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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
As I mentioned earlier, that leak is fake. It doesn't list Great Plateau Tower and Moray Towers with the new stages.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
It seems Smash is taking advantage of the "Mega Man is basically a Nintendo Character" thing. Which hopefully means he will appear in Simon Belmont's trailer alongside Pit.
Yes! Please do it Sakurai! And please put Captain N in Smash as the first non-video game character.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
You know if Sora gets into Smash (I don't personally have a stake in it, having never played KH, I've only watched LPs of it), I'd like the trailer to be like this...

You know the teaser trailer for KHIII, the one on Destiny Islands where Sora picks up Master Eraqus' Keyblade and looks at it curiously? I want it to be like that, make the audience really think it's a trailer for Kingdom Hearts on the Switch, then Sora picks up the Keyblade and the tip is shaped like the Smash Logo (a circle with the logo inside).

THEN the Smash Logo cut-in happens, and everyone's mind is blown to Smithereens. :laugh:
Expansion of this idea (:4dk:):
Shots of cutscenes from previous Kingdom Hearts games, under text of the titles (as KH is want to do, the same thing they did in the E3 2013 trailer).
Riku: Your mind's made up?
Sora: Yeah. It's just... they really need me. I have to go...

Shot of the Destiny Islands beach, there is a Keyblade half-buried in the sand. Sora walks up to the Keyblade, picks it up and looks it over, then checks the Keychain, which the viewer can't see. He plants the keyblade back into the sand; then bends over, out of frame.

Sora: ...After all, I was invited.

Sora comes back into frame holding a letter-in-a-bottle (a bottle containing the same letter Villager received in his trailer). As he opens the bottle, the camera pans down to the keyblade he found, stuck in the sand upright. The Keychain is the Smash Bros. logo.

*Smash Bros. Slash*

The trailer continues with gameplay footage, as the viewers go insane.
EDIT: Split paragraphs for readability purposes.
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Sr. Community Manager, Smashboards Editor / Social
Oct 22, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I’d like to mention that 3rd party talks probably wouldn’t involve Sakurai at all.

Nintendo is the group in play to negotiate licensing for 3rd parties. It would be up to Nintendo and Disney to determine the legalities and royalties of the character in Smash, the profit for of such company in question, amiibo production, amiibo profit, etc...

Sakurai gets a lot of credit around the industry for what he’s capable of. That is probably half the reason why Smash gets characters like Snake and Cloud while the studio behind PSASBR did not...Sakurai has credibility in making characters work in Smash, based on faithful adaptations.

He isn’t the one negotiating the contract though.

That isn’t to say Sora can’t happen. While i’m sure Disney would be open to Sora in Smash, they certainly wouldn’t be allowing him for free or a simple “Okie dokie, use our property!”. It’s Disney.

There are still contractual obligations in play, and Sakurai doesn’t do the negotiating.
Sakurai would not be part of that conversation, however, it's up to him and his team to uphold Sora's (or other 3rd party characters') likeness and character integrity. Any changes he or his team makes has to go through a process with stakeholders to get approvals, and anything that needs to be changed falls directly on him and his team.

EDIT: Also, Sakurai is directing the game. He very well has the power to decide who and who not to negociate rights with. He might not be in the conversation directly, but he is directing the game. His say matters. Now, whether his say is overruled by someone above him is a different conversation.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Found more text leaks from my second source (I alternate between 4chan and a 4chan archive, Fireden, to ensure I don't miss anything).
highly advise you proceed with CAUTION.. Source is from Nintendo as I work there.
There will be 5 newcomers and 3 more echo fighters. Smash Tour, Smash Run, and The Subspace Emissary will not be returning in favor of a new mode called “Smash World”, it is essentially the Adventure mode from Melee but renamed and with a lot more stages for different Nintendo properties (Ex. Saltspray Rig, Yoshi’s Island, and more). There won’t be many more stages, but these WILL be returning.
Rainbow Cruise
Flat Zone 1
The Super Mario Bros. stages from 64 and Melee
Hyrule Castle 64

The following stages will be NEW stages. Sadly, there aren’t that many to be added.

Super Mario Bros. 3 stage similar to 64 and Melee’s

Underworld (Retro stage of Kid Icarus similar to Mario Bros.)


