:D I'll do this too.
Normal: This one's difficult...my favorites are Porygon, Furret, Skitty, Castform, Regigigas, and Girafarig (in no particular order).
Fighting: Meinshao or one of the Makuhita line.
Flying: (Not counting Dragonite) Doduo (Alteria gets a mention, though.)
Fire: Ninetales
Water: Psyduck, Wooper, Ducklett, Surskit, Relicanth, and Milotic, in that order.
Grass: Torterra, Exeggutor, and Tropius in that order.
Electric: Ampharos. Pikachu deserves a mention too, though.
Bug: Weedle and Shuckle (Followed by Mesquerain, who seriously deserves a mega evolution)
Poison: Nidoking.
Ground: Diglett line, Wooper, Flygon line, Claydoll
Rock: Shuckle, Relicanth.
Steel: Jirachi, Mawile.
Ice: Speal
Psychic: Jirachi, Spoink, Inkay, Chimecho, Espeon, Deoxys, Xatu. In that order, I love them all.
Dark: Inkay and Sableye
Ghost: (Mega) Banette
Dragon: Dragonite/Dratini
Fairy: Mawile
That took forever and a day.