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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Well she didn't reeeally give us a ton of information. And whether the roster makes you "jump out of your seat" or not is entierly subjective.
This. This exactly. I don't know what Emily considers excitement worthy, but it's vague.

Not to mention the moment a character gets in MOST people warm up to them instantly. Pac-Man had a very anti hype hate base around him prior to reveal, but the moment he got in those people 180'd and claimed he was a wonderful addition truly deserving of standing alongside Sonic and Megaman as a gaming legend.

Everyone was excited for Takamaru(despite the common complaint of "too many blue haired anime swordsmen" which always made me chuckle) and Duck Hunt Dog was laughed at as a stupid idea...then BAM, everyone's hyped about him and he's always had fans.

Rosalina was considered the least likely and worthwhile Mario character placing consistantly after Bowser Jr, Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, Geno and even Daisy and Fawful at one point. She gets in, everyone's hyped and talking about "of course she deserved it more than those other characters" despite the polar opposite being stated prior. Rosalina fans suddenly popped up everywhere.

Any character is going to make people hyped upon reveal.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Also why is everyone viewing Spyro as more likely or talking about him? Because that remade got conformed? That was before Sakurai decided the roster. Also Spyro is a potential third party, but I do not see the team adding him over other bigger choices like Crash Bandicoot or Bomberman.
There was a 4Chan 'leak' about him and Crash being announced at E3 (and that's the reason that the Spyro remake coming to Switch announcement has been delayed).

It's low probability and has some people calling it out as wrong thanks to other stuff in the link (and a second person who copied it then denied it? I dunno it got confusing), but it definitely raised his profile for a bit.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
I don't know if it's been shared here already, and I imagine most people following this thread know most of these leaks already, but I think Alpharad's latest video about Smash Leaks is a good point to work off of:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVgFFDP56Ss (some profanity in the video)

The idea of a seemingly credible leaker saying that Smash Switch's roster is going to be amazing seems nice, but given how robust some fake leaks have been in the last few years someone just saying "It's gonna be really good" shouldn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I feel like it's not actually that difficult to make people hype for new characters, it's extremely rare that one is met with a negative reception, it usually only happens when we see the final roster and the community needs a scapegoat to blame for their most wanted character not getting in (R.O.B/Dark Pit). Only hardcore Nintendo fans will know every single character that's included, and the objective of Sakurai and co. is to make the lesser known characters popular with the masses through exciting gameplay. I'm not at all concerned that if someone like Geno was revealed that people wouldn't be hype for him, hardcore Smash fans would go absolutely crazy, and people who don't know him would likely be hyped because they're watching gameplay of a robot shooting lasers everywhere, and the same can be said of characters who aren't highly requested by the speculation scene. When you look at Smash 4's roster there are actually a decent amount of newcomers your average gamer wouldn't necessarily know about, and there were some very notable character requests among the hardcore community that were ignored, but it was probably the best received roster to date regardless of that.

Hardcore Smash fans also have a tendency to forget any kind of negatives they made up around a character during speculation. Remember the complaints about Sonic lacking moveset potential? Even when three of his specials turned out to be him rolling into a ball nobody complained, because ****ing Sonic was in the game. Potential characters who might have such stigmas around them, like Ridley, would still be considered insanely hype, and whatever issues they were perceived to have will instantly be forgotten.

My point being, people are going to be jumping out of their seats no matter what, it's not information we can use for anything.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Emily saying the roster will be hype is the difference between a tease and a leak. She's not trying to reveal anything.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I actually really like the Spyro and Crash rumour. That would be so hype and honestly wouldn't surprise me at all.

It's the same as Banjo-Kazooie.

I know a lot of people deny their relevancy ib 2018 (particularly Banjo) but if you look at the way Mega Man was revealed and designed, it's clear Nintendo understand the power of nostalgia.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
What hype means anyway? A lot of people talk about "we should never see it coming" or "it should leave our mouths open" or whatever but isn't speculation tends do opposite. Newcomers for Smash For kinda have negative fame in hardcore community (or at least people who makes up the bulk of Youtube and Smashboards) since very little people predicted them all and saw them as "not my faves".

I'm not sure what I'm going with this but personally I hope I'm wrong with some of my predictions. My roster seems a bit too safe compared to last game.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
hooboy, oughta open up a ****ing yoga center cause there's a lot of stretching going on in here.

also, was that a tweet earlier that the engine's back from 4? dun-dun-DUN

gonna have to fix up a bowl of alphabet spaghettios, save them Ls to hand out on e3...


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I actually want salt and rage to be had over this roster.
No salt and rage seems like a pipe dream at this point. You can fill the roster with characters fans requested for years: Waluigi, Ridley, King K.Rool, Isaac, Krystal etc. but in the end a lot of younger fans would just scratch their heads. Newer characters would make the older fans feel ignored.