The Forest Navel

And lastly,
Kingdom of Uraya

And now, the fighters..
The five newcomers are as follows
Simon Belmont
Doom Guy
King K. Rool
Mike Jones

The echo fighters are as follows..
Ninten (Echo of Ness)
Louie (Echo of Olimar)
Glass Joe (Echo of Little Mac)

All this info will be announced throughout the year.
- As you know, every characters in Smash History is joining the roster. So far, there is 65 characters ( really 68 characters ) in Smash.
- Here are all the newcomers coming to Smash
- Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Springman from ARMS, Geno from Super Mario RPG, and Rayman from Rayman.
- Echo fighters will be
- Dark Samus from Metroid, Dixie Kong from Donkey Kong, and Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2
- In all there will be 70 characters ( really 73 characters ) in Smash. There will be 8 characters announced before the release of Smash. DLC will happen in the future, such as PRE-DLC.
- Story mode will be returning and will not be only single player, it will be multi player.
- Stages
- Spring stadium, Dr. Mario stage, Go Vacation stage, Zelda wind waker final boss stage, Kirby star allies stage, Pokken Tournament stage, new Earthbound stage, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 stage, and R.O.B. the robot stage.
- Late November, there will be a Smash Direct.
Every Character ever is returning.

Image mock-up attached.

--Newcomers: Ridley, Inkling, King K Rool, Ashley, Paper Mario, Karate Joe, Simon Belmont. Impa, Daisy, and Alph are clones. Yes, I know Alph has been "confirmed" as a costume. Its a lie, apparently.

--Returning Unconfirmed Stages: Rainbow Cruise, Delfino Plaza, Paper Mario, Big Battlefield

--New Stages: New Donk City, Diamond City, Gangplank Galleon, Airboarder, Melemele Island, Brain Age, Robotic Operating Buddy, Dracula's Castle, Biosphere, Temple of Mila. Yes, one of the stages you fight on top of a gigantic R.O.B. It's weird, I know.

--Stadium Mode: Multi-Man Smashes, Home Run Contest, Target Smahes - grouped by seres, some sort of bowling mini-game where you crash foes into bowling pins.

--Single Player Misc: Classic, Events, Master Orders, a story mode - not like SSE - more segregated - cool cutscenes tho.
King K. Rool
Funky Kong (Echo)
Dillon (Similar to Sonic but not echo)
Daisy (Echo)
Travis Touchdown
Saki Amamiya

These are your smash guys, hope you enjoy them

Also, here's a funny fake trailer leak I thought you guys might enjoy:
>switch logo intro plays
>cut to black
>a red "recording" symbol appears in the corner
>some inaudible mumbling occurs in the background
>you can sort of make out a gravelly cartoon voice say "Oh, right, yeah."
>the screen brightens as someone removes a lense cap from the camera we're watching through, a smash logo appearing on the inside of the cap as it is pulled away offscreen
>it's a live-action shot of Sakurai tied to a chair and gagged in a dark room, lit by a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling.
>Some more grunting, then CG Wario (in classic outfit) wanders in and removes the gag from Sakurai's mouth, then slaps him on the back of the head before walking away.
>Sakurai starts speaking in Japanese. Voice stilted, as though reading from a script.
>Subtitled in English. Seems either poorly translated or intentionally poprly written. Don't speak Japanese so I can't tell which.
>"Recently I have made a big mistake. One which I now regret. I wish that I had never done it."
>Camera pans to a CRT tv on a metal cart.
>B-roll starts playing of the E3 Smash reveal direct.
>Someone fast forwards the footage until Sakurai is talking about KOing assist trophies, then pauses with Waluigi on the screen.
>Pans back over to Sakurai, who starts talking again.
>"Of course, I will not make this mistake again. Everyone's favorite character, Luigi, will appear as a playable character in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate."
>Offscreen, we hear the voice again, "No, no, no no, NO!"
>Waluigi steps into view
>As he does, a challenger splash screen appears, with the text "WALUIGI finally joins the fight!"
>Waluigi smacks Sakurai with a tennis racket.
>The camera quickly pans back to the CRT, which is now static. Picture comes back, playing footage of Waluigi's moveset.
>As the footage plays, the sounds of cartoon violence and Sakurai grunting in pain continue to play.
>Screen turns black, displays copyright info, while Sakurai still moans in pain.

