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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I cannot answer 3 people at once. Please seriously back off and give me some breathing space.

I do not feel ashamed at being sick of Gen 1 being overrepped. Alright? I cannot accept any representation as good enough outside of being playable. The rest are bonuses to me and nothing else. Poke Balls don't even count for me, just like Assist Trophies never did. Nor Stickers. Nor regular Trophies. And definitely not courses.

This is obviously subjective. And I stick to what I said and will never change how I feel on that. I want to actually have every franchise shown off by having characters span a variety of games they were introduced in, not catering heavily to one game(or in Pokemon's case, one set of games equal to a Generation). Every single franchise but Pokemon just happens to do this somewhat decently, save Zelda. Namely because you can't play as anyone but the Links(in a Nintendo-made Zelda game), but at least some of them were introduced in games besides the first.

Now please just stop replying to me for a while. I'm completely stressed out from this and being bombarded by Alerts severely is not helping here.
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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
Pfftt...Gen 1 is my least favorite gen..gen 5 is my favorite... 5 has Emboar

I still do think gen 1 deserves to have that many playable characters.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Forgive me guys let me fix the roster:
[collapse=Full Pokémon Roster]
There everything/and everyone you'll ever need.
But wait!
You're being biased! What about gen VI?


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I didn't think I could get lost trying to follow a converstation about Pokemon. Somehow you guys have pulled it off.

To be honest I think the struggle Pokemon has is the similar problem with Fire Emblem but even far worse. There are still far too many pokemon that have character potential, so they are forced to pick and choose among those for both Pokeball and PCs. However PC wise they do gravitate towards Gen 1 simply because it's the most recongiziable in the series, they tired to fix that a bit with Lucario but now they have enough pokemon characters at this point that have been Playable that they would either be forced to drop an existing character which would tick people off, or just stick to what they already have, and still tick people off.

Seems like not much of a win one way or another. Yet Mewtwo is still the most requested so I don't think most of the fanbase is ready to move on anymore then the developers.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Let's try this.

WiiU version:

1. Battlefield (Smash Bros.)
2. Final Destination (Smash Bros.)
3. Mario Galaxy (Galaxy 1 & 2)
4. Bowser's Castle (composite of New Super Mario Bros., Mario 3D World and Mario Kart)
5. Oolong (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door) [chose this because many characters from other parts of the game could appear here)
6. Donkey Kong Island (Tropical Freeze) [normal beach area which gets freeze after a bit by the vikings)
7. Gangplank Galleon (Diddy's Kong Quest)
8. The Roof (Luigi's Mansion)
9. Diamond City (Game & Wario)
10. 1-1: Make Eggs, Throw Eggs (World 2: Yoshi's Island) [first moving Yoshi's Island stage]
11. Skyloft (Skyward Sword)
12. Desert Palace (A Link To The Past)
13. Dragon Roost Island (Wind Waker HD)
14. Pokémon Stadium 3 (Pokémon, dragon, dark, psychic, fairy)
15. Poké Floats 2 (Pokémon)
16. Pyrosphere (Other M)
17. Elysia (Prime 3: Corruption)
18. Palutena's Temple (generic Kid Icarus stage)
19. Sauria (Adventures / Assault)
20. Flower Fields (Kirby's Epic Yarn)
21. Bionis' Leg (Xenoblade Chronicles)
22. Smashville 2 (City Folk)
23. Wii Fit Training Room (Wii Fit)
24. Garden Of Hope (Pikmin 3)
25. Boxing Ring (Punch-Out!)
26. Wuhu Island (Pilotwings series)
27. From Pain, Awakening (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn ending map)
28. NintendoLand (NintendoLand)
29. Gyromite (R.O.B. stage)
30. Aeropolis (F-Zero GX)
31. Threed (Mother 2)
32. Windy Hill Zone (Sonic Lost World)
33. Dr. Wily's Castle (Mega Man 2)
34. Shadow Moses Island 2 (Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes)
35. Stage 1 (Pac-Man)
36. Delfinia (Mario Sunshine, Brawl remake)
37. Rainbow Cruise (Super Mario 64, Melee remake)
38. Rumble Falls (Jungle Beat, Brawl remake)
39. Great Bay (Majora's Mask, Melee remake)
40. Bridge Of Eldin (Twilight Princess, Brawl remake)
41. Frigate Orpheon (Metroid Prime, Brawl remake)
42. Skyworld (Kid Icarus, Brawl remake)
43. Saffron City (Pokémon Red & Blue, N64 remake)
44. Lylat Cruise (Lylat Wars, Brawl remake)
45. Big Blue (F-Zero GX, Melee remake)
46. Fountain Of Dreams (Kirby's Adventure, Melee remake)
47. Halberd (various Kirby games, Brawl remake)
48. Fourside (Mother 2, Melee remake)
49. Summit (Ice Climber, Brawl remake)
50. Green Hill Zone (various Sonic games, Brawl remake)

