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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
ll. Joker attacking with cards?? That makes no sense. They'd be better off just not including either that or the gun and just using persona abilities for ranged attacks.
Going to go for a Stretch by saying Artistic liberties to make sure we don't have an underage using a Gun but still wanting to keep the "gun attack" aspect?
Also what seems off is using Makoto for the All-out attack, though who knows, in the crazy possibilities that it's true, maybe the partner on the team are randomized each time we use a Final Smash?

Not to mention Atlus very confidently stated that P5 will never come to the switch. I guess the success of the Switch and the fan demand could've caused a change
That's also true, perhaps they had like Crash Bandicoot some sort of "Timed Exclusive deal" with Sony? After all, we always got a portable version of Every Persona Games, so who know.

But still 95% Fake. Too bad, always the best rumor that are false.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Also worth noting that Vergeben was not the first to mention Simon Belmont. That could be another case of piggybacking.
I heard something similar from another friend (that word on the street was Simon was happening). What is interesting from how Stealth is talking it seems like it was in talks and they heard it from Konami.

One thing I've noticed in my research into these individuals is that, often times, they get bad info but don't do their homework. Vergeben did that at least once. There are a lot of trolls and journalist are actually known to not be very smart (which is why they are a journalist in the first place) so its not unlikely that they heard this could be in talks and twisted it into Simon is in. For all we know, they were talking about a new Castlevania game and this some how became about Smash.

It's hard to say as Stealth himself is unreliable (never got anything right). The whole thing could be BS. There was one great comment I found in my research on Vergeben that may highlight what is going on

Lemme tell you 1 tip next time take it or leave it don't report on in depth details from sources like character finished up at so and so time, or talks about development for so and so console, they are likely wrong or miscommunication. The fact even in your leaks you claim unsure here and there in some stuff chars should have told you that this guy cannot have this detail and have latter. I working at studio there are a lots of time where you don't even know where guy next door is at with his work. so getting in depth details on that unless you are best friend with the head. chances are sources reports a model they saw and assumed ****. general detail like game is gonna launch 2018 or exist sure. p.s it obvious you have some sources but next time do a good bit of curation
In otherwords, these people don't know as much as they let on. If you look at what people get right, its usually small things. Don't assume these guys have massive scopes about what they are reporting on.
Question, all.

How can we determine when a character Sakurai has considered, but ultimately dismissed, has potential for a Villager/Pac-Man scenario?

Like, most of us can agree that Ayumi Tachibana is doomed and that Toon Sheik isn't going to randomly show up.

But a lot of us argue about whether Ridley or Takamaru or Balloon Fighter or Excitebiker are worth reconsidering as possibilities.

Personally, I think it comes down to prominence in recent games, popularity, and potential for realizable interesting gameplay. But what would you guys say?
I think you answered your own question. AC made sense for another character and Brawl wasn't hurting for new ideas. Pac-Man was more realized when Bandai Namco became involved which made him easier to get (also the only guest character with music on the Club Nintendo soundtrack). One of the reasons Rate Their Chances can be a decent predictor is because it has characters people are genuinely interested in, and its these characters that get in. I would look less at it and find out what that character has. Are they interesting? Are they current? Are they well liked? Are they going to bring something to the game? At least in Villagers case, this was definitely true. Think of it another way; ignore all the Sakurai mumbo jumbo. Does this character on their own fit those 4 things I mentioned. If yes, then they can get in.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
The Persona series has always and will always be associated with Sony. The ONLY time Persona has ever interacted with Nintendo would be with the spinoff Persona Q.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Going to go for a Stretch by saying Artistic liberties to make sure we don't have an underage using a Gun but still wanting to keep the "gun attack" aspect?
Also what seems off is using Makoto for the All-out attack, though who knows, in the crazy possibilities that it's true, maybe the partner on the team are randomized each time we use a Final Smash?

That's also true, perhaps they had like Crash Bandicoot some sort of "Timed Exclusive deal" with Sony? After all, we always got a portable version of Every Persona Games, so who know.

But still 95% Fake. Too bad, always the best rumor that are false.
I mean honestly, as far as the cards go, they just make no sense. Am I throwing my Tarot cards at my opponents? I really hope not lmao. Personas even have gun attacks that don't require a real gun. There are PLENTY of ways around the gun issue without using the weird out-of-the-blue card thing. Maybe he uses cards for something in Q2?? Idk. I don't think a third party is where you try to force too many creative liberties. It's not like giving ZSS rocket stilettos, she's a first party character and Sakurai actually has creative liberties.

Makoto actually makes more sense to me than Yusuke for the all-out-attack. Tbh the All-Out-Attack should be Joker, Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann, though. The OG crew.

The Persona series has always and will always be associated with Sony. The ONLY time Persona has ever interacted with Nintendo would be with the spinoff Persona Q.
That's hardly an issue, though. Persona falls into the Megami Tensei franchise umbrella which has always been on Nintendo consoles, and as you said, Persona Q exists.
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?
God, I ****in' wish this rumor was true.

