What if ducking blocked, and looking up sidestepped? You would have to push the joystick further up or further down to do these, because we wouldn't want it interfering with someone just trying to do an up or down attack.
That may work, but would definitely interfere with hard-button controls.
Also, another bug pertaining to those controls is Flare doesn't have the ability to move side-to-side midair with hard-mapped directional buttons
EDIT: Cabunga Toons, no offense man, really and honestly don't take personal offense to this, but those images are just horrid... they're not really sprites, just small mspaint drawings. You should look up some tutorials on spriting and try again.
This is something I was working on before I left for my road trip (which I'm currently still on) that matches the other two character's graphic style:
Crossoverman's Queenie Linguine concept was (loosely)used as the basis for this, and sure it's just one single head sprite but it's just an example for now. I think the character ideas should be submitted as single 'Wait' sprites to be judged by the fans here before a pixel artist spends too much time on making all the poses for a character just for it to be "boo'd offstage" so to speak.
Just to explain a little further how this matches the art style of the characters shown:
When placed next to Flare or Karakato's character, the pixel aspect ratio is the same. That means that the sprite will seem natural next to the others. Each pixel is the same size as the pixels on another character.
There are limited palettes. I believe I have 4 skin tones for her, and usually you use 3. 4 can work if you need it. Sprites for the most part only have 16 colors (unless it's for a newer generation game, which this is, and I'm sure this will be an exception to that rule.) Notice that Black is only used on the outline and for showing contrast for SOME features, not all. And there aren't random 2x2 squares of black, that looks very sloppy.
When your sprite is animated, as it naturally will be by turning left and right and using different moves, things need to line up. The eyes and mouth are the first thing that you can see in your sprites that don't work, automatically. They're not even relatively on the same part of the face. You may find making sprites in at least 3 directions (left, down(toward camera) and right) in walking animations and turning it into a GIF may help you with this.
Another thing to look out for is blurry sprites. Right now I've yet to see a crisp/clean version of Flare (in-game and spritesheet I was supplied with were both blurry)
This happens by resizing the sprites in photoshop or another such program with antialiasing on usually. The best way to resize a sprite, if you have to at all, is to go into paint and resize it by numbers like 200%, 300%, etc etc. That way when you need to make it smaller again, you end up with your original sprite instead of a blob of colors that somewhat resembles your pixel art.
Here's an example:
Notice Flare has boxes around him and nothing is quite as crisp as on the other two characters.
To keep this game consistently looking great, all of these things have to be taken into consideration, so long as you're using 2D sprites.
Also regarding the fourth character, wouldn't it be better if the characters were at least around the same height? (ie 60x60 px) He is a bit too tall which sticks out.
This is another great point, but not always true. For mid and small size characters, a 60x60 px box for each frame of animation is perfect, but when creating heavy characters (like Bowser for instance) you'd need to add to it, yet keep the pixel-size ratio the same as the other characters. this is especially important because of Smash Clash's dynamic camera, where you can zoom in and see the characters better.
To elaborate on the pixel-aspect ratio even further, here's a diagram. This is what you DONT want to see with pixel comparisons for different characters. You want each "1PX" to be the same size on both characters at all times, allow for the dynamic camera to be the only thing that changes this.
Otherwise, Crossoverman's observation would not change.
at the minute the game looks like a half-baked MUGEN project I'm afraid.