3DS version:

1. Battlefield (Smash Bros.)
2. Final Destination (Smash Bros.)
3. Super Mario 3D Land (Mario 3D Land)
4. Rainbow Road (Mario Kart 7)
5. Chocolate Island (Super Mario World)
6. Sunset Shore (Country Returns 3D)
7. Yoshi's New Island (Yoshi's New Island)
8. Wario-Ware 2 (basically a remake of 1 with new games)
9. Secret Mine (Dark Moon)
10. Gerudo Valley (Ocarina Of Time 3D)
11. Spirit Tracks (Spirit Train)
12. Lumiose City (Pokémon X & Y)
13. Cerulean Cave (Pokémon Red & Blue)
14. Pokémon Center (various Pokémon games)
15. Meridia (Super Metroid)
16. Sector Y (Star Fox 64 3D)
17. Fichina (Star Fox Command)
18. Arena Ferox (Fire Emblem Awakening)
19. Reset Bomb Forest (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
20. Pandora's Labyrinth Of Deceit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
21. Boxing Ring (Punch-Out!)
22. Tortimer Island (New Life)
23. Flat Zone 3 (composite of various Game & Watch)
24. Lollipop Land (Kirby: Triple Deluxe)
25. Lor Starcutter (Kirby's Return To Dreamland)
26. Distant Planet 2 (Pikmin)
27. Fire Field (F-Zero X)
28. Tomodachi Collection (Tomodachi Collection)
29. Nintendogs (Nintendogs)
30. Find Mii (Find Mii)
31. Mountain 1 (Ice Climber)
32. Casino Night Zone (various Sonic games)
33. The End (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, forest area where you fight The End)
34. Stage 2 (Pac-Man)
35. Sigma Fortress (Mega Man X)
36. Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario Bros., Melee remake)
37. Kongo Jungle (Donkey Kong Country, Melee remake)
38. Yoshi's Island (Yoshi's Story, N64 remake)
39. Pirate Ship (Wind Waker, Brawl remake)
40. Hyrule Castle (various Zelda games, N64 remake)
41. Brinstar (Super Metroid, Melee remake)
42. Pokémon Stadium 2 (various Pokémon games, Brawl remake)
43. Corneria (various Star Fox games, Melee remake)
44. Mute City (F-Zero GX, Melee remake)
45. Onett (Mother 2, Melee remake)
46. New Pork City (Mother 3, Brawl remake)
47. Dream Land (Kirby's Return to Dreamland, N64 remake)
48. Pictochat (Pictochat, Brawl remake)
49. Castle Siege (generic Fire Emblem stage, Brawl remake)
50. Shadow Moses Island (Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Brawl remake)