I report them as they churn them out. Please don't shoot the messenger.

I like not being shot.
1: already lost its game and watch X is the stage returning

2: anotheinsatnt fail we went over this a million times the roster was finalized before those characters even existed

Red: a lot of safe bets in there but big loss of points on the alph part even though he clarified that was a lie apartently it's just a costume again and there's a fatal mistake the Mario bros stage from 64 is mt likely 98% chance of coming back and it's not on the list

Blue: saki and Dillion are the only non safe bets in there

And that's last one yea it's fake bun far

By the way as for the Paris demo thing for smash bros and a possible theory of a reveal there

I should point this out warioware gold is releasing on July 27th in Europe so maybe Ashley will be then reveal


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Have you read the post I responded to? “Unlike the Rabbids, Rayman has been around for years”, I mean I don’t care about the Rabbids at all but that’s just spreading false information. Twelve years is a LONG time, which a fair few Smash character can’t say just yet.
I honestly meant to write that he's been around longer than them, he's the only reason they exist in the first place.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
This probably doesn't mean anything for Smash Ultimate, but if anyone is wondering about my lack of activity here, I've been in the middle of modifying another fighter's moveset in Smash Wii U.

At the moment, I've been working on Ike, where for some reason, a good portion of his attacks lack the knockback strength to compensate for their start-up lag; for an example, Ike's clean f-smash KOs later than Bowser's f-smash, with the latter striking sooner. It's still in development, however.
Less off-topic, I've been wondering what modding this new game will be like. I've seen indie developers claim that Switch is compatible with Unity to the point that there's basically a "port to Switch" button. Is there any chance because of this that it might be less of a hassle to make large-scale changes to this game?
I'd really like to see a version of PM (or similar Melee-but-it's-accessible mod) that looks as polished as Ultimate and has every character from the franchise in it.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Sakurai would not be part of that conversation, however, it's up to him and his team to uphold Sora's (or other 3rd party characters') likeness and character integrity. Any changes he or his team makes has to go through a process with stakeholders to get approvals, and anything that needs to be changed falls directly on him and his team.

EDIT: Also, Sakurai is directing the game. He very well has the power to decide who and who not to negociate rights with. He might not be in the conversation directly, but he is directing the game. His say matters. Now, whether his say is overruled by someone above him is a different conversation.
Obviously, his say matters. He would determine he wants the character in question, perhaps, if he has a connection, make a call and ask about the chances of making it happen and what not...but Nintendo does the heavy lifting. It’s not like they negotiate for the character without talking to Sakurai. Sakurai would, more than likely, tell them who he wanted.

I do think this is a good point though. He has to be in probably constant communication with the creator of the property to make sure it is up to standard. That’s the beauty of it I guess.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Man, all this talk of Smash Bowling makes me want Tekken Bowl: Smash Edition.

Imagine this crap but with characters like :ultridley::ultduckhunt::ultpichu: and more. I'd buy it three times over.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I know this is an unpopular opinion on this board, but I would much rather have Sora as a playable character in Smash over Geno. He is just far more relevant and iconic as a Squeenix rep.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
I know this is an unpopular opinion on this board, but I would much rather have Sora as a playable character in Smash over Geno. He is just far more relevant and iconic as a Squeenix rep.
I wouldn't really say it's unpopular?

I clearly want Geno before literally anyone else, I've made that perfectly clear in my time here, but I would also understand if someone like Sora got in before he did. I'm not so blind that I can't see that Sakurai would take characters like Sora if the chance presented itself.

But obviously Sora has his own slew of issues.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I know this is an unpopular opinion on this board, but I would much rather have Sora as a playable character in Smash over Geno. He is just far more relevant and iconic as a Squeenix rep.
I mean, yeah. But I'm pretty sure getting Sora would be harder.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?
Oh boy, oh boy! :estatic:
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2018
Disney World... I wish...
Switch FC
SW 2020-9361-5549
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?
I doubt they would add that just because they were making a new story mode, but it would defidently make ladder attacks more use-able.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?
No ladder in the world is tall enough to reach as far as that conclusion is.

