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Smash in Chelmsford Land II!: The Road to Pound - Results


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Brawl Singles:

1: Fatal (Snake)
2: Bizkit (Snake)
3: TeeVee (ROB/Diddy/Metaknight)
4: Blood+ (Falco/Metaknight)
5: Harry Potter (Duke) (King Dedede/Metaknight)
5: Almo (Marth)
7: [X]Factor (Ice Climbers)
7: Wave(Joe SD) (Snake/Falco/Metaknight)
9: Omster
9: Copacetic
9: Pelca
9: Watkins
13: DavidLazer
13: Prawn
13: M2K (Decadon)
13: GaG
17: Salis09
17: Tymer
17: Bass
17: Maine
17: Hotdogturtle
17: Sphere
17: Kiwi
17: I
25: Tempest

Singles Bracket:

Brawl Doubles:

1: **** the mayor of chelmsfrod village (Bloodcross + Fatal)
2: T.V and Bizkit (TeeVee + Bizkit)
3: Ghastly, Ghastly, Ghastly, Haunter, Haunter, Haunter (Darc + Dazwa)
4: 2 Girls 1 Up Smash (Peachkid + Riot)
5: No Idea (Cop + Pelca)
5: Team Sexbomb (StarLight + Wakins)
7: Kirby (Bass + Duke)
7: Prawn Diddn't want to enter Dubz (Prawn + Joe SD)
9: Exploading Eggz (Salis09 + David Lazer)
9: 9 Months in the making... WELL RESTED MURDER MAKERS! (Ace + Kiwi)
9: Nintenbros (Tymer + Tempest)
9: No PReference (Emmy + Gower)
13: Dogagon (HotDog + Decadon)

Doubles Bracket:

Shoutouts later. There was no Brawl+ Tio file, so someone else will have to send Brawl+ results to me if they want them posted.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008

and i only remember top 5 for brawl+ singles

1 - OBM (Wario/GaW)
2 - Dazwa (Pit, CF?)
3 - TeeVee (Rob, Wario)
4 - Darc (Jiggz)
5 - Fatal (Snake/MK)

shoutouts tomorrow...


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
shoutouts later....

fun tourny. I'm really upset at my placing and being bracket ***** but its w/e


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
This will be my last tournament. Not even having fun anymore.

It HAS been fun, and it was a pleasure meeting all of you; but I'm no longer walking out of tournaments with a smile on my face. Not going to Pound either... my brother just stole a ****load of $ which just happens to be the $ for Pound. I just want to relax from here on out to avoid anymore problems. Don't want to go on a huge rant so I'll end it.

Bye everyone... that is all.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
**** I may have left my white controller at the venue if anyone found one can you please get it back to me :/

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
****, it'd be sad to see you go BC :( I hope you enjoyed that slice of pizza at least :D

And nah, I went straight Pit in B+. I went Ivysaur/Fox in winners bracket, but it was short lived as I lost the very first round of the tournament trying to use them >_>


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
I enjoyed brawl+ more yesterday. It's just refreshing not to play against metaknight. It's as if people are having fun again, and not just playing to win.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2008
Milford, Massachusetts
I know I got not last in B+ singles, so for my first tournament, I'm pretty satisfied with that. Man Cope I really had no experience playing against Toon Link and you bulldozed me, I was really impressed by how well you zoned me. Shoutouts to Captain Hammer and Kiwi for awesome matches too. Kiwi you made some really smart choices and you're really versatile, which is a great asset.

Anyways yeah I had a lot of fun. If OBM does a smashfest you can count on me being there since he'd be hard pressed to run a tournament and not have his own room mate find out. Maybe we'll look into renting a venue at our college and see if that works out.

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
This will be my last tournament. Not even having fun anymore.

It HAS been fun, and it was a pleasure meeting all of you; but I'm no longer walking out of tournaments with a smile on my face. Not going to Pound either... my brother just stole a ****load of $ which just happens to be the $ for Pound. I just want to relax from here on out to avoid anymore problems. Don't want to go on a huge rant so I'll end it.

Bye everyone... that is all.
tbh when have you ever left a tournament with a smile on your face?

and peachkid you ran the tournament fine, I just didn't have a good time


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
I know I got not last in B+ singles, so for my first tournament, I'm pretty satisfied with that. Man Cope I really had no experience playing against Toon Link and you bulldozed me, I was really impressed by how well you zoned me. Shoutouts to Captain Hammer and Kiwi for awesome matches too. Kiwi you made some really smart choices and you're really versatile, which is a great asset.

