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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Completely unrelated to what you're saying but all the Other M content in Sm4sh was the worst part of the game imo
I mean you aint wrong, ridley makes pyrosphere one of the worst stages in the game and other m is Samus' worst design to me, ZSS wasn't too bad but the boob job and heels was a terrible decision imo
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I dunno.

They picked some pretty good stuff from that game.

Notice Adam is completely gone outside of a trophy.
I've just never been a fan of the power suit design and I've never liked how Ridley looks, but all that aside, Anthony is my dad


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Question, all.

How can we determine when a character Sakurai has considered, but ultimately dismissed, has potential for a Villager/Pac-Man scenario?

Like, most of us can agree that Ayumi Tachibana is doomed and that Toon Sheik isn't going to randomly show up.

But a lot of us argue about whether Ridley or Takamaru or Balloon Fighter or Excitebiker are worth reconsidering as possibilities.

Personally, I think it comes down to prominence in recent games, popularity, and potential for realizable interesting gameplay. But what would you guys say?
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I mean you aint wrong, ridley makes pyrosphere one of the worst stages in the game and other m is Samus' worst design to me, ZSS wasn't too bad but the boob job and heels was a terrible decision imo
Other M is the darkness that touches everything. It makes everything terrible.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
By the way, is anyone going to E3 this year? I snagged one of the Gamer passes on a whim when they first came out and got a $100 discount for being one of the first 1000. Looking forward to hopefully playing Smash! the invitational is also like an 8 minute walk from my hotel.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Question, all.

How can we determine when a character Sakurai has considered, but ultimately dismissed, has potential for a Villager/Pac-Man scenario?

Like, most of us can agree that Ayumi Tachibana is doomed and that Toon Sheik isn't going to randomly show up.

But a lot of us argue about whether Ridley or Takamaru or Balloon Fighter or Excitebiker are worth reconsidering as possibilities.

Personally, I think it comes down to prominence in recent games, popularity, and potential for realizable interesting gameplay. But what would you guys say?
Sakurai himself actually said that Ridley simply won't work as a character.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Other M was a disaster in several aspects.

The game stopped so you had to look for something in an area devoid of light.
Samus's character was reduced to a subservient of all men, instead of the fearless bounty hunter that routinely solo missions in the fringes of space.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I know that.

He also said that Villager simply wouldn't work as a fighter. Where is that line drawn, is what I'm asking.
He said that Ridley will have to be stripped down, wings reduced in size, and unable to fly around freely. Sakurai thinks that this will be a disservice to the iconic character, so he decides to instead put him in roles that are far more suited to him.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
He said that Ridley will have to be stripped down, wings reduced in size, and unable to fly around freely. Sakurai thinks that this will be a disservice to the iconic character, so he decides to instead put him in roles that are far more suited to him.
Like a stage hazard where he becomes your ally when you hit him enough. For me, Smash Wii U Ridley might be the most relatable character of all time.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
What am I even doing... I KNOW Sora won't be in. Yet I decided to change my avatar to him to show my support for a character I initially and actually doesn't care about.
Yet I have this weird feeling, this weird faith thinking that he actually have a chance even after the riddler rumor got debunked and Masked Man said he know characters that wont be in smash... God I'm miserable.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Question, all.

How can we determine when a character Sakurai has considered, but ultimately dismissed, has potential for a Villager/Pac-Man scenario?

Like, most of us can agree that Ayumi Tachibana is doomed and that Toon Sheik isn't going to randomly show up.

But a lot of us argue about whether Ridley or Takamaru or Balloon Fighter or Excitebiker are worth reconsidering as possibilities.

Personally, I think it comes down to prominence in recent games, popularity, and potential for realizable interesting gameplay. But what would you guys say?
Pretty much agree.

I mean no one really requests Ayumi and Toon Shiek isn't a real character. I suppose another example would be putting Diddy and Dixie together again and I also think Sakurai wouldn't go back to that.

There was a need for both Villager (an Animal Crossing Rep) and Pac-Man (Bandai-Namco as well as completing 4 historical video game icons).

