ah wel you see she benefits from this too, she runs the local youth club (in my village, so we cant host there) and she gets things like drinks, crisps etc. for like, insanely cheap, so she makes a profit for the youth club (which is in dire need of funding, and im not putting that bill on the venue fee)
also, the fact that i'm under 18 (and still will be when i host this) means that a 'responsible' adult needs to be present.
and for the record, she works for the shadiest part of connection, dealing with drug dealers and such and taking children from unresponsible parents is her job, the concept of weed doesnt effect her in the slightest...she can smell it on my clothes when i come back from a smashfest anyway, like a ****ing cat
but no really i'll get some dates confirmed, as a rough estimate it wil lbe late feb/early march