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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013
I think they should throw Scorpion and Batman in MvCI. :D
Scorpion from Mortal Kombat? Too violent to be in the Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite.
Batman is DC comics.

A trailer of the Mario and Rabbids is here:

Let's pray the Rabbids don't be included in the Smash Bros for Switch.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
You call it obnoxious, I call it logical.

The problem here is that when you let in non video game characters into Smash, it destroys the whole point of it.

To you, that may sound like some fuddy-duddy telling kids to get off his lawn, but realistically, Sora is a Disney character interacting with Disney characters in a universe built around Disney properties that just happens to incorporate Final Fantasy elements.

And most people, from what I've seen here & beyond, want Sora in purely to break the barrier and let Disney characters into Smash Bros.

I mean, I don't even like playing as the anime characters in SSF2 because, to me at least, it doesn't feel "right".

You asked me 15 years ago, I would have said a LOT differently, however. The more you learn how things work, the more you begin to respect the process, and seeing people so passionate about Sora and Goku has me worried.
I once read that Dissidia started life a Kingdom Hearts game, but Disney nixed it because they didn't want Mickey and Donald beating the snot out of each other. So if anyone was rooting for Sora for the sake of getting Disney characters in Smash, I doubt the Mouse House would let Goofy take a beating from Mario.

EDIT: I must admit that hearing the "Goofy scream" during a Star KO sounds awesome.
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Deleted member

I got an alert that I was quoted, but there's no post that quotes me.


True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I got an alert that I was quoted, but there's no post that quotes me.

My bad.

Though I'm not really sure why you would talk about the fact that other fighting games had "guest that made no sense" seeing as they pretty much weren't requested by fans for those games, unlike with Goku and Shrek or Smash, and when guest characters that makes as much sense as Goku and Shrek gets added to fighting games, people always complain about how much of a "waste of slot" they are.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
My bad.

Though I'm not really sure why you would talk about the fact that other fighting games had "guest that made no sense" seeing as they pretty much weren't requested by fans for those games, unlike with Goku and Shrek or Smash, and when guest characters that makes as much sense as Goku and Shrek gets added to fighting games, people always complain about how much of a "waste of slot" they are.
Serious question. Was Shrek anything other than a meme pick? I never thought people were serious about him, unlike Goku who I know people who were.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Exactly! Like I don't see how characters like Daisy, Waluigi, or Goku even get brought up to be added to the roster, but that doesn't mean others can't.
Daisy is a potential Peach clone so there's that. Waluigi... I mean he's got a joke moveset in quite a few Project M mods, but none of them are actual game worthy.

Goku has his own legit fighting game that was the first game I ever bought right after it was announced. Dragon Ball FighterZ gonna be the most lit new game of early 2018!!!
Do you know some characters I'd personally love? Cooking Mama, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Hades (Kid Icarus)
I just want Crono from Chrono Trigger.
I'd lose my mind if they added Decidueye/
Same. Best starter final evolution since Infernape.
Oh my God, I'd love, love, love, Diamond and Pearl remakes for Switch. Give me that HD Sinnoh.
Pls Mashed Potato Samurai Pokémon Company!
If we're talking about wants...

Put the whole cast of Ace Attorney in Smash Bros.

All of them. Every last one.

I'd buy it.

(but really, Phoenix Wright would be a Godlike 3rd party character)


Smash Lord
May 18, 2015
As for third party characters, I would be glad for the following characters:

Bartz Klauser, Phoenix Wright, Heihachi Mishima, Ryu Hayabusa, Solid Snake's return, a Dragon Quest Character, Shovel Knight, Simon Belmont, Geno, and I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Bomberman. A Megami Tensei character and a "Tales of" character I wouldn't mind to a lesser extent.

Darn, that's a lot.

Whoops, forgot about Dr. Eggman. He'd be super cool, too. And a Doomguy or B.J Blazkowicz.
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I hope for a Smash Switch announcement.
So as we are under 12 hours now, I have a question for you all.

If you've already bought SSB4 twice now like I have, what will a 'Delxue' port need to include for you to get it?

For me:

A new Adventure mode.
Smash Run in HD.
A whole heap of new challenges.
A whole heap of new events.
Minimum 3 new characters.
Stage ports AND new stages.
A slightly revamped Classic mode.
New online features.
Less grinding for movesets.
A new patch for character balancing.
New unlocking criteria for alk DLC (I love unlocking stuff)

And I'm sure there's more. That's the minimum for me tbh.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
So as we are under 12 hours now, I have a question for you all.