Took me a while. I think it's pretty balanced. The only rule was 50 stages per version, 15 of which are remake. So, 70 new stages and 30 remakes (34 if you count Battlefield and Final Destination). I kept shared stages to a low (just the aforementioned two and Boxing Ring as announced as far), but many of them can share the layout. For example, Bowser's Castle and Rainbow Road, being both in part based on Mario Kart, can essentially be the same stage with different backgrounds. Technically, I think it would be easy to even take two stages from two different franchises like Garden Of Hope and Yoshi's New Island and use the same layout changing the visuals.
Some franchises appear only on the home console version (Xenoblade Chronicles, Wii Fit, NintendoLand, Pilotwings), some only in the handled (Tomodachi Collection, Find Mii, Nintendogs, Ice Climber), as far as new stages go.
I tried obviously to keep portable games' stages on the 3DS and home console's games' stages on WiiU, for example in the Zelda series, but not so strictly.
I think I got a couple of interesting choices there, and I would be incredibly fine with this list. Hoping at least we reach 80ish stages in the end between both versions.
...I'd totally love a Casino Night Zone stage for Sonic. You don't even know, man.
I was a bit disappointed about the SSB4 Sonic stage being something from his newest game.

My ideal version of it would be large stage, larger than Temple and New Pork City, with bumpers, elevators, flippers, and other various elements from Casino Night, Carnival Night, Spring Yard, Casino Paradise, and other stages.

There'd also be some "arenas" and open areas scattered about, in case people don't want to deal with the gimmicky parts.

Music list:
Tracks in yellow would be remixed and/or arranged, while non-colored tracks are the originals.

Stardust Speedway (JP) medley:

Spring Yard Zone:

Carnival Night Zone:

Casino Night Zone (two player):

Casino Paradise Zone:

Stardust Speedway (U.S.):

There'd be other tracks, but I can't think of them at the moment.

I'm surprised that you seem to have 3 stages for each third-party series as well.
What would a Shadow Moses 2 stage be like?


Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
@ Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth
Hahaha, well you did reply to the statements of 3 different people. You were likely to get 3 separate replies.

Now I can't talk for any them, but It was never my intention to make you feel ashamed of being sick of Generation 1 Pokémon, as I myself am sick of the Mario series representation. I somewhat share the same stance as you, where I also would like to see every franchise shown off by having characters.

Look, your free to like what you want, but the way you came off to me as well as others was that it is a fact that all generations must be represented.

That's all I have left.
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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I too was kinda disappointed with the Windy Hill Zone stage..but hey atleast it has a windmill...

I would really like to see City Escape as a stage with the G.U.N. truck as a stage hazard.
As for MGS. I would like to see Krasnogorje from MGS3...with the choppers as stage hazards.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2014
I'm still hoping that the 3DS will have a different Sonic stage, but I doubt it will. A Mega Man stage based on a Robot Master's level would be awesome as well.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
I'm still hoping that the 3DS will have a different Sonic stage, but I doubt it will. A Mega Man stage based on a Robot Master's level would be awesome as well.
Since 3DS version primarily takes it's stages from handheld games, I'm trying to think of a good Sonic stage from the handheld games. If I were to PERSONALLY pick and it was all up to me, I'd reach into the world of Sonic Battle and pull something from there... seriously, that game is so underrated.

Then again there's still all the Game Gear games (some of which are on 3DS Virtual Console) and the other Game Boy Advance games (Sonic Advance Trilogy, Sonic Pinball Party). Also obviously Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Idc about the practicality, would love to see a silhouette Donkey Kong level stage.
every character would obviously need to have a color element that pops out though. Like Kirby's shoes, Pikachu's cheeks, Link's Tunic...


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I expect 2 Zelda and Pokémon stages per game. And maybe 3 Mario stages per game.

We have... Super Mario 3D Land, Rainbow Road and Super Mario Galaxy for the Mario franchise.
Spirit Train, Gerudo Valley and Skyloft for the Zelda franchise.
Lumiose City for the Pokémon franchise.