Sakurai has to perfectly balance catering to both nostalgia and where Nintendo is today, if we want to keep salt minimum. Oh, and fighters should be selected depending on their art style, weapon, origin franchise, weight and morality.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
If the roster is that great? Smashboards better be like a nuclear bomb dropped on it after E3.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
I actually want salt and rage to be had over this roster.
Easy: have a CGI trailer where Samus is fighting Ridley, and suddenly a Monster Hunter character appears out of nowhere, kills him and makes a Ridley armour as his/her default skin, with their Final Smash being some sort of super-powered attack powered by the tears and salt of Ridley fans.

That ought to get the ball rolling for salt and rage.

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
If the roster is that great? Smashboards better be like a nuclear bomb dropped on it after E3.
They can show us just new Final Destination, 12 returning veterans and Inkling gameplay. Nothing else. It would have the same result. ;)
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Smash Ace
May 20, 2014
hooboy, oughta open up a ****ing yoga center cause there's a lot of stretching going on in here.

also, was that a tweet earlier that the engine's back from 4? dun-dun-DUN

gonna have to fix up a bowl of alphabet spaghettios, save them Ls to hand out on e3...
it was a rendering engine and the guy said he made it, not that it came from smash 4, And since he said he made it it has to be newer than smash 4's since he joined the company in 2016

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Go to E3 and Sakurai just drops like 14 newcomers at once and a bunch of returning veterans.

This place wouldn't even know what to ****ing do.

Do we talk about Ridley?

Do we talk about Geno?

How about that Monster Hunter?

What about the return of Ice Climbers?

Breath of Wild link looks nice.

But dude Captain Toad though?

And Shovel Knight? Crazy.

We'd be firing in about twenty five different places.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Go to E3 and Sakurai just drops like 14 newcomers at once and a bunch of returning veterans.

This place wouldn't even know what to ****ing do.

Do we talk about Ridley?

Do we talk about Geno?

How about that Monster Hunter?

What about the return of Ice Climbers?

Breath of Wild link looks nice.

But dude Captain Toad though?

And Shovel Knight? Crazy.

We'd be firing in about twenty five different places.
Wouldn't be an issue because the site would be down. :p
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
broke: wanting a good roster
woke: wanting a bad roster
bespoke: wanting everyone to be replaced with fire emblem characters
Sakurai: So we're trying to do something different this time.
Bandai Namco: Uh huh. So what's your thought?
Sakurai: We're basically turning Smash Brothers into Soul Calibur...
Bandai Namco: We'll start on the models for Taki, Sophita, Nightmare, Mits..
Sakurai: No, no....nothing. but. Fire. Emblem.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
This. This exactly. I don't know what Emily considers excitement worthy, but it's vague.

Not to mention the moment a character gets in MOST people warm up to them instantly. Pac-Man had a very anti hype hate base around him prior to reveal, but the moment he got in those people 180'd and claimed he was a wonderful addition truly deserving of standing alongside Sonic and Megaman as a gaming legend.

Everyone was excited for Takamaru(despite the common complaint of "too many blue haired anime swordsmen" which always made me chuckle) and Duck Hunt Dog was laughed at as a stupid idea...then BAM, everyone's hyped about him and he's always had fans.

Rosalina was considered the least likely and worthwhile Mario character placing consistantly after Bowser Jr, Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, Geno and even Daisy and Fawful at one point. She gets in, everyone's hyped and talking about "of course she deserved it more than those other characters" despite the polar opposite being stated prior. Rosalina fans suddenly popped up everywhere.

Any character is going to make people hyped upon reveal.
I guess I'm not most people. Who I wanted or didn't want usually stays consistent before and after the release of the game.

Probably people warm up to characters because they end up having a really cool moveset... But here's the thing, any character who gets into Smash is going to have a really cool moveset and is going to be fun to play as no matter what. I know this. So if people are basing their choices of what they don't want because they can't imagine them being a fun character, I'd say they lack imagination.