If you've already bought SSB4 twice now like I have, what will a 'Delxue' port need to include for you to get it?
Wolf, Ice Climbers, Inklings, rest can vary for characters.

A proper adventure mode.

Better customization drops. Like, oy.

Wario has 16 costumes again, or everyone has 8. Also, Olimar has more alts, at least 2 more besides Alph. IMO, I think Pikmin works well as one character with various Pikmin and many alternate Captain costumes.

I think Stickers should return as collectibles, but not be ridiculous like before.

The challenges can return, but less bull**** ones. Keep it simple. Defeating Classic/Etc. with everyone/10/20 is fine. Beating it with everyone with 1 life on highest difficulty? Just no. Not fun. Some challenges are good, though, but besides the "tedious do everything" ones as normal, try to keep it reasonable and nothing stupid.

Gamecube Controller support.

An option to play as something similar to the Polygons, like a mode where everybody is Polygonal/all gray, but with no specials or throws. Would also be a hard rule on having 1 character per, with no overlap(you could have Mario and Dr. Mario, but not Mario and Mario or Dr. Mario and Dr. Mario).

Target Tests back. Just make sure it's not like how Brawl only has 'em as minigames.

Classic needs minigames. Yessssssss.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Wolf, Ice Climbers, Inklings, rest can vary for characters.

The challenges can return, but less bull**** ones. Keep it simple. Defeating Classic/Etc. with everyone/10/20 is fine. Beating it with everyone with 1 life on highest difficulty? Just no. Not fun. Some challenges are good, though, but besides the "tedious do everything" ones as normal, try to keep it reasonable and nothing stupid.

Classic needs minigames. Yessssssss.
As someone who is making his was through SSB4 again (deleted some data), I can agree that a lot of the challenges were total trash. A couple of the Smash Tour RNG challenges had me pulling my hair out. The ones I enjoyed were like, 'pass this distance in the home run contest with X character', or 'defeat X amount of Miis in multi man smash'.

And yeah, Classic is desperate for mini games. Also, please give it more direction. Give each character their own 'path'. Kill off 8P Smash in Classic mode. Have characters fight on their home stages, 1 v 1, or 2 v 2. I dunno... it just... missed the mark for me a little. Well, a lot, really. I usually love playing through Classic mode, but this just felt like a chore and too much was up to chance.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
As someone who is making his was through SSB4 again (deleted some data), I can agree that a lot of the challenges were total trash. A couple of the Smash Tour RNG challenges had me pulling my hair out. The ones I enjoyed were like, 'pass this distance in the home run contest with X character', or 'defeat X amount of Miis in multi man smash'.

And yeah, Classic is desperate for mini games. Also, please give it more direction. Give each character their own 'path'. Kill off 8P Smash in Classic mode. Have characters fight on their home stages, 1 v 1, or 2 v 2. I dunno... it just... missed the mark for me a little. Well, a lot, really. I usually love playing through Classic mode, but this just felt like a chore and too much was up to chance.
I wouldn't have minded something like 4 on 4 if they went with that, but pure 8 player is terrible for Classic. It's just as bad as the semi-final fight in Brawl. It's a free-for-all, except they only care about killing you. That's not fun. I can more tolerate a "battle against a team" instead, since at the very least it's not really lying to you. Then again, I think having the Miis as the second-to-last fight worked fine, same with the previous games doing the same thing.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
As Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth said, they'd be fine as trophies, and I guess I wouldn't be toooottaly against Goofy running around as an AT.
There is one reason and one reason only not to discuss Mickey Mouse being in Smash; Disney is very controlling of Mickey.

Let's see what that would entail.
  1. A huge amount of details of said Smash game would need to be approved by various Disney boards.
  2. Everything Disney owned would cost more than anything else in Smash Bros developmental history.
  3. Creative control of the series would be partially lost by Nintendo and the staff developing the game.
  4. Smash Bros would cease to be Smash Bros because it would require essentially a Disney takeover.
I get the want for Mickey Mouse (and Donald/Goofy in NPC roles) and how much people love the character. That doesn't change the fact Mickey will never be playable in a Smash Bros game, unless Smash Bros' branding is used for a Disney vs. Nintendo game.

And even then it will cease being Smash Bros and become its' own entity (which is neither good or bad; just a fact). Any such Mickey Mouse IP/character discussion in Smash best belongs in a theorycrafting thread or a custom character thread rather than a speculation thread for a Super Smash Bros title on the Switch.