Deleted member

The Persona series has always and will always be associated with Sony. The ONLY time Persona has ever interacted with Nintendo would be with the spinoff Persona Q.
No, Persona has never interacted with Nintendo. Q doesn't actually exist, I don't know what you're talking about.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
More switch leaks pouring in, keep your eyes peeled over the next 24 hours (even if most of these are pretty obvious so far)


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
No, Persona has never interacted with Nintendo. Q doesn't actually exist, I don't know what you're talking about.
You can deny it all you want.

Atlus: laughs on throne of cash.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2014
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?
Oh man, I'd love this just to be able to play Persona 5. For a random text leak, they went all out with the research.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013
The Persona series has always and will always be associated with Sony. The ONLY time Persona has ever interacted with Nintendo would be with the spinoff Persona Q.
All it takes is a single port to happen, and all of a sudden, it'd suddenly have as much a chance as Bayonetta.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2018
Hm...Ridley fits 3/4 of those points I think.
Is he interesting? Well, I don't know anyone who wouldn't consider a space dragon that's also a pirate interesting...

Is he current? You bet, he made a surprise appearance in Samus Returns, a remake of a game that originally didn't have him. Not only that, but he was the final boss. That's a first for Ridley because he was always the 3rd-2nd last boss in every Metroid game he appeared in.

Is he well liked? Self explanatory.

Now the point that I'm unsure about concerning Ridley is moveset uniqueness(not potential) or "what he brings to the game". Personality wise, Ridley would be bound to have the most vicious, animalistic fighting "style" out of any character in Smash.
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
While the Wii U adapter works, I would guess they'd want to rebrand it for the Switch. Especially since the Wii U ones aren't produced anymore. I hope they have official first-party controllers along with those third-party ones from the image though, I just trust first-party more.

Also, Persona 5. I always loved its stylized aesthetic and have been dying to play it, but I don't want to buy a PS4 for (mainly) one game. While Atlus outright said it won't be coming to the Switch, maybe they were waiting to make it a big reveal.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Q doesn't actually exist, I don't know what you're talking about.
Shhh...It was the last time the P3 cast had a little bit of honnor before going full Milking cow with Dance Dance Revolution
Also oh my god, I hate the remix from Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night.

God, I ****in' wish this rumor was true.
I mean honestly, as far as the cards go, they just make no sense. Am I throwing my Tarot cards at my opponents? I really hope not lmao. Personas even have gun attacks that don't require a real gun. There are PLENTY of ways around the gun issue without using the weird out-of-the-blue card thing. Maybe he uses cards for something in Q2?? Idk. I don't think a third party is where you try to force too many creative liberties. It's not like giving ZSS rocket stilettos, she's a first party character and Sakurai actually has creative liberties.
Oh man, I'd love this just to be able to play Persona 5. For a random text leak, they went all out with the research.
I have to remind you, Sega/Atlus aren't restrictive AT ALL when it's for their licence. They did let free reign to Sakurai for Sonic, THOUGH they couldn't let him use another color than blue LMAO.
But hey- honestly, I truly have to admit once again, that faker truly did his homework...Like, giving Morgana a Pikachu outfit for the VA seems so obvious, but he did avoid the "Creature/Gamefreak" trap..That's not something everyone knows. Or like, no usual casual faker knows.
And also the VA crosspointing, even doing that kind of Joke that Sakurai would do for a Trailer.

Though, remember when to get Sonic, Nintendo and Sega did a deal for Wii U exclusive games? MAYBE (in the 5% of possibilities) something like that could have happened to get Sonic back in Switch + pushing Joker.

Beside...Remember. THERE IS Q2 supposed to be in development, but god forgive me, Atlus seems to not remember it at all, could E3 be the reason of why it hasn't appeared? Crazy double announcement, Q2 change to Switch with a P5 Port...
God we can dream...DAMNIT.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
Hm...Ridley fits 3/4 of those points I think.
Is he interesting? Well, I don't know anyone who wouldn't consider a space dragon that's also a pirate interesting...

Is he current? You bet, he made a surprise appearance in Samus Returns, a remake of a game that originally didn't have him. Not only that, but he was the final boss. That's a first for Ridley because he was always the 3rd-2nd last boss in every Metroid game.

Is he well liked? Self explanatory.

Now the point that I'm unsure about concerning Ridley is moveset uniqueness(not potential) or "what he brings to the game". Personality wise, Ridley would be bound to have the most vicious, animalistic fighting "style" out of any character in Smash.
I would think so due to his tail and his size. Ridley's tail is such a unique dynamic of his character that no other smash character can really compare to.
You can't say the fact that he wouldn't be an interesting a giant juggernaut-type character.

Although there's rumors on gamefaqs, ResetEra, reddit, and 4chan about this character, I wouldn't expect him after what sakurai said. It would be more of a pleasant surprise type of thing. He has however been the single most common characters in leaks, and after the resetera/vergeben stuff I do think if a single leaked (as of right now) character was in the game, it would be him in my opinion.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2018
United States
More switch leaks pouring in, keep your eyes peeled over the next 24 hours (even if most of these are pretty obvious so far)
I'm being really careful, I don't look up anything Smash or Nintendo Switch related on Google since yesterday. I'm suffering for a week but it will be worth it :)

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Shhh...It was the last time the P3 cast had a little bit of honnor before going full Milking cow with Dance Dance Revolution
Also oh my god, I hate the remix from Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night.