Anyways yeah I had a lot of fun. If OBM does a smashfest you can count on me being there since he'd be hard pressed to run a tournament and not have his own room mate find out. Maybe we'll look into renting a venue at our college and see if that works out.
Just so you guys know BU has smashfests going every friday afternoon from 3-7. Its fun and lots of ppl show up. We usually have 3-4 setups going but if you bring your own we can have more.

/shameless advertising.


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
BC, you should seriously give bplus a shot, i guarantee you'll be happier playing it lol.

Good tournament guys, i haven't had fun like that in a tourney in a LONG time.

full shoutouts when nacho gets the tio file up.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA

More people quit brawl here than there are snowflakes on the ground.
Lol, BRAWL IS NOT FUN, for all of the people that have quit, but they come back...not because it's fun, but for other reasons.

Anyway, I would have gone to this, but I had plans with a friend that went back to college yesterday.

@Dazwa and Darc - GET AT MAH GANNON!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
k so no one did shoutouts so i mine as well

1: Fatal (Snake) - "I'm not going you guys have fun now" Loooool. called this. I will force you to go MK on me and play gay soon enough.
2: Bizkit (Snake) - Game 1 was pretty close and you did better on FD wat? LOL. tbh I don't get how you can be so ridiculously confident so I'm hoping I can prove you wrong.
3: TeeVee (ROB/Diddy/Metaknight) - I'd love to see who you go vs me in tourny. We need to mm again soon
4: Blood+ (Falco/Metaknight) - Didn't play, don't quit :(
5: Harry Potter (Duke) (King Dedede/Metaknight) - yee duke taking out xfactor with that d3
5: Almo (Marth) - good placing although your bracket looks a hell of a lot easier than mine LOL
7: [X]Factor (Ice Climbers) - wtf IC dittos :( I'm actually going to work on the matchup but I hope they keep us seperate in brackets from now on :/ I guess its true you're the better IC after two tournaments of out placing me. kinda depressing but w.e
7: Wave(Joe SD) (Snake/Falco/Metaknight) - sorry dubz didnt turn out so hot lol, good placing!
9: Omster - HEY YOU BEAT XFACTOR, must be all the games vs me lol. Go olimar more your oli > your snake, oh and bizkit thinks youre bad so prove him wrong looooool.
9: Copacetic - I learnded some things about toon link watching you and x play :D
9: Pelca - we didnt play/talk much wah
9: Watkins - sup
13: DavidLazer - sup
13: Prawn - worst ****ing placing ever. I guess losing to xfactor and bizkit isn't so bad but still 13th? ****ing christ
13: M2K (Decadon) - you made GaG rage
13: GaG - you raged
17: Salis09 - ohai
17: Tymer - sorry about you getting upset at CGs its just what I do.
17: Bass - too bad you didnt beat x than I wouldn't have to have done IC dittos :(
17: Maine - sorry about CGs I know they're gay lol
17: Hotdogturtle - ohai
17: Sphere - NOT LAST
17: Kiwi - you coulda done better, rep that yoshi
17: I - ohai
25: Tempest - sorry about dubz I only know how to press b button with mk looooool

Ace - thanks for the lighter to make my camp fire

Nacho - sorry I didnt play brawl+

Darc - you still owe me a ganon melee ditto.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
Anyways yeah I had a lot of fun. If OBM does a smashfest you can count on me being there since he'd be hard pressed to run a tournament and not have his own room mate find out. Maybe we'll look into renting a venue at our college and see if that works out.
Sounds good to me! I would go with the crew. 2 of Which go to school there anyways. lol


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
1. OBM (wario/gw)
2. Dazwa (pit)
3. Teevee (wario/rob)
4. Darc (jiggz/fox)
5. Fatal (mk/snake)
5. Copacetic (toon link)
7. Watkins (captain falcon)
7. Ace (zss/jiggz)
9. Kiwi (pikachu/lucas/kirby/yoshi)
9. JoeST (captain falcon/falco)
9. Nacho (yoshi)
9. Decadon
13. Yami-sora (sonic)
13. Almo (captain falcon/jiggz)
13. Tempest
17. Staffoon (jiggz/ganon)
17. Gower

this is as my memory best serves me for the brawl plus bracket. Some of the placings below 9th may be wrong (did dazwa fight almo before or after nacho?) and characters may be wrong


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Wow Omster beat X-factor? I feel less bad about losing to him at HK's Shaft now.

Omster, next tourney we both go to lets do lots of friendlies, I need dem Olimah experience.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007

1: Fatal (Snake)- nice job winning. i really do hope you stick around for more tournaments after pound. fun duelist pro money match lol

2: Bizkit (Snake)- good job on saturday. and the PR thing was a joke cause i know everyone always bugs you about it lulz. i hope you win the next one.