Even Square Enix (the developer of Kingdom Hearts) has to jump through hoops to get everything approved for Mickey and co.


On a different note, say what you will about anime characters, but they would not have that as an end result. Goku, Luffy, Naruto, etc would not cost A LOT to get the rights to, but past that, there wouldn't be much demands from companies that own/control said characters and their respective series. So those at least have some logical wants behind them. Even Shrek, Spongebob, etc would not entail such control. They at least have some reasonable probability if Smash Bros ever adds non-video game characters.

However, the only truly understandable American/Western cartoon character is Popeye, and that's only because Popeye is public domain.

Note none of this applies to Sora, since he is owned by Square Enix IIRC.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
So as we are under 12 hours now, I have a question for you all.

If you've already bought SSB4 twice now like I have, what will a 'Delxue' port need to include for you to get it?
I'd probably buy it anyway just to keep it on a system I would be using regularly.
When I buy it would probably depend on whether or not any of the new characters interest me, as new modes don't really do that much for me. If there's at least 1 character I really like, then I'll get it pretty early.
We're so close to Nintendo's E3 direct, I can almost taste it


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Hyped for E3! Sony crapped the bed, Microsoft did good, Ubisoft did fantastic, EA was half and half, and the PC Gaming show I fell asleep during and don't remember.

Overall it has been mostly very forgettable but a few highlights with none bigger than Dragon Ball FighterZ just looking like the most God game ever and literally MvC2 (one of my favorite games ever).

I hope Nintendo nails it tomorrow. I hope for all video game enthusiasts they make DREAM GAMES!

Dragon Ball FighterZ was a DREAM GAME for me. A DBZ Fighting game with high pace traditional fighting game action and incredibly high level of craftsmanship all put into one. Breath of the Wild was a DREAM GAME with a gigantic Hyrule to explore and a challenging world to navigate.

I want more of this please. From around 2005-2014 I didn't feel like there were many games that were like that to me. But this last year or two has been fantastic to us video game enthusiasts, and many games became that for me. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, Smash 4, Zelda: Breath of the Wild... it has been an awesome time to be playing video games! And there's tons of video games a tier or two below that too!

Mario Odyssey looks to be that game (as well as Breath of the Wild's cousin), but perhaps a new DKC, Metroid or Animal Crossing game, and of course a new edition of Smash 4!

Regardless, we got a lot of hype to look forward to! (and a lot of hoping for Solid Snake returning to do to!)
If pig Ganon ever gets in Smash, I hope someone would hack the game to give Ganon Wizpig skin.
I think if we ever got a Wizard-esk looking Ganon, we would 100% get a Wizpig color, just like how for Duck Hunt we got a Banjo & Kazooie color.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO

So. Not long to go now. With the odds of a Smash announcement as high as they are, I should go over some of what I think could happen. These are my picks for the eight most likely characters to be added to the rumored Smash 4 Deluxe:

Smash Switch Prediction Box (v1).png

Inkling: Goes without saying. It seems they were passed up for DLC because Sakurai has a history of waiting to see how brand new IPs pan out. Now Splatoon has proven it isn't some flash in the pan, a sequel is on the way, and the squid kids have a lot of potential with their wide array of ink-based weaponry. Only thing that'd hold them back is if they couldn't get an ink mechanic working properly. Well...that'd be the main reason, probably.

Ice Climbers: Were planned for the base roster, but were benched due to the 3DS version not being able to handle multiple Nanas and their complex AI on screen at once! The Switch is vastly more powerful, so in theory, this is their chance to rejoin the fight, and hopefully without any wobbling or chaingrabs! Although...considering the Wii U version had to cut some corners to run 8-Player Smash, and the Switch is only so much more powerful, could there still be a roadblock we aren't acknowledging?

Decidueye: Pokémon is a pretty big deal, guys. It may not feel that way to those of you who lost interest after the first couple generations, but Nintendo's second biggest IP is bigger than ever and has more compelling character choices than any other! Sun and Moon are relevant at the perfect time for Gen 7's most prominent 'mons to be considered, and Decidueye stands out the furthest with a mastery of plant-based attacks that no other character is currently capable of. That kind of uniqueness is a very big deal for the dev team, and it's why I think Decidueye is actually the second most likely newcomer to get in!

Wolf: Remember how this guy was despised when Brawl's roster first leaked? From Public Enemy #1 to prodigal son, his series' fall from the spotlight likely sealed his fate in the base game. But with Star Fox Zero existing now, he's relevant again, which may just give him his chance. That is, unless the fact that SFZ fell flat on its face leads to the Smash team deciding to look elsewhere again.

