While I like the concept of custom-moves, I dislike a lot how they were made into the game.
I also think that every possible dev-work in Custom Moves can be more useful to the game in other way.
I say this because there is this toggle "Custom Move ON/OFF". And I don't see this toggle being used too much, even when I play in a more casual environment. I know no people who mainly plays with Custom Moves.
For the concept to be used in competitive gameplay, A LOT of work must be done.Custom adds a giant variable to the balacing problem, since a custom move can be OP in certain MU and be ok in another one.
It's a bit similar to item balance in MOBAs games. Items adds much depth to the game, but it requires a lot of work in the balacing.Casual players rarely invest that much in the game to unlock every single custom. It's a painful grind.
About giving this moves to Echo Figthers, I don't think they're exactly that different from their echoed counterparts.
It would change how they play and I'd probably enjoy this, if they treat it carefully.
List of obvious things that could be done instead of Custom Moves:
- New characters
- New stages
- New modes
- Adventure mode
- Balance
- Work in Online.
And the list goes on and on.