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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
She claims that the additions to the roster will make people jump out of their seats and that a lot of people will be happy. She's basically saying it will be the ultimate roster.

Edit: I have no reason to doubt her. She was the one who hinted Retro Studios' game.
That doesn't seem all that useful without knowing demographics for "a lot of people." East and west? Mainstream and niche? New and retro? Maybe it just means the same thing it always does -- a character or two from a portion of recent well-received titles. I want to interpret it as them going back and adding older characters that they missed or who weren't timed right, but that's just because that's what I would be excited for, while other people might be more interested in getting three Xenoblade reps or Octolings or something.


May 2, 2015
Dude, chill out. Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. There is no reason to be getting this mad.
You have no way to tell if I'm mad or not. Caps and long posts doesn't necessarily mean anger.

I just said that because you said beforehand lmao, it aint that deep

My point was that if Wolf is 70% unique in Sakurai's eyes, then Roy is obviously even less unique. This was in reference to you saying Roy was "1/3 of a clone at worst" earlier, this obviously isn't true if Wolf, a character with completely different attacks, is still a 30% a clone. Roy is half at the very best.

But regardless let's drop the argument, we're just going in circles at this point lol.
Because you aren't even reading what I am typing, are rguing against yourself, and refusing to actually present any facts backing what you are saying other than "Sakurai said blank", yes.

Meanwhile, almost everything I've said is in the files of every Smash Bros Wii U and 3ds game.

Take this with the same preface as my last post, but just to explain:
There's a reason Melee's roster went as it did. It wasn't models, hitbox properties or character physics that made the clones easy to produce, it was the fact that they already had almost all of their animations done. The fact that 4 characters with new models, framedata and physics could be produced in about the time that one new character could be when the only major carryover is the animation kind of proves that point and I'm pretty sure Sakurai has made comments to that effect when discussing the matter.
If you want to argue that Roy is a clone production-wise then I have nothing to argue against, it makes sense. Though there is much more effort put in outside of just animation, than this thread is willing to give credit for.

Gameplay-wise Roy is a semi-clone. That is my argument.
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Is Emily that E3 leaker that got pretty much all of E3 right last year? If so, then I'm very excited about what she has to say. Seems uplifting.
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Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
That's a little vague of a statement. Rogers is an odd character for sure, and while I usually don't pay attention to her statements like when she claimed you could play as Linkle/ girl Link in Botw, she leaked Mario & Rabbids months ahead before anyone else.

I mean, I'm sure I'll enjoy this roster more than the last one, but doesn't each game bring the ultimate roster? Melee, Brawl and 4 all have solid rosters. I'm sure as long as I get like 2 or 3 characters I really want added and not too many additions that make me think "really?" I'll be quite content with the game.

Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Hasn't Emily been both right and wrong on a fair deal of occasions in the past? Does she still retain any credibility, or was she right about something big one time forever ago and hasn't really had much since?

Serious question, btw.

EDIT: After reviewing what Bebe posted after this, she definitely carries some credibility. I'm interested to see what she means about the roster.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
If you want to argue that Roy is a clone production-wise then I have nothing to argue against, it makes sense. Though there is much more effort put in outside of just animation, than this thread is willing to give credit for.

Gameplay-wise Roy is a semi-clone. That is my argument.
Also @Scoliosis Jones
I'm using "clone" exclusively in reference to production, I never said anything about similarities in gameplay. The whole reason the term exists is because of the history of fighting games (esp. Street Fighter) recycling sprites for their new characters to make them easier to produce. It's not a value judgement and I don't think it's an illegitimate practice. In fact, I wish there was more of it because I think iterative design is interesting and worthwhile.
For example I think recent NR games got a little muddled in giving the same characters different movesets and it would have been better off deciding who each character is and then adding semi-clones if there were multiple incompatible ideas they wanted to hold on to. I think the reason they don't is the stigma against clones (also makes things like story mode easier to write).
Even in the new SFII, which got ridiculed for adding two more shotoclones, my favorite character is Violent Ken because they gave him a command dash, which required no new assets but completely changes the character.

I may have been at fault for using a more specialized definition, but I see no reason that any kind term like "clone" should apply to gameplay at all, since you don't really see characters with properties so similar that they blend together except for Dark Pit, who has no right to exist in his current state. In any case, that's why I use it exclusively in reference to production.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I mean I believe her but that's also the vaguest statement, unless they add like cranky kong and no one else that was kind of a given, she can't really be wrong lol


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
With such a short gap between late Wii U and early Switch, do you think this installment of Super Smash Bros will have a larger focus on OLDER history?


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
The cool thing is that even if the roster isn't as cool as you want it to be, that can be fixed with DLC later... maybe.

If that rumour is true, I'm definitely expecting Ridley lol.


May 2, 2015
Want a new F-Zero, kids?
Here's Star Fox Racing
Nintendo is crazy, man. I've never played an F-zero game but I want it a heck of a lot more than a new Pokemon or Mario game and I have played both of those.

F-Zero has Captain Falcon's immense popularity in Smash to ride off of too. The marketing IS RIGHT THERE.

But no, yeah, great, Star Fox Racing, woot.:disco:

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
Massive respect for her if she knows the newcomers and withheld spoiling them.
Well...I'm sure she doesn't want 20 seconds of internet fame only because she doesn't want to jeopardize her source. It's good that she's protecting them and should continue to do so.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
"The Ultimate Smash Bros."

Man I can't let myself get hyped up like this but an all vets reunion plus a healthy chunk of newcomers would certainly qualify as that for me. E3 can't come soon enough.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Nintendo is crazy, man. I've never played an F-zero game but I want it a heck of a lot more than a new Pokemon or Mario game and I have played both of those.