Elma: Did you know Sakurai is quite the Xenoblade fan? Not that it'd make Elma a bias pick, but it might get her foot in the door for consideration, and she has a lot of moveset potential. The combination of dual pistols and dual daggers, with a wide array of combat arts, give this soldier from the future a greater chance that she gets credit for. But it's now or never for her: if she doesn't make it in now, Elma's game will fade out of relevance as Xenoblade 2 hits shelves in half a year or so, meaning new protagonist Rex would be in a better spot for DLC or future updates! Such is the nature of a franchise with a rotating cast.

Paper Mario: So, Color Splash was...controversial. But it did make Paper Mario relevant at the perfect time, right around when they would've been looking for potential newcomers. He may look like the Mario we know and love, but his array of abilities involve many different things than what his flesh-and-blood counterpart does! Probably the most likely Mario newcomer, as it stands.

A Character from Rhythm Heaven: We've reason to believe someone from Rhythm Heaven was considered for the base game, though we don't know if it was the Chorus Kids or someone else. The series has a large cast of quirky personalities, and since each entry tends to star someone new while still putting the old guard front and center, it's actually pretty hard to say exactly who they're most likely to go with.

Lycanroc: Call me biased, but this character--er, characters--are getting slept on. One of Gen 7's most prominent non-starter lines, they've been racking up enough important roles as of late to have reason to believe they'd be considered, and just like Decidueye, they're inherently unique with their affinity for an element no one on the current roster focuses on. And there's even multiple ways they could work: the swift, evasive Midday, the hot-blooded Midnight, a single Lycanroc given the ability to shift between the two, or even a new form yet to be revealed for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!

Honorable Mentions

Third Parties:
As I mentioned in my Bomberman video, most guest fighters are exceedingly difficult to predict. I think it's more likely than not that we'll see at least one, but due to how unpredictable they are, I couldn't justify having any of them in my Top 8. I believe the most likely third parties are Rayman, a Monster Hunter, and a second character from Square-Enix, whoever that may be. Maybe Bomberman as well, but we still have unanswered questions surrounding Konami.

Veterans: I'm a very pro-newcomer person, so excuse me for being skeptical, but I'm not very confident on any veterans past the ICs and Wolf. Snake has the same unanswered questions as Bomberman plus the firing of Hideo Kojima (who goes way back with Sakurai and was the driving force behind Snake in Brawl to begin with), Squirtle and Ivysaur pale in comparison right now to the newer mons, Toon Link is Young Link's spiritual successor and does more interesting things with the niche, and Pichu is divisive at best and wasn't even planned for Brawl!

Ballot Picks: I also can't rule out another Smash Ballot choice, but again, not confident enough in anyone in particular to have them breach the Top 8. A lot of characters saw support, but I think the three most likely here are King K. Rool, Isaac, and Krystal, who all have some sort of history with Smash and potentially have concepts lying around to work with. K. Rool has the infamous costume, Isaac was an Assist Trophy summon, and according to an offhand comment years ago, Krystal seems to have been considered for Brawl!

Second Chances: I spent some time in my Delphox video discussing one scenario we should be considering: What if they go back to the drawing board for this port, and give another look to characters who fell short of the roster before? This could be another way in for the likes of Bandana Dee, Dixie Kong, or maybe even the unknown Rhythm Heaven Character. Or...well, let's just say I can't entirely rule out another Gen 6 'mon sneaking in.
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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Walp after my favorite sports team (The Golden State Warriors) just won the NBA Championship I am hyped out of my mind.

I pray my good luck continues with Snake in Smash 4 AT LAST!!!!

He is the best veteran not in the game at the moment, and we need him. Everyone loves him. Even Melee fans who loathe Brawl love Snake.

Please Smash Gods, I pray this to you. Do it. Klaymen.
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Hyped for E3! Sony crapped the bed, Microsoft did good, Ubisoft did fantastic, EA was half and half, and the PC Gaming show I fell asleep during and don't remember.
I was disappointed in Sony, but that Spiderman game looked amazing.

Outside of Cuphead, I didn't really care much for Microsoft's event either.

Had Ubisoft had a Rayman game instead of that Rabbid game they would've had a perfect show imo. You know it's funny, as a life long Cubs fan I was less surprised at them finally winning the World Series, than Ubisoft having a great E3. What a weird time to be alive.

To add a name, Bethesda **** the bed. People are mad they keep milking Skyrim, and they should be.

