Smash Champion
Remake of an old game or not it's still a main game, better than anything f-zero hasRemake of an old game, Remake of an old Game, Impa was a super old woman in Skyward Sword, and Hyrule warriors are spin-off games that have the same weight as the Smash games.
Wind Waker will not be relevant again unless they also remake the games from the ds, which they will not, Majora's Mask will never be relevant again, Impa could be, but she has been an old woman more times than a warrior.
In fact, same with Metroid, when Sakurai decided to add Ridley, it was before Samus Returns and Metroid Prime 4 were being made, so for the time, Ridley and Metroid were irrelevant.
Just because a franchise or a character is irrelevant, that should not be the reason why they could not be in this smash game, after all, this is smash ultimate, where sakurai is trying to please all the fans, so having a F-Zero character is as possible as having skull kid.

And Impa was a young warrior for the vast majority of skyward sword lmao.
Smash has almost always focused on characters that were relevant, that's really nothing new