...I don't actually think that, it was just the first thing that came to my head and didn't want to miss the chance. I think that's definitely food for thought.
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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?
Wasn't it also part of both stage builders? I kind of disliked how lame they were in both iterations, so even if it just is a change for custom stages, I'm glad they did.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
No ladder in the world tall enough to reach as far as that conclusion is.

...I don't actually think that, it was just the first thing that came to my head and didn't want to miss the chance. I think that's definitely food for thought.
An adventure mode stage which is just a super-long ladder.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Okay, conspiracy theory time.

One new feature of Ultimate that pretty much no one talks about is the addition of Ladder Attacks. Now, ladders only exist on a small handful of stages: Wrecking Crew, 75m, Rumble Falls, and I believe one of Pictochat's transformations. Now, why would they add an attack that's usable on so few stages (especially since Rumble Falls hasn't been confirmed)?

But there was one other place where ladders were prominently used: The Subspace Emissary.

Could this hint at a new Adventure or Story Mode?
I don't really see a connection, BUT my personal conspiracy has to do with how much Sakurai has talked about saving time, having a huge team that is familiar with the game etc means we are getting way more than just a massive roster. About 3 years of development with a great foundation and talented team needs to be giving us more than just Smash 4 but with more characters.

I'm not saying SSE, but definitely some kind of adventure mode. Probably a platformer mode but with little to no story is my guess.


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
Speaking of custom stages, did anyone else make a Box with an open top as a stage. Simple but fun for goony free for alls.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Okay, someone remind me, because I can't for the life of me remember.

Back during 4's Build up, did characters like :4littlemac: and :rosalina: have ANY build up to their reveals? Or did they really just drop out of nowhere? I know most veterans didn't, but I mean newcomers. Like, any hints at all that there were characters coming soon either officially or unofficially? I know characters like Robin had a stream and a lot of others were shown off in directs/events, but yeah.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2018
Disney World... I wish...
Switch FC
SW 2020-9361-5549
Okay, someone remind me, because I can't for the life of me remember.

Back during 4's Build up, did characters like :4littlemac: and :rosalina: have ANY build up to their reveals? Or did they really just drop out of nowhere? I know most veterans didn't, but I mean newcomers. Like, any hints at all that there were characters coming soon either officially or unofficially? I know characters like Robin had a stream and a lot of others were shown off in directs/events, but yeah.
Dropped out of nowhere, I beleive.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Okay, someone remind me, because I can't for the life of me remember.

Back during 4's Build up, did characters like :4littlemac: and :rosalina: have ANY build up to their reveals? Or did they really just drop out of nowhere? I know most veterans didn't, but I mean newcomers. Like, any hints at all that there were characters coming soon either officially or unofficially? I know characters like Robin had a stream and a lot of others were shown off in directs/events, but yeah.
They just showed up in Directs.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Okay, someone remind me, because I can't for the life of me remember.

Back during 4's Build up, did characters like :4littlemac: and :rosalina: have ANY build up to their reveals? Or did they really just drop out of nowhere? I know most veterans didn't, but I mean newcomers. Like, any hints at all that there were characters coming soon either officially or unofficially? I know characters like Robin had a stream and a lot of others were shown off in directs/events, but yeah.
Little Mac and Rosalina were revealed during Nintendo Directs, and there were no hints that they were getting revealed. They were just dropped at the very end like "hey we got this for you, hope you enjoy!" The only "hints" that they were coming is that Rosalina was revealed for Mario Kart 8 the same day, and the Direct that revealed Mac happened on the 30th anniversary of Punch-Out.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Speaking of custom stages, did anyone else make a Box with an open top as a stage. Simple but fun for goony free for alls.
I've made boxes with drop platforms as the ceiling. Great for watching people bounce wildly and rapidly at 999% until they glitch out of bounds. XD


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I'll never forget how funny and unfitting it was seeing Little Mac revealed on Valentine's Day. "Lets celebrate this day of love by revealing a tiny boxer man who can beat the living daylights out of you!"


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
I'll never forget how funny and unfitting it was seeing Little Mac revealed on Valentine's Day. "Lets celebrate this day of love by revealing a tiny boxer man who can beat the living daylights out of you!"
Hey Rocky is part love story! It's mildly fitting at the least :p
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