He changed his title to what it currently is in an attempt to troll people into thinking he was banned. Needless to say it didn't work... At least on me... (I still haven't gotten that gold star) He got people to come on here and say he was banned while he lurked and laughed with his Big Bowser Booty.
Ah; I see, thank you for your clarification.
Go back a few pages.
I tried to just highlight control F "ban," for three pages, nothing relevant seemed to come up aside from people wondering whether or not you are refunded your premium.
I have only ever been banned from one forum, I have never accrued any infractions on any other site aside from the one that I was banned from. However, there was an abusive mod on that site. For instance, I got infractions for linking the proper thread to someone who posted a duplicate (apparently that is backseat moderating). I did not necessarily like one of his friends tattoo's, so I got an infraction for saying something to that effect of, "it is a pretty nice tattoo, but I am not particularly fond of it myself. For instance, I would not wear something like that myself." It was in a thread dedicated to her tattoo, so it was not off-topic discussion, it was berating or "bullying."
Ugh. That place gave me a horrible perception on what forums were like.