Can't wait for Nintendo's show.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I was disappointed in Sony, but that Spiderman game looked amazing.
I thought it was weird the highlight was a Shadow of the Colossus remake LMAO.

But that Spider-Man game looked really good... then the quick time action scenes. Ugh, that killed my hype.

I thought the best game was probably God of War. Glad they got away from hack 'n' slash because GoW is not good as a hack 'n' slash game. As a more general action game, it can be so much better. Now the series has a ton of potential moving forward. Also, Monster Hunter was good I guess.

Overall Sony's presentation sucked. It started bad, it ended on a letdown, and nothing happened really. Just remakes, DLC, Spider-Man, and another God of War. It felt so dead, and the crowd was dead as a result.

Oh, and that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite footage was garbage. Like... how do you explain this=???

Chun-Li looks terrible. Her face looks like a turd, her bosoms look like they merged, her shoulder/upper arms look like those of a Goron, her entire torso just looks weird, oh and her knees have something sticking out from them.

She looks like a disaster. MGS2 back in 2001 had way better looking character models than this in regards to every single detail. Oh, and the body proportions in that game was actually accurate. As bad as Mass Effect is, it was never THIS BAD!

Oh and who thought starting with music was a good idea=??? Or talking about how great you are=??? Like we don't want that, we want vidya games.
Outside of Cuphead, I didn't really care much for Microsoft's event either.
I thought the Microsoft presentation was actually pretty good. Lots of cool games and moments, but Dragon Ball FighterZ stole the show. Heck, Dragon Ball FighterZ stole E3. There's not a game that can touch how BIG of an impact it made.

The closer was also pretty good, and overall despite a weak start and maybe Sea of Thieves looking like it lacked any real gameplay, it seemed to be a good showing overall.
Had Ubisoft had a Rayman game instead of that Rabbid game they would've had a perfect show imo. You know it's funny, as a life long Cubs fan I was less surprised at them finally winning the World Series, than Ubisoft having a great E3. What a weird time to be alive.
My poor guy Axelayer Tweeted that if Beyond Good or Evil 2 got announced, he'd buy everyone who Retweeted that Tweet a Pizza.

It went from 3 people Retweeting it to suddenly it has almost 8,000 retweets. :laugh: Then he said the same thing about Devil May Cry 5 (which he's joked about for years) and it got confirmed! :chuckle:

What's funny is in a Skype call a few years ago we kept joking about how none of our predictions come true. Now he's twitter famous as a result! :laugh: A group of people I bounce off joke about it every year, and now suddenly he's right and he's got the internet blow up on him! :chuckle:

But back to Ubisoft... I thought their presentation was good. It was to the point and showed a lot of neat games.
To add a name, Bethesda **** the bed. People are mad they keep milking Skyrim, and they should be.
I thought Bethesda did good. Two great pieces of DLC and some neat content plus Skyrim everything.

One thing I hated was the paid DLC which was... ugh. Awful. Also the pacing was pretty lackluster, but I can't be mad about that. That's E3 for you.

Oh, and Wolfenstein II looks amazing. That was a fantastic way to reveal that game. Fantastic closer.

Additionally I can't wait until Elder Scrolls VI gets revealed next year! (probably)
Can't wait for Nintendo's show.
They need to drop the load NOAW!!!
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
I thought it was weird the highlight was a Shadow of the Colossus remake LMAO.

But that Spider-Man game looked really good... then the quick time action scenes. Ugh, that killed my hype.

I thought the best game was probably God of War. Glad they got away from hack 'n' slash because GoW is not good as a hack 'n' slash game. As a more general action game, it can be so much better. Now the series has a ton of potential moving forward. Also, Monster Hunter was good I guess.

Overall Sony's presentation sucked. It started bad, it ended on a letdown, and nothing happened really. Just remakes, DLC, Spider-Man, and another God of War. It felt so dead, and the crowd was dead as a result.

Oh, and that Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite footage was garbage. Like... how do you explain this=???

Chun-Li looks terrible. Her face looks like a turd, her bosoms look like they merged, her shoulder/upper arms look like those of a Goron, her entire torso just looks weird, oh and her knees have something sticking out from them.

She looks like a disaster. MGS2 back in 2001 had way better looking character models than this in regards to every single detail. Oh, and the body proportions in that game was actually accurate. As bad as Mass Effect is, it was never THIS BAD!

Oh and who thought starting with music was a good idea=??? Or talking about how great you are=??? Like we don't want that, we want vidya games.