Ridley would have a need if Sakurai decides his popularity and the backlash he received from Smash 4 is enough to justify him. Also Sakurai clearly likes Ridley, and I think he wants to make Ridley a character, but was worried about it in the past. That's just my opinion though.

Takamaru has been made apparent to the west more so than before so that issue is basically gone. Did he have actual issues with Ballot Fighter and Eccitebike? I think with Eccitebike it was the whole constantly riding a bike issue but Bowser Jr. kind of already broke that.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I actually like how Samus looks in Smash 4
I mean you aint wrong, ridley makes pyrosphere one of the worst stages in the game and other m is Samus' worst design to me, ZSS wasn't too bad but the boob job and heels was a terrible decision imo
Wario boobs >

I know that.

He also said that Villager simply wouldn't work as a fighter. Where is that line drawn, is what I'm asking.
The line...is Sakurai himself


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Pretty much agree.

I mean no one really requests Ayumi and Toon Shiek isn't a real character. I suppose another example would be putting Diddy and Dixie together again and I also think Sakurai wouldn't go back to that.

There was a need for both Villager (an Animal Crossing Rep) and Pac-Man (Bandai-Namco as well as completing 4 historical video game icons).

Ridley would have a need if Sakurai decides his popularity and the backlash he received from Smash 4 is enough to justify him. Also Sakurai clearly likes Ridley, and I think he wants to make Ridley a character, but was worried about it in the past. That's just my opinion though.

Takamaru has been made apparent to the west more so than before so that issue is basically gone. Did he have actual issues with Ballot Fighter and Eccitebike? I think with Eccitebike it was the whole constantly riding a bike issue but Bowser Jr. kind of already broke that.
There really wasn't that much backlash to Ridley not being in Smash 4.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2018
In terms of choosing a character design that's most relevant, how likely will Samus look like her design in Samus Returns?


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2014
Other M Samus isn't too bad, I had more a problem with how she animated in that game- it made the suit look unwieldy instead of a practical suit of armor. In Smash it looks fine.

The Zero Suit though... I've never been a fan of it, and to be honest aside from the heels it looks much better now than before. Bodysuits shouldn't er, form like the Zero Suit in Brawl did in the chest area. It just looks awful.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
There really wasn't that much backlash to Ridley not being in Smash 4.
Probably not, but I will note that Sakurai only publically acknowledged a few characters who were decided to not be playable characters in smash 4.
Among them were Ridley, Takamaru, Ice Climbers (the real backlash), Geno, and Chrom IIRC.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Probably not, but I will note that Sakurai only publically acknowledged a few characters who were decided to not be playable characters in smash 4.
Among them were Ridley, Takamaru, Ice Climbers (the real backlash), Geno, and Chrom IIRC.
But, that does not mean that they will be playable in this game.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
There really wasn't that much backlash to Ridley not being in Smash 4.
You really think so???

Even if we don't look at the smash community on the whole, the Ridley fanbase and anyone who supports the character, which is much of the Smash fanbase, were dissapointed. Sakurai thought including Ridley in such a way would make fans happy, but it defintely didn't. Granted, part of it had to do with the way he teased it. But Sakurai likes to please his fans, so if he sees Ridley as a highly desired character, I can definitely at least see him going back to the drawing board and trying again, but no guarantee on results.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
I'm highly convinced that RileyXY1 is a troll at this point

There really wasn't that much backlash to Ridley not being in Smash 4.
Do your research. Ridley had quite a bit of backlash from the infamous shadow on the Metroid stage bruh


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
There really wasn't that much backlash to Ridley not being in Smash 4.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Ridley getting dismissed for Smash4 is what spurred Bagonsmashbros to create his Ridley mod that eventually made it to Project M and I believe Legacy as well. Pretty sure it also spawned the document that someone from Smashboards authored (might have been multiple people--my memory fails me) and was sent to either Nintendo or Sakurai (can't remember who). And this wasn't some piece of paper with a bunch of signatures. It was a well-researched, well written document explaining why Ridley could and should be a playable character. And this document was, like Ridley, massive.

