Yeah, screw them, I fixed the ruleset, old school.
K SO TORONTO - Missisauga:
Noah (Bread), Me, Connel (Vex), Andy (Lanowen), Bernard (RaynEX), Ryan (Unknown522), Daniel (divine knight), Nate (Runawayfire)
And why is Onett banned? Makes no sense, that was a good stage.
I vote that we unban Onett and ban Great Bay, who opposes that? For doubles I mean.
Nah no Onett. It's bad for Peach anyway.
I'm gonna try my best to make it to this, but it's the day after an important drama performance... The only way is if there's a really late train heading to Montreal, and someone's willing to pick up NNR that late to house us.
Can't you take a train around 4am or something?
any way if between 4 - 10 people came up from western new york could any of us be housed. it may be bout 4 or 5 from buff and who knows how many from rochester.
lemme knizzow
Vwins can accommodate you. Are you coming by car? Tell us asap so we can try and set up carpool accommodations.
Wow I miss saying this.
I was thinking about you when I came up with the name.
Ippo is sooo good.
- With the greater number of people coming to this, plus possibly Americans, I think we should do regular crews instead of ON vs. QC. This lets more people play in more tourneys (yes, I did vote in the web poll, but I wanted to explain my reasoning here, everyone is just voting for ON vs. QC without thinking about it).
- With all the people coming to this, you probably won't have time for 4 events
- If you're doing pools to double elim like at ToS2, you need to know how to set up the brackets. Either find a program that does this (I don't know if one exists...maybe tio?) or talk to me about how the brackets are supposed to work.
QFFingT. Honestly, I think the ON vs QC event should go last, if we have time.
ZOMG does everyone use Dice's screen name when doing inside jokes or something? Everytime I hit Chet with Ganon's dash attack I scream "Dice combo!!!111" because he keeps talking about how ugly my uber combo was in the Quebec vs Ontario crew battle.
TestRider: ... mouuaais...
*chet gouges his own eyes out*
EDIT: I forgot, about Fogel's post:
If we are doing pools, we will be using either your program, or Lanowen's program (which worked perfectly fine at STYD1.. until we had to switch to double elimination because of time restrictions). For doubles and everything else, we'll be using Tournament Maker, that does the brackets perfectly.
EDIT 2: Ontario guys, I can't wait to add you on the list, but please confirm. ;_;