So being a fun character doesn't make me warm up to them. I knew they would be fun. All characters are fun. Smash is inherently fun no matter who is in it. That doesn't really matter when it comes to my wants.
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Apr 4, 2015
Rareware Winners Lounge
This. This exactly. I don't know what Emily considers excitement worthy, but it's vague.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you throw enough crap at a wall, some of it is bound to stick, Emily Rogers and the like are great examples of this method. Few others who claim to be in the know as well delete all evidence when their breaking news turns out to be inaccurate.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Just bouncing back from the clone discussion.
Roy is to Marth what Ken is To Ryu in Smash 4.
Or Saying that in Cross Tag Battle Hyde from Uniel and Yu Narukami from Persona are semi clone because they have some common neutral and basic sword slash.
Or all of the Ermac in Mortal Kombat
Oh dear...how the fighting games community would be laughing as us if they were watching us saying that a character is a clone when 99% of the properties of his moves are different than the original.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Just bouncing back from the clone discussion.
Roy is to Marth what Ken is To Ryu in Smash 4.
Or Saying that in Cross Tag Battle Hyde from Uniel and Yu Narukami from Persona are semi clone because they have some common neutral and basic sword slash.
Or all of the Ermac in Mortal Kombat
Oh dear...how the fighting games community would be laughing as us if they were watching us saying that a character is a clone when 99% of the properties of his moves are different than the original.
In Brawl and 4, we got two characters modelled after pre-existing fighters for each game. Four in total. This number was six in Melee.

At this point, I don't even know why people are complaining about clones, unless they want every single character in the roster to be from their "most wanted" list.

As you said, you can't even play most of them like the fighters they based from.

Deleted member

Anytime a third party game is confirmed to be on Nintendo Switch, suddenly they're likely. Even if Super Smash Bros has been in development years before it.
Really? I never legit knew that.
I heard about a remake.
But still. Spyro is not likely.
The middle should be

"The roster's gonna be big"

It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.
The roster is so large that you can still see it from space if you throw it a billion miles away from you, because you all know fans will always by hype for the big roster.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
She claims that the additions to the roster will make people jump out of their seats and that a lot of people will be happy. She's basically saying it will be the ultimate roster.

Edit: I have no reason to doubt her. She was the one who hinted Retro Studios' game.
Omg -Ridley- Golden Peach confirmed!

On a serious note, that is hyping as **** and I have no reason to doubt her. But I will remain cautious.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
What hype means anyway? A lot of people talk about "we should never see it coming" or "it should leave our mouths open" or whatever but isn't speculation tends do opposite. Newcomers for Smash For kinda have negative fame in hardcore community (or at least people who makes up the bulk of Youtube and Smashboards) since very little people predicted them all and saw them as "not my faves".
People only thought that because they lived in a bubble where they though they were the only demographic and shot down everything else that wasn't Ridley, King K . Rool, and Mewtwo over really stupid reasons, which bit them in the ass when karma eventually struck.

Also a vocal minority of people are not indicative of the community at large. The newcomers from last time have their obvious fans, it's just that people forget that because a select few are being very loud against it.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
People only thought that because they lived in a bubble where they though they were the only demographic and shot down everything else that wasn't Ridley, King K . Rool, and Mewtwo over really stupid reasons, which bit them in the *** when karma eventually struck.

Also a vocal minority of people are not indicative of the community at large. The newcomers from last time have their obvious fans, it's just that people forget that because a select few are being very loud against it.
Someone need to give a cookie to this man and frame his post in a museum for a rare case of sound truth in this thread.


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
Really? I never legit knew that.
I heard about a remake.
But still. Spyro is not likely.

The roster is so large that you can still see it from space if you throw it a billion miles away from you, because you all know fans will always by hype for the big roster.
Really? After the newcomers we got in Smash 4, you are still gonna look at what is likely and unlikely like we are still in Brawl speculation?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
So have we talked about the ''Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu" and ''Pokemon Let's Go! Eevee?" thing?

If true. I think Eevee is more than likely getting added to the roster.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Really? After the newcomers we got in Smash 4, you are still gonna look at what is likely and unlikely like we are still in Brawl speculation?
I think What he mean is that people use the Crash/Spyro remake as argument for their inclusion, at least recently but their remake weren't annouced, for Crash it was at first an exclusive and I'm willing to bet my right hand that if it wasn't for the year wait and the switch sucess Activision wouldn't even want it on Switch.

If you go with the "Roster needed to be decided by the end of 2016" there no way Crash/Spyro could be in- Except because of some shady Skylanders deal. Rabbits/Rayman have more chance since the Mario/Rabbit thingy was a years deal that took so much time to be made. And it hurt to say this myself.

So have we talked about the ''Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu" and ''Pokemon Let's Go! Eevee?" thing?

If true. I think Eevee is more than likely getting added to the roster.
Any Pokemon is too much of a wild card to be "more than likely" added to the roster- If Sakurai used the Gen 6 reasoning of "A spot for them no matter what" and only had Concept art for the Gen 7 like he did with with gen 6 to choose Greninja.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007

Just for reference of what I'm talking about.

If this is true? Eevee is advanced enough of a character for Sakurai to consider. It's also a very popular Pokemon with many evolutions. All Sakurai would have to hear is ''We're focusing on Eevee this time." from Gamefreak and he'd most likely know what to do just from prior knowledge of the other games it's appeared in.


