1. What is your first name(not your nickname or your username)? Mozart
2. What is your gender(are you a male or a female)? I'm not sure
3. What is your race? Aepoks, from planet Erra
4. Which country did you live? Biggorok
5. Are you the citizens of the United States? I can impossibly be more than one citizen, so no.
6. Have you ever play 'Super Smash Bros Brawl'? No
7. How long did you play the 'Super Smash Bros', 'Super Smash Bros Melee', and 'Super Smash Bros Brawl'? What does melee mean?
8. When is it the first time that you play any 'Smash Bros' game? 2 weeks ago I played Brawl
9. What is your favorite character in any 'Smash Bros' game? Captain Falcon
10. What is your least favorite character in any 'Smash Bros' game? Brawl Falcon