There maybe wasn't a lot of internet backlash, but there were people who were frustrated and instead of venting on anonymous forums decided to try to do something proactive.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I think Sakurai anticipated that there'd be some backlash to Ridley not being in, which there definitely was, as he was out explaining his decision before the Wii U version even came out. At the very least he thought the matter was of enough importance that it needed to be adressed.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Daily Rumor from 4Chan trip code= !!wJsUDdsyMPN said:
This comes to me from a source at Atlus, who has some information about Smash---in regards to a certain character, and a certain port.

At this year's E3, Nintendo fans who are also fans of Atlus will be in for a pleasant surprise...

First of all, Persona 5 will be releasing on the Switch this fall. The version, simply known as "Persona 5: Switch Edition", has all of the DLC included in the base game such as the various additional music tracks and costumes. Furthermore, there's Nintendo-based outfits for the Phantom Thieves...

- Joker/Mario
- Morgana/Toad
- Ryuji/Link
- Yusuke/Marth
- Ann/Peach
- Makoto/Samus
- Futaba/Inkling
- Haru/Zelda
- Akechi/Pit

Following this announcement, Joker will also be appearing as a playable character in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch. He uses acrobatic moves to fight and throwing cards, and can also summon Arsene for various attacks. It seems that Morgana, Yusuke, and Makoto appear in his "All Out Attack" Final Smash.

Along with this, apparently Takamaru is also playable. I've learned this from the source who informed me about Joker saying that his reveal trailer, which is apparently subtitled and uses the Japanese voices, has Joker using his Final Smash on Roy, Takamaru, and Pikachu, with it being an in-joke as they share the same Japanese VA as Joker, Yusuke, and Morgana respectively.
Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?
Wasn't there a rumor floating around the past couple of days that mentioned Ridley and Joker being revealed at E3? Maybe I dreamt it but I could've sworn I saw a text 'leak' that had those two in it AND a Persona 5 Switch port.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?
I'd love it, but yeah. Fake AF.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2013
Rev up those friers, we got some fresh hots leaks coming from r/nintendo.
The return of the gamecube controller.
Yep, we love our GC controller. I find it funny how strongly Nintendo associates the gamecube controller with Smash, and not any other game. It's as if we're getting special treatment.

EDIT: Nevermind, it looks like they're third party xD
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Wasn't there a rumor floating around the past couple of days that mentioned Ridley and Joker being revealed at E3? Maybe I dreamt it but I could've sworn I saw a text 'leak' that had those two in it AND a Persona 5 Switch port.
Yup, I think I do remember that-
Though, honest question, Is Joker/Persona 5 that popular in Japan?
I'd love it, but yeah. Fake AF.
True, why do the good things ALWAYS end up false?
Rev up those friers, we got some fresh hots leaks coming from r/nintendo.
The return of the gamecube controller.
Noiiice! But wait...Aren't the Wii U adaptator already compatible?

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Well- Time for our Daily 4chan rumors with this tiiiiime~ Persona!

Honestly, I'm not buying it. A main Persona on another console? Beside, wouldn't it be too late for Joker to get in Smash if Sakurai had to make the roster around 2016? Persona 5 released in September 2016. Though it could have been a late addition but still. However credit is due to OP who make it fairly believable.

Bonus point for OP, he did his homework, cross-pointing the VA, not putting the obvious Pikachu costume to Morgana since Pokémon's right are still to Creature/Game Freak avoiding that trap...Aaaand avoiding the gun by making Joker attack with card?
Sigh. Too bad this rumor feels fake as hell. Joker attacking with cards?? That makes no sense. They'd be better off just not including either that or the gun and just using persona abilities for ranged attacks. That card detail alone is what makes this scream fake to me. I do applaud the homework done as you said, but this all feels too fake. Not to mention Atlus very confidently stated that P5 will never come to the switch. I guess the success of the Switch and the fan demand could've caused a change, but... Not buying this rumor.
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