F-Zero has Captain Falcon's immense popularity in Smash to ride off of too. The marketing IS RIGHT THERE.

But no, yeah, great, Star Fox Racing, woot.:disco:
Being a F-Zero fan is very rough my friend. Consider yourself lucky.

It was referenced in Nintendo Land and Mario Kart 8, with assets from the series used for the latter. Now talk of a racing game made by Nintendo that isn't Mario Kart....and it will use the Star Fox roster.

I love Star Fox, but this will be a bit of a kick in the balls. On the other hand, it has the vehicles, roster, and theme to work well as a racing game akin to Diddy Kong Racing (another good game to be based on) and it will get a 2nd chance to stand out....but Star Fox could be so much more if heart, commitment, and talent was put on the series and its characters. It could be a fantastic space thriller with a lot of quality personalities if they could drop the Star Fox 64 model for one second. Assault and Command had the right ideas in introducing new weapons and ways to play, but they lacked consistency (and in the latter's case, talent) to be truly special.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
"The Ultimate Smash Bros."

Man I can't let myself get hyped up like this but an all vets reunion plus a healthy chunk of newcomers would certainly qualify as that for me. E3 can't come soon enough.
Come home my children :wolf::snake::popo::pichumelee::squirtle::ivysaur:

Keeping hype down though.
I always considered that Sakurai may attempt to bring back all past veterans because a lot of veterans are probably assets reused from the Wii U version and there aren't a lot of newcomers left to add. (+ DLC focused partially on bringing back veterans, so there's going to be even more expectations for returning veterans than ever before)

The one character I just can't see coming back is Young Link.
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Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
I hope that, if this is supposed to be "the ultimate Smash Bros", all the missing veterans eventually find their way back in, whether that be through base roster or DLC.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
I always considered that Sakurai may attempt to bring back all past veterans because a lot of veterans are probably assets reused from the Wii U version and there aren't a lot of newcomers left to add.

The one character I just can't see coming back is Young Link.
Man, if all the vets BUT Young Link come back, that'd be pretty dang sad. If Sakurai's going to do all the vets, he better do a clean sweep. No veteran left behind. A true Smash Bros. family.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Hasn't Emily been both right and wrong on a fair deal of occasions in the past? Does she still retain any credibility, or was she right about something big one time forever ago and hasn't really had much since?

Serious question, btw.

EDIT: After reviewing what Bebe posted after this, she definitely carries some credibility. I'm interested to see what she means about the roster.
She has gotten things wrong yes, the most infamous example for her would be the Switch presentation where she got a number of things incorrect and even denounced the 4Chan leak that did get things right. With that said, she has also gotten a number of things right such as getting Smash's announcement correct, so there's reason to at least pay attention to her.

Anyway, if this is true, I'm really curious what additions have her so excited if she's calling this the "Ultimate Smash roster". It doesn't sound like she knows the full thing 100%, but whatever characters are being added sound like they're enough to really get her excited.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
Not exactly sure if Emily Roger is the most reliable source, considering:
She seems to be able to get pretty accurate information in terms of Nintendo hardware, likely from a Ubisoft-based source, considering she leaked Mario + Rabbids as well.
However, in terms of software, she has nowhere near a good track record. Smash Bros. isn't hardware, so take this with a truckload of salt, at the absolute least.

Hell, even in the case she did have a good track record, the statement of "Nintendo wants Switch's Smash Bros. to be the "Ultimate Smash Bros." game is such an incredibly safe and vague thing to predict. Like, does Nintendo want Smash 5 to be bad or something? Of course they want the latest game in their series to be the best one yet.
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Bradli Wartooth

Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2014
Man that is one vague statement.
I heard that she has gotten stuff wrong in the past, but let's hope.
I share the feeling that I'm excited to see what this incredible roster is, but to be fair, that statement of hers is entirely subjective. Just because she loves it doesn't mean we will. I hope she has a good enough understanding of the general public and it is pleasing to most, though.

Deleted member

****, she said no cuts.

I’m rlly not tryna see Corrin again :sadsheep:
What is wrong with :4corrinf:? I want no cuts, and in fact I think they should add more FE characters.

I know people are saying there is too much Fire Emblem characters ( Sakurai even said it himself in one interview with Corrin ), but I think if more newcomers come in, it is okay to add at least one or two FE characters.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Every Emily claim provokes the same question of credibility song and dance. She gets stuff wrong, but much more often her leaks prove valid. Most recently she dropped some hints which match up pretty seamlessly with this Star Fox business.

She's credible enough to not ignore, but not so credible to take as gospel.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
****, she said no cuts.

I’m rlly not tryna see Corrin again :sadsheep:
You'll get Corrin and Camilla with all her FE Heroes alts, its happening.

Not exactly sure if Emily Roger is the most reliable source, considering:
She seems to be able to get pretty accurate information in terms of Nintendo hardware, likely from a Ubisoft-based source, considering she leaked Mario + Rabbids as well.
However, in terms of software, she has nowhere near a good track record. Smash Bros. isn't hardware, so take this with a truckload of salt, at the absolute least.

Hell, even in the case she did have a good track record, the statement of "Nintendo wants Switch's Smash Bros. to be the "Ultimate Smash Bros." game is such an incredibly safe and vague thing to predict. Like, does Nintendo want Smash 5 to be bad or something? Of course they want the latest game in their series to be the best one yet.
As much as I want to believe, yeah, its seems like a very safe prediction to make by making it vague in its wording. Holding out for at least this to be partially true.
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