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
I think What he mean is that people use the Crash/Spyro remake as argument for their inclusion, at least recently but their remake weren't annouced, for Crash is was at first an exclusive and I'm willing to be my right hand that if it wasn't for the year wait and the switch sucess Activision wouldn't even want it on Switch.
I mean, I think that the inclusion of Cloud shows that Sakurai really wants to represent the biggest gaming icons in Smash, and is willing to ignore the fact that they don’t have anything to do with Nintendo. And I agree, circumstances don’t point to Crash or Spyro being in the base roster. But like I said, this isn’t Brawl anymore. DLC is always an option that allows for more spontaneous editions. I think it’s safe to say Corrin was not considered in 2013.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
It would add up with the rumor that next games are focused on Gen1 / Kanto- though, so I'm curious.

If this is true? Eevee is advanced enough of a character for Sakurai to consider. It's also a very popular Pokemon with many evolutions. All Sakurai would have to hear is ''We're focusing on Eevee this time." from Gamefreak and he'd most likely know what to do just from prior knowledge of the other games it's appeared in.
If that was true, Sakurai would have known that Game Freak was pushing Greninja. But he didn't, he only had concept art and he was choosen. But as I said....Pokémon is too much of a wild card- There no way to guess which Pokémon might get in since everytime one of them made in, it was for different reason/circumstances. But god I would love a playable Eevee and perhaps the only characters I would wish had transformation-

I mean, I think that the inclusion of Cloud shows that Sakurai really wants to represent the biggest gaming icons in Smash, and is willing to ignore the fact that they don’t have anything to do with Nintendo.
Oh yeah, let's ignore the fact that Final Fantasy started on Nintendo for 6 games, and keep appearing every generation beside N64? Final Fantasy have as much history with Nintendo than Megaman, Sonic and Street Fighters.
Am I the only one who watch'd the direct or read the following Famitsu collum?
Cloud was choosen to be a FINAL FANTASY representation because a lot of people voted for a Final Fantasy characters. But what's the better representation than the most Iconic characters from that series? Whenever his main game appeared on the system or not.

I think it’s safe to say Corrin was not considered in 2013.
From what we know, Corrin wasn't planned AT ALL. It's Sakurai's own dev teams that begged to add it promising that it would be a unique fighter when Sakurai himself though that we didn't needed more FE characters.
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Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
Oh yeah, let's ignore the fact that Final Fantasy started on Nintendo for 6 games, and keep appearing every generation beside N64? Final Fantasy have as much history with Nintendo than Megaman, Sonic and Street Fighters.
Am I the only one who watch'd the direct or read the following Famitsu collum?
Cloud was choosen to be a FINAL FANTASY representation because a lot of people voted for a Final Fantasy characters. But what's the better representation than the most Iconic characters from that series? Whenever his main game appeared on the system or not.
Yep, let’s also ignore that the game that Cloud originated from was a PS1 game, and was a massive problem for Nintendo, since it led to RPG fans choosing PS1 over N64. And when people think of Cloud, do you really think they are thinking “oh yeah, it’s the guy from the first few Final Fantasy games on NES”. Probably not. Cloud represents one of PlayStation’s biggest games and Final Fantasy 7 itself.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
A single person saying that the roster is hype means almost nothing to me. It's entirely subjective, and opinions differ from person to person.

What Emily finds to be "hype" might be "meh" for me.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Yep, let’s also ignore that the game that Cloud originated from was a PS1 game, and was a massive problem for Nintendo, since it led to RPG fans choosing PS1 over N64. And when people think of Cloud, do you really think they are thinking “oh yeah, it’s the guy from the first few Final Fantasy games on NES”. Probably not. Cloud represents one of PlayStations biggest games and Final Fantasy 7 itself.
Again. It wasn't the point or reason for Cloud's inclusion.
Cloud was added as a FINAL FANTASY characters. Not as FINAL FANTASY VII characters. Why do you think his logo is FF instead of the Meteor?
And yeah, look, Nintendo hate Square Enix so much that they're willing to let them publish Tons of Final Fantasy games after this "Betrayal" if you knew your History, you would know that Square went to Sony because the N64 cartridge couldn't launch the FMV video-
And you would also know that FFVII was also on PC at the same time-
It wasn't a "betrayal" it was just technical issues. There wasn't any beef between Square and Nintendo ever.


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
A single person saying that the roster is hype means almost nothing to me. It's entirely subjective, and opinions differ from person to person.

What Emily finds to be "hype" might be "meh" for me.
Exactly. Everyone has their own idea of what the “Ultimate roster” is. While I could think a roster with Waluigi, Toad, and Ridley is the ultimate roster, someone else could really dislike these inclusions and think the roster is mediocre.
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Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
Some of you seem to be forgetting that she stated "You'll be happy with this roster". I'm sure she said that having in mind what most people keep wanting or asking for.
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