I know there is a lot of new people coming in and asking about controller adapters and there is a large discussion on controllers and joysticks so I figured a section should be added for this. I don't know who wants to write it up but I think its useful to have this information indexed. Something that has instructions and resources for GC to 64 adapter, online adapters, and the karajan adapter as well as controller and stick repairs/replacements with a list of places to get gears, derek sticks, grease, etc.
My contribution to this section can be a brief explanation of the GC to 64 adapter.
Here is the link to the adapter:
Owning a couple of these they work very well. A couple things to note, the adapter can save and remember controller configurations that can be used at later times. The default configuration for the adapter is not ideal for playing smash, as the ideal configuration is to have the adapter make playing 64 the same controls as playing melee. The site offers a free configuration mapping tool but to save time I've already done this. To map the controllers to resemble those of melee the user must first enter "config" mode which is done by holding down the start button for 8 seconds until it beeps. Here is a list of instructions:
Program controller:
1. Hold start button for 8 seconds until beeps to enter config mode
2. Press these buttons in order: XZBBL BAZXL ZXL XXZBAL ZBAL ZBAL ZBAL BAAZBXL ZBYL Start
*This configures the controller to have L, R shield. Z Grab. X, Y jump. D-Pad taunt. C-Stick jump. There is no programming of C-Stick cheat code macros like in melee.
Save controller configuration:
1. Hold start button for 8 seconds until beeps to enter config mode
2. Press R
3. Press any direction on the D-Pad that you wish to have mapped as storing current controller configuration
Open a saved configuration:
1. Hold start button for 8 seconds until beeps to enter config mode
2. Press the direction on the D-Pad that is mapped to the configuration you wish to use.
For more configurations and to map your own configurations, check the official site and use their mapping tool