3: TeeVee (ROB/Diddy/Metaknight)- fun games. good to finally play you. i was so sad the 2nd dair didn't kill you. still fun regardless.

4: Blood+ (Falco/Metaknight)- good games man. don't worry if your falco is a little out of practice. just work on him more and you'll be back up to **** status with him in no time. and don't let games where you don't play well get to you. it almost cost you game 2. hope you don't quit man.

5: Harry Potter (Duke) (King Dedede/Metaknight)- good seeing you as always man. we'll team again soon so we can get top 3 more haha.

5: Almo (Marth)- top 4 next time ;)

7: [X]Factor (Ice Climbers)- ahh man we should have teamed. fun playing you anyway.

7: Wave(Joe SD) (Snake/Falco/Metaknight)- gg's

9: Omster- gg's. lol at olimar. i got snake down though finally :D good stuff beating X factor.

9: Copacetic- fun games in brawl+

9: Pelca- lucky! haha jk but you're cool to hang around, we should team one of these days.

9: Watkins- nuuuu don't go MK lol. i wish you stayed marth for more marth dittos, even if they are dumb. fun to finally play you though.

13: DavidLazer- we didn't play D:

13: Prawn- don't worry about the placing man. happened to me at HK's. i lost to you and bizkit so i wasn't too bummed about the placing. if you lost to good people, placing doesn't matter.

13: M2K (Decadon)- good games and fun money match. nice tournament too.

17: Hotdogturtle- fun friendlies, sorry i was going MK lol

17: Sphere- my pikachu will get you. remember we can play any time, i live right down the hall. lol

17: Kiwi- yoshi and puff too good

25: Tempest- pick up marth he's too much fun. link dittos were fun too lol

peachkid- fun tournament

ace- brawl+ lulz

darc- lol rolled into the rest. i teach myself to not roll into people all the time and then i lost that teams friendly because of that. lol fun doing falcon vs. puff too.

dazwa- followed through on the punch. just....lol. good games in brawl+ too. pit is ****ing dumb.

OBM- fun seeing you man, i was surprised that 19 people entered plus haha.

buu- wish you came.

if i missed anyone, let me know.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
Captain Hammer had a bye first round than lost two sets in Brawl+. Second set being to Yami(the Sonic Main). So that fills in one blank I guess.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
Wow Omster beat X-factor? I feel less bad about losing to him at HK's Shaft now.
Omstr's olimar has always been legit, he had a few bad placings when he was trying to go all snake. I wish people would realize this LOL.

Also I play him all the time so he knows the matchup really well.

And Almo thanks, I'm still bummed about 13th but w/e. 5th is mad good though!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2008
United States
pissed, tourney was bad to me, not u peachkid you were great holding it but very disappointed for my singles outcome and tired of getting 5th in dubz every fkn tourney


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
1: Fatal - FFFFFFFF h8 u. Way to beast again out of nowhere.
3: TeeVee - Stick with Diddy, I'm telling you. You're not gunna beat Fatal or me with Wario/ROB.
4: Blood+ - You only lost to TV and me last two tourneys. What do you have to be upset about? Not to mention winning doubles.
5: Harry Potter (Duke) - Really fun doubles friendlies. Some nice DDD practice before Pound 4.
5: Almo - Good **** getting 5th. It's about time you stepped it up.
7: [X]Factor - You're fun to play in Snake dittos. Way to screw up losers bracket on everyone xd.
7: Wave(Joe SD) - Fun doubles friendlies lulz.
9: Omster - Good stuff beating X-factor. Best upset at that tourney.
9: Copacetic - You didn't really get bracket *****. You made it to winners quarters just as planned, but the Omster upset screwed you over having you face X-factor.
9: Pelca - You lost to two good people, don't be too ashamed. Joe SD is starting to bounce back to being good again.
9: Watkins - ohi
13: DavidLazer - Fun Snake dittos. Your set with BC was hilarious.
13: Prawn - I'm confident against you because I know your playstyle so well. I told you many times if you fix your flaws you'll do much better against me, but you've yet to fix them. And I literally set up the bracket so that you wouldn't have to fight X-factor in winners. You only ran into him because of an upset, otherwise you wouldn't have had to fight him until like losers semis or something. X-factor losing to Omster quite literally screwed over 3 people in losers that could have went farther.
17: Bass - Fun doubles friendlies
25: Tempest - You always seem to have a hard time at these.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
btw before HKs SHAFT I told Omstr I hoped he faced x-factor.

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