Thanks, also hooray for the penguin! :D
Here's Mr. Randoms spinning around. This could work as his double jump and/or his falling animation(s), what do you think?
You could throw Mr. Randoms anywhere in the story, just say he randomly showed up, or he found one of those invitations or something. Also, since you said he was 3rd party, then that means I gotta give you the rights to include him in the story, which I do XD
I didn't realize her was a 3rd party character. I google him and found this. You are the person who developed this right? Or you have rights?
Speaking of which, will we use his unicorn/pony form too then?
I'm sure the white outline will be gone when it's redone.
Info on the new sword wielding character.
- He is being re-sprited
- He will have a sword this time
- He will be resized
- His moveset will be comprised of attacks similar to Ike, Link, Marth and Roy
Updates on general development
- Penguin moveset is finished (still will be periodically touched up as we go)
- Brown character is removed (at least he isn't a playable character)
- Flare's fireballs move faster and are bigger
- Declares winner in an animated way
- Character hitboxes improved
- Better particles
- 2 new stages (Flappy Bird like stage needs to graphics)
- New main menu
- Charge attacks
- Ledge detection improved
- Improved character movement
- Scoring glitch fixed where you sometimes where not given a point for a kill
- Flare's side A nerfed
- Flare's neutral A attack animation fixed
- Flare's flinch animation improved
- Game camera improved
- Practice mode
- Sound effects in the working for Flare
- Game stabilizes better at low FPS
- Singleplayer mode has first level complete
- Online mode removed (it is nearly impossible to find a low latency multiplayer service for mobile games)
What's left before the next update? Here's some of the main things
- iOS support
- New menu music (we have it, I just need to put it in)
- Local WiFi battles in early development
- Make stages unlockable
- Make penguin unlockable
- Finish first few levels of singleplayer
- Finish first item
- Fix a few glitches here and there...as usual
The next update will contain more glitches than the last. The glitches reported from the last are mostly all fixed, but as I'm adding more and more stuff in I can't expect this version to be perfect the first time.
Last thing I want to mention, what do you guys think of starting a Smash Clash development forum? We could break down the forum into different categories of programming, character development, stage development, music, etc. Just a thought.
Anyways, I need to get going on my online class I've procrastinated. Keep up the great work guys!