I have to remind you, Sega/Atlus aren't restrictive AT ALL when it's for their licence. They did let free reign to Sakurai for Sonic, THOUGH they couldn't let him use another color than blue LMAO.
But hey- honestly, I truly have to admit once again, that faker truly did his homework...Like, giving Morgana a Pikachu outfit for the VA seems so obvious, but he did avoid the "Creature/Gamefreak" trap..That's not something everyone knows. Or like, no usual casual faker knows.
And also the VA crosspointing, even doing that kind of Joke that Sakurai would do for a Trailer.

Though, remember when to get Sonic, Nintendo and Sega did a deal for Wii U exclusive games? MAYBE (in the 5% of possibilities) something like that could have happened to get Sonic back in Switch + pushing Joker.

Beside...Remember. THERE IS Q2 supposed to be in development, but god forgive me, Atlus seems to not remember it at all, could E3 be the reason of why it hasn't appeared? Crazy double announcement, Q2 change to Switch with a P5 Port...
God we can dream...DAMNIT.
Listen, I still believe Joker has a real shot for Smash. I can write down several good points in his favor, and I think he has an incredible shot at DLC. This particular rumor I believe is fake, though. If it's real, you mother****ers will never hear the end of it from me because Joker is in Smash. But I'm not putting faith in this rumor.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I have to remind you, Sega/Atlus aren't restrictive AT ALL when it's for their licence. They did let free reign to Sakurai for Sonic, THOUGH they couldn't let him use another color than blue LMAO.
But hey- honestly, I truly have to admit once again, that faker truly did his homework...Like, giving Morgana a Pikachu outfit for the VA seems so obvious, but he did avoid the "Creature/Gamefreak" trap..That's not something everyone knows. Or like, no usual casual faker knows.
And also the VA crosspointing, even doing that kind of Joke that Sakurai would do for a Trailer.

Though, remember when to get Sonic, Nintendo and Sega did a deal for Wii U exclusive games? MAYBE (in the 5% of possibilities) something like that could have happened to get Sonic back in Switch + pushing Joker.

Beside...Remember. THERE IS Q2 supposed to be in development, but god forgive me, Atlus seems to not remember it at all, could E3 be the reason of why it hasn't appeared? Crazy double announcement, Q2 change to Switch with a P5 Port...
God we can dream...DAMNIT.
The leak seems to be more well-researched than the usual fake, I grant you, but at the same time, I'm pretty positive that's all it is. A faker who did some extra research so that people would believe him easier.

I want to believe. With all my heart and soul, I want to. But I just can't imagine it happening.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
While the Wii U adapter works, I would guess they'd want to rebrand it for the Switch. Especially since the Wii U ones aren't produced anymore. I hope they have official first-party controllers along with those third-party ones from the image though, I just trust first-party more.

Also, Persona 5. I always loved its stylized aesthetic and have been dying to play it, but I don't want to buy a PS4 for (mainly) one game. While Atlus outright said it won't be coming to the Switch, maybe they were waiting to make it a big reveal.
Well we did get licensed GC style pro controllers as well as the Smash GC controller and adaptor for Wii U.

Don't see why Nintendo can't just manufacture more adaptors and Smash GC controllers but rebranded for Switch.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Listen, I still believe Joker has a real shot for Smash. I can write down several good points in his favor, and I think he has an incredible shot at DLC. This particular rumor I believe is fake, though. If it's real, you mother****ers will never hear the end of it from me because Joker is in Smash. But I'm not putting faith in this rumor.
If this rumor turns out to be true, I will scream Nintendo's praises to the high heavens for the rest of my life.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Are you sure you're not talking about the Smash Bros. fanbase as a whole? Because I've seen some flame wars online with pretty ugly results. Just go onto any Sm4sh-related video on YouTube and look into the comments, you'll see what I mean.
And yeah, Lycanroc is definitely viable, but it has some fierce competition from fellow Alolans; all three starters, Mimikyu, Tapu Koko, and... heck, let's just plop 'em all on there.
Yeah, Smash in general. But there have been heated debates here too.

I guess that’s what happens when you have a crossover game that pits characters that became a part of our childhood together.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Wait so now there is a leak that says Joker from persona is gonna be in smash or something? is from 4chan or from where?

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Just saying, it's not too weird. Shulk's Final Smash has Dunban and Riki of all party members rather than Reyn and Fiora.
That is very true. I can make sense of Dunban, but I can't make too much sense of Riki. Great point. Also if they stick to Japanese VAs for the NA release as well, they have to hire less VAs because Yusuke and Morgana share VAs with characters who are already in the game. The rumor is well researched, as many have said.
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Wait so now there is a leak that says Joker from persona is gonna be in smash or something? is from 4chan or from where?
It's from 4chan. If you wanna look at it, it's 2 pages back.
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