I thought the Microsoft presentation was actually pretty good. Lots of cool games and moments, but Dragon Ball FighterZ stole the show. Heck, Dragon Ball FighterZ stole E3. There's not a game that can touch how BIG of an impact it made.

The closer was also pretty good, and overall despite a weak start and maybe Sea of Thieves looking like it lacked any real gameplay, it seemed to be a good showing overall.

My poor guy Axelayer Tweeted that if Beyond Good or Evil 2 got announced, he'd buy everyone who Retweeted that Tweet a Pizza.

It went from 3 people Retweeting it to suddenly it has almost 8,000 retweets. :laugh: Then he said the same thing about Devil May Cry 5 (which he's joked about for years) and it got confirmed! :chuckle:

What's funny is in a Skype call a few years ago we kept joking about how none of our predictions come true. Now he's twitter famous as a result! :laugh: A group of people I bounce off joke about it every year, and now suddenly he's right and he's got the internet blow up on him! :chuckle:

But back to Ubisoft... I thought their presentation was good. It was to the point and showed a lot of neat games.

I thought Bethesda did good. Two great pieces of DLC and some neat content plus Skyrim everything.

One thing I hated was the paid DLC which was... ugh. Awful. Also the pacing was pretty lackluster, but I can't be mad about that. That's E3 for you.

Oh, and Wolfenstein II looks amazing. That was a fantastic way to reveal that game. Fantastic closer.

Additionally I can't wait until Elder Scrolls VI gets revealed next year! (probably)

They need to drop the load NOAW!!!
MvC Infinite looks like a disaster right now imo. I feel like this is tied too much to the Marvel cinematic universe, and if this is true, we may not see Spiderman or any Xmen. Think about thay for a second, no Spiderman or Xmen in a MvC game. That's ****ing ridiculous.

I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't believe in this game right now. They've showed with this story and current Marvel character choices how important MCU is on this game, and that just makes it feel like the slimiest form of advertsing to date.

That's not even addressing the terribleness of the artstyle and certain character models (I mean, you showed her already).

It just looks bad, I've been waiting for it for so long, and I think I'll be waiting a lot longer for a proper MvC, if that ever comes...

Diddy Kong Diddy Kong 11 am Central Time. (Less than 5 hours)
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
How long till?

I hope for a new DKC still. :dkmelee:
It's 6PM for us Dutchers

EDIT: I'm having the "Not noticing the conversation at hand is hella offtopic"-flu so here's me being super giddy about the potential of a Telekinesis character like Magnesis Impa, Magnesis Wild Link or Telekinesis Krystal.

If Sakurai can be giddy about a slightly visually different swordsman then I can as well.
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Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I think if we ever got a Wizard-esk looking Ganon, we would 100% get a Wizpig color, just like how for Duck Hunt we got a Banjo & Kazooie color.
I don't get why people think this.

The ducks color scheme is a reference to the red and black ducks that appear in Duck Hunt. And the Dog being brown isn't a reference to Banjo. Most of his alt colors are just different shades of brown, which I'm pretty sure are just references to the color schemes of real life dogs. Not to mention that particular alt color is a much much darker shade of brown than Banjo's shade of brown.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'll just be the killjoy here and call that even if Smash Switch gets announched we aren't shown any new stuff yet, no new characters, no new stages.

Wouldn't make much sense if they did anyway. Especially characters. If newcomers are few in number, what would they gain by showing them off early?


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I'll just be the killjoy here and call that even if Smash Switch gets announched we aren't shown any new stuff yet, no new characters, no new stages.

Wouldn't make much sense if they did anyway. Especially characters. If newcomers are few in number, what would they gain by showing them off early?
I don't care I just need speculation to return full force


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
I'll just be the killjoy here and call that even if Smash Switch gets announched we aren't shown any new stuff yet, no new characters, no new stages.

Wouldn't make much sense if they did anyway. Especially characters. If newcomers are few in number, what would they gain by showing them off early?
I mean they showed off all the new characters along with a new mode for both Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Pokken DX in the first trailer.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
MvC Infinite looks like a disaster right now imo. I feel like this is tied too much to the Marvel cinematic universe, and if this is true, we may not see Spiderman or any Xmen. Think about thay for a second, no Spiderman or Xmen in a MvC game. That's ****ing ridiculous.
Spider-Man is part of a legitimate leak, so he's confirmed, not that you should worry about him.

And yeah, MvC3/UMvC3 had a better balance in terms of roster.
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