This is the part I don't understand... Okay she has sex appeal, cool stuff. So do the majority of other popular female characters in video game culture. Nobody has a problem with human females being overly sexy but as soon as you throw some fur, a tail, and blue skin on them everyone wants to cry fowl all of the sudden.
I mean seriously do these characters even look like actual animals or aliens?
Heck no they don't. They are primarily designed to look and act like HUMAN FEMALES, which they all do (anthropomorphism), so I don't see the problem.
I'm pretty sure people don't look at Krystal and think "WOW I think I might really be attracted to foxes now." People are are attracted to her for the same reason people are attracted to human females, but it's considered "weird" to do so since she has fur and a tail. I don't understand people sometimes.
With that being said I'm off to work! TRG out.