I hope your window doesn't stretch guys, I know mine isn't because I have this window maximised.
Anyway here comes my wall of text. But before that. WHAT’S THE NAME OF THAT JAPANESE RESTAURANT WE WENT TO AFTER SCAB?
It’s been a while since we had an egg tourney, since our last three consecutive tourneys were Smash@SMASH, OHN, and Revo. It’s been a while having a tourney where the whole S3 thing began, so it was lovely ^_^ I had a couple of pet peeves, but **** I had a bloody great day, and it was nice having a relaxing and laidback tournament, but maybe it was a little too laidback.

It was also good to see faces I haven’t seen in a while, as well as plenty of new faces. Despite the tournament falling behind schedule and then finishing way overtime, as well as Yum Cha not making its appearance, it was a great day overall, and I had a bunch of fun, despite not playing many friendlies

I think it’s safe to say though for future tournaments it should just be Melee only, or Brawl. If we want both, maybe hold them in a period close to each other or something? *shrug* that’s just a suggestion. But if we’re going to make 4 games work very efficiently, then show me! =)
My ‘essay’ shoutouts In
Bringer Of Death – Ryan! It’s great to see you again, glad to talk to you once again too, as you always make me laugh :D Once again at Smash, you prove you’re too good, with a deadly Fox and Yoshi at your side that are both too good. I’ll see you soon this week yeah, it’ll be good to hang out once again, since you’re in Sydney for a short time.
C0d3M0nk3y – lol Brinton, I don’t know how you put up with us lol. Hopefully you weren’t too bored and too tired. Cheers once again for making the tournament happen, it’s been a while, it’s great to see you once again too. Hope to see you again for more lolz.
CAOTIC – David la! Awww how it sucks you were only in Sydney for a short time, but it’s better than nothing! It was great to see you again and thanks for always putting up with me lol. Too good at Smash as per usual ;P, but I hope you enjoyed versing my Wario, even if it was in doubles.

Wario is too good! Come back to Sydney soon, and we can hang out ^_^ I hope you got enough sleep today

PS: LOLL at the Jaz/Gibs things!
Chicken Salad – Mannnn! You should have entered Brawl singles! You would have done great lol. Unlucky about Melee singles, we both know you should have done better. I always have fun playing against you, and I don’t think I got to verse you at all during the tournament, but at least we got to a lot the day before, lol you always make me laugh during our matches xD
ComboTurtle – Unlucky about the tournament tom. Hopefully it’ll be a one off for ya. I know from experience too that you’re a really great player. Hopefully we can play more matches though; it’s something we tend to rarely have. So hopefully they’ll be more common. =) It was good to see you again ^_^
Dedu – Man you’re crazyyyyyy taking on a tournament. lol you bludger too! Cheers though nonetheless. SCAB wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you and Brinton. lol it seems I didn’t play you at all either. Aww I’m very sad we didn’t get to go to Yum Cha =( It was inevitable though. I say we should all go to Yum Cha some time soon just for the heck of it. Thanks for letting this all happen yeah =) Also thanks for helping film the finals match for Brawl. I would have done it but I didn’t want everyone waiting on the 3rd/4th place matches to finish.
Fork – Simon you are too good my friend. It was awesome to see you again and very great to talk to you once again too, I look forward to vsing you next time in Brawl too, after what I had to go up against yesterday

the fact that you haven’t really played it much too, I’ve been nothing but impressed when vsing you, and we had some great matches that were always very close.
Funky – awwwwwwwww Simon you probably won’t read this =P But that’s okay you still get a shoutout anyway =D Smash ain’t the same without you, and I haven’t versed you in ages too! Awww I hope to see you again soon, and play Smash well soon! Hope the busy life is okay!
Gibs – heyy it was nice to meet you! Didn’t play you at smash at all but it was very nice talking to you, props for taking pics with Simon’s camera, and also cheers for filming one of the brawl doubles finals matches for me too =) I appreciate it heaps! Look forward to see you again some time in the future.
Jaz – JULLA! Hope you enjoyed your girlfriend’s play =) It’s good that you went, and I’m sure she’s glad you did. I remember when all of the few people I asked to come to my play didn’t come for lame reasons (some people they are >.>), BUT yeah anyway moving on! It’s a shame though that you had to leave early, I’m sure if the tournament started earlier and the progress was faster, we would have seen results in Melee Singles and Brawl Doubles where you would be in the Top 4! Sorry that I forgot to tell you the rest of the results T_T I forgott =(
Keeno – Hey Keeno it was great to see you again. I don’t think I got to play you this time around, except in doubles, once again lol. You seem to have did pretty well though! That’s good! Hope you enjoyed Brawl, too bad I don’t think you’ll be using Falco anymore though =P See you soon hopefully.
Kulla – Simonnnnn le! Thanks for teaming up with me, and grats on winning Brawl Singles and well done for 3rd in Melee, and for coming 2nd in Melee Teams and 1st in Brawl Doubles ahaha

