cba with an mm but teach me marth
06 ken / 07 mew2king is all you need lol
but tbh your marth now is probably unteachable now you have most likely developed your own style now
so i cant really direct you into a new style cause it was mess you up lol.
But i can just show a few tactics with him to get out of annoying suitations other than that is just a gerenal style behind it
Might do £1 just to get a good set with you. Haven't played you since GT2 when I was bottom of trash tier.
sure lol
go for it Edwin, I'll try out my fox lol
i wanted to play jigglypuff but fox is fine lol
Anaky/Andy Says:
Il MM you Edwin, £1 Bo3 Marth dittos.
Edit: Also i see so much trashtalk about Charles lol, idk why but i guess its jsut cuz hes still the best, as hes been consistant for the longest, and has only lost a few tournies recently, not a years worth.
sure lol
I can do all that. My biggest problem is keeping up with fox's movement, to stop his speed giving him more effective range than Sheik (e.g. his running nair can start well out of range of any of sheiks moves).
i dont think you should play to win , just play LJ to learn the MU
when it comes to tournaments go beast mode on him xD
looool the dash start nair , just wait until he starts mixing up full jump nair / bair . or DD grab or better yet the laser spam which forces youto react so he can read your position better fox is so g-a-y lol
you always have to aware of you position and foxes.
its really like rps sheik has moves that beat his moveset just have to know which one
and what robby said was true.
but tbh i dont see how people can still have problems with MU's
the 2010 metagame is sooooo developed now
i think you just need to be more observant / and do your research a lil on fox MU
you could learn it by 2-3 days if you study his moveset
because all it is , is just a repition on moves over and over but cause of the large stage ( space) each move fox does really suitational .
but if you are talking about what moves beat what thats easy
but in suitations its very hard cause the stage gives a simple moveset so much more indivuality
sorry for spelling rushed this