Smash Master
you act like dair and fair aren't good spacing tools...or being able to start tech chases with jabs.I didn't say the rest of her kit was bad. I said it wasn't enough to compensate for the areas where bair isn't her best option, at least not to the degree better characters have better options.
If you're capable of talking about the game, then why did your initial post detract me as an "outsider," with no real knowledge of how long I've played the game or how many matches I've won or lost, or analyzed in depth? True, I may have missed some huge shift in perception of some move's ability to cover options. But by and large, Samus has the same main weakness she's always had, in every smash game--full coverage requires over-extension on hard reads in several key areas, and I don't see how that can have changed too much.
the reason i called you an outsider is because you 1) made an obviously ignorant comment and 2) have no recognizable name to me. you clearly aren't a member of the 64 community and don't participate in 64 events in your area, and if you do, your area must be very bare because i'm fairly knowledgeable about who's who where.
why is it such a far off conclusion for me to draw, that you're not anyone notable? and my ability to talk about the game has nothing to do with that. i could give you a lot of information on matchups, if you want. or you could watch my matches and see what i'm talking about.
"every smash game" doesn't mean anything. the only thing that matters about samus and this conversation is how she performs in this game. yes, you need hard reads. yes, you need good spacing. no, you don't need to over extend. no, you don't only have bair as an option.
just don't talk about the game if you aren't up to date on its meta. simple.