You’re a very good smash player, who has an awesome camera too, it’s a shame that camera’s battery died so early >.> Your little Luigi went everywhere during the day too, glad he didn’t go missing in the end. You know, it’s good to see that we did well despite the amount of times we killed each other, as well as suicided too. I found it hilarious how you were like ‘sorry’ out loud when you hadn’t killed me yet, then I died. I didn’t even notice your character was right next to mine, let alone an attack coming haha. Still nonetheless, thanks for teaming up with me, I’m glad we finally could! ^_^ It's also scary how we rarely have friendlies, but we always seem to vs each other fairly often in tourney matches lol.
luke_atyeo – hey luke! Good to see you make it all the way to the tournament in Sydney! Hope you enjoyed yourself and had a good time. I may have only got to vs you once, but from what I can tell so far, you’re very good. I hope there are more players in your area as well We’ll have some more matches next time.
Meteor Master – Heyy it’s good to see you again! It’s a shame about the gimping for Olimar, because despite that you played really well. You’ve also got a pretty dangerous Lucas, that match was really close too. Still haven’t versed you on Wi-Fi too, I should get
Around to it some time …T.T
netch! – hey dude, it was good to meet you! I personally didn’t get to really play you, nor talk to you much all day, but it was good that we were able to chit-chat afterwards. It’s a shame you got gimped with what you ordered too, I know how you feel =( Hope to play you some time soon.
Sanc - Hey it was great to see you again! Bahhhh I didn’t want to vs you in my first round in the Melee Double Elim, and aww once again I vs you in teams for double elim in the losers bracket too! Blahh =P Hope to vs you more, and I hope you liked Brawl! Hope to see you again soon!
Sig – hey dude! Were you only at the tourney during Brawl? I can’t believe I didn’t know you were around and we only got to play one match only T_T Despite you’re taking a little break, I hope to play you soon. It was great to meet you! You know you’re good at Brawl =P
SD/Jelly – Hey dudes! Way come down all the way from Newcastle! Thanks for coming as well, you guys are really great for a team, and while I didn’t personally get to vs you Jelly, I did get to vs you though SD, both friendly-wise, and tourney-wise. You’ve got a nice mix of characters in Melee and each match we’ve had were close, especially in Melee. Especially in our Melee match that counted for the tournament. Well done on getting 5th though, those are some crazy skills you have, and I found vsing you very challenging. I hope to see you guys again soon, and Jelly, we shall play some matches!
SS Ben/Igif/2t – Hey where abouts you guys from? I didn’t really play you guys much, apart from SS Ben and Igif in one Swiss Melee match each. But yeah I didn’t really get to play you guys =( Hopefully I can more next time, if you guys are in Sydney, make yourself known!
Xeno – Xeno! We didn’t even vs each other apart from that one friendly first thing in the morning. Still, it was a close match, and you haven’t even played in a while too, so that’s pretty good! Not sure if you like Brawl any more or any less than before, but I say you should give it a few more tries =P You never know you might like it, and find a character that you will main.
Zaidou – good to meet you, even though it should have been our 2nd time.

Regardless it was nice to meet you, yet during the whole time we haven’t even played. Blah! Next time then lol. Blah, you live so far too. You don’t have Wi-Fi, do you? >.>
And that’s the end of my shoutouts, personally each one should have been longer but uhh, I kept failing at multi-tasking and I kept losing my train of thought so yeah.
There were also a bunch of other smashers I wanted to talk to, but didn't end up happening, as well as wanting to meet some other smashers too at the tourney.
I’d like to end this wall of text with something I haven’t laughed as much (until I actually finally noticed it, thanks dave) since Melbourne with the Flying Stu and Elbow-dropping Tom incident.

See next post.