Okay thanks jolteon
So, I would like very much to attend the Brighton event. From what I've gathered, it would be most efficient for me to catch the 04:26(!) from Glasgow Central to Brighton on Saturday, attend the tournament, and then...I'm not so sure. Do you all in the UK tend to have "afterparty" events? In the US, regional tournaments are pretty much always followed by a smashfest by local(s) who are housing people who have come from afar. However, I wouldnt necessarily expect that in this case because this event seems to be a bit more public. Regardless, is anyone in Brighton housing people? If not, I think my next best option would be to go to Bill's (for ~£15) Saturday night and leave Sunday morning for a trip [7 hours lol] back to Glasgow from Southampton Airport via Euston.
Does anyone think I might be able to make that trip more efficient? Thanks for reading btw.