with a gun, why couldn't it have been a white guy with a gun.. Since she's going for this "REAL AMERICAN HERO" vibe...

Deciudeye - Some bird archer thing... I think it's a Pokemon, actually kind of cool

Chibi Robo - Some buttplug with a plug for a tail

Ayumi - Waifu bait.

anyway that's everyone, supervisors (Japanese men from Nintendo and their translators) seem pretty happy with this lot, keep mentioning something about possibly having a banjo in as DLC... no idea what the f*** he's talking about.

Oh yeah, forgot one...

They added some guy named Chrom, plays exactly like Ike...

Why are there so many blue haired swordsmen? Is that a Japanese thing? Nintendo needs to fire whoever's doing market research. I'm not accepting a job from a Japanese company ever again.

Someone does say this:
"Like f***ing come on, I figured my "Lol, I don't even know what video games are yet I'm a tester" combined with my "I'm too racist to like the game because I voted for Trump" with a "That's too many f***ing characters" stat booster really should have told you this was a joke, come the f*** on."

So, should I log this one, or no? I'm leaning towards no, but I'll leave it up to you guys.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
Cloud was actually a video game character. The moment the roster expanded with Melee 3rd parties were considered viable (Snake and Sonic were either planned or wanted by the team) so 3rd parties aren't even comparable to non-video game characters.
None of what you said actually relates to my core points in my message; nevertheless I will address your post . Cloud never had his game on a Nintendo Console but Snake and Sonic did. I had no problems with Cloud (some people did) but I was merely pointing it out because Cloud is incredibly ironic in Smash bros considering there are people who are Nintendo purists and Cloud is literally the antithesis of Nintendo (Smash originally nintendo franchises.. get the drift?) as stated in my previous post. Smash was originally a Nintendo fighter; then it transitioned into video game franchises characters that appeared with Nintendo and now to just video game characters in general (thanks to Cloud). My previous post fits quite nicely that anything can change if something is deemed profitable and this is true. This is why I think the character speculation is so interesting; I have no clue who Sakurai will add. So how will you feel is Android 21 is added since she's a video game character as a compensation for those fans that do want him in? I think I know your answer and I also think there's a deeper reason as to why some people resort to this stance since it falls entirely apart when Android 21 is brought up. You don't like the character Android 21 eh, but what she became massively popular; would you still deny her then? But when a fan wants Goku you then say he's not a video-game character even though you may like him. Sounds like artificial barriers to me. It's seems sketchy reasoning and the only reason I'm playing devil's advocate is because Sakurai has clearly tested positive in not being consistent on guide-lines / beliefs. He even said he doesn't understand why people place barriers in Smash lmao. He added Cloud simply because he was popular.

Hypothetical: 90% of the fan base literally requested Sakurai to add this character and would willing to pay money for this character; would Sakurai... no Nintendo dare not add a character in the game when that character would reaps them ton of profit. I am saying that companies will be companies. Nothing is as ideological as it seems. Even if the said character would be thought of as silly; the amount of people who actually thinks that said character would silly and a turn-off is actually insignificant and only 10% OR less (indifferent).

Edit: Changed my wording to be politically correct.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Donkey Kong:
Fire Emblem:
Star Fox:
Kid Icarus:
Animal Crossing:
Punch Out!:
Square Enix:
I'm late but idc

Mario: Paper Mario
Yoshi: Kamek? I guess
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong
Zelda: Impa (Skyward Sword version)
Metroid: Dark Samus
Fire Emblem: None
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Krystal (R.I.P sis)
Pokémon: Decidueye
F-Zero: Goroh
Earthbound: Porky
Pikmin: Alph echo
Kid Icarus: Medusa
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Punch Out!: Doc Louis
Xenoblade: Elma
Splatoon: Octoling echo
Retro: idk
Other: Lara Croft
SEGA: Tails/Knuckles
Capcom: Chun-li
Namco: idk
Square Enix: idc
Konami: Simon


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
The trends fuel my insomnia

Mario: Waluigi Paper Mario
Yoshi: Poochy
Wario: Waluigi Ashley
Donkey Kong: Funky Kong
Zelda: Linkle
Metroid: Sylux
Fire Emblem: Hector
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Andross
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Earthbound: Giygas
Pikmin: Bulborb
Kid Icarus: A Dark Pit who's actually unique
Animal Crossing: Mr. Resetti
Punch Out!: Super Macho Man
Xenoblade: Elma
Splatoon: who can you even pick
Retro: Mach Rider or Star Man
Other: Fulgore
SEGA: Dr. Eggman
Capcom: Captain Commando
Namco: Nightmare
Square Enix: Warrior of Light
Konami: Raiden

I won't rest until we get Four Links and dual-wielding crossbows. :4rob:
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