I haven't played them, so you're right.
I'm not a big shooter game guy, but I'm not afraid to get down with friends. That's all they're good for to me, but I can see the appeal.
I mainly only like shooter games that I feel are innovative and aren't Like CoD.
Like Halo or Gears of War.
Unfortunately Halo got CoD'd badly and hasn't recovered from it yet, and at this point probably won't.
I've heard GoW Judgment has also been CoD'd somewhat and that overall iGoW3 is consider the better game, but it at least keeps the thirst person element to still keep it different from CoD.
As I really never like CoD, never got why the games are so popular. But when a developer turns a good shooter that has a established fanbase into another CoD game basically, only bad things will happen and you will alienate your current fanbase while probably not gain many new players since the CoD dude bro is happy with just CoD.
I prefer all kinds of genres though. Racing and sport game however are my least favorite, except when they get whacky that is.
It was pretty good! Which part made you laugh the hardest?
The Iwata part.