I think we'll get a wind waker stage for Zelda.
A Stadium stage, legendary stage and another stadium stage? for Pokémon.
As for Mario...I really don't know...probably a Mario Kart stage for WiiU version.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2014
Since 3DS version primarily takes it's stages from handheld games, I'm trying to think of a good Sonic stage from the handheld games. If I were to PERSONALLY pick and it was all up to me, I'd reach into the world of Sonic Battle and pull something from there... seriously, that game is so underrated.

Then again there's still all the Game Gear games (some of which are on 3DS Virtual Console) and the other Game Boy Advance games (Sonic Advance Trilogy, Sonic Pinball Party). Also obviously Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure.
I LOVED Sonic Battle. I gave it away in kindergarten for some crappy pinball game, and I still regret it. I actually just played through it a few months ago via emulator. If they were to pick a handheld stage, I would want one from the Sonic Advance games. Toy Kingdom, Sunset Hill, that one Music place...
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Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
I LOVED Sonic Battle. I gave it away in kindergarten for some crappy pinball game, and I still regret it. I actually just played through it a few months ago via emulator. If they were to pick a handheld stage, I would want one from the Sonic Advance games. Toy Kingdom, Sunset Hill, that one Music place...
From Sonic Battle, I would pick the Summit place, even if just for the music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3oDlJP7xLg

or even the music when you fight Chaos Zero at the same place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku1Vv51Y-_M

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Are there some Naruto readers ?

If so, I should not be the only one to have thought about this vid after reading the latest chapter :

And before asking, yes, I do agree Naruto is not that great anymore nowadays, but I still read the scans by curiosity.
I would agree that the first series is better. But some stuff of the second series is still good. Also, you'd think as far as a war would go, there'd be more casualties. Well, I guess there were some, but those were mostly background characters.

>Tomorrows PotD
>200th Pic
>Snake, Wario, or Yoshi?
>Mario and Luigi's noses

Eh, I'm not expecting anything major to pop up. But it would be nice to see Yoshi so that we can just get it out of the way already.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
I'm surprised that you seem to have 3 stages for each third-party series as well.
What would a Shadow Moses 2 stage be like?

I actually have no idea, I'm not a big Metal Gear Solid player. I chose The End for the 3DS version because Snake Eater was the last MGS game on Nintendo console and it was on the 3DS, so it seemed fitting. I imagine Shadow Moses 2 to be larger than the first version in Brawl, and possibly with snow. The Metal Gears would still be present and could act as stage hazards maybe.
For the third party stages, I just want (and expect) one stage per franchise on both version. I also added Green Hill on WiiU and the first Shadow Moses on 3DS just because. In total it's 10 stages out of the 100, which is a lot maybe, but well, I don't think I really missed big stages which everybody wants.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I knew both of you were joking. But it doesn't make what I said any less true.
Not everything from the games will be represented 1 to 1. Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong as suppose to be able to roll off the edge freely and maintain an extra jump (Kinda like they do in the DKC series and P:M) but they don't do that do they?

The Pokémon Trainer represents some elements from his/her/its series like team/party management and sending out another Pokemon when the other has been defeated, but I never really expected EVERYTHING to carry over. We don't see Olimar hauling Samus' suit pieces to a ship near buy to pay off a debt, or see Yoshi carrying 5+ eggs around with him, we don't see rings fly out of Sonic when he's hit (needs to happen for coin mode). Not everything will be represented 100% in Smash.
1st you are comparing apples to oranges here. There is a very clear difference between mechanics being carried over from other games and characters being carried of from other games. They really can't be compared effectively.

2ndly, I just think it is a nifty idea for P Trainer to have different gen Pokemon. I don't even care about repping the gens properly. I think it should be done because of the idea behind P Trainer not for fair repping. The idea just so happens to help the people who scream about fair repping.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
1st you are comparing apples to oranges here. There is a very clear difference between mechanics being carried over from other games and characters being carried of from other games. They really can't be compared effectively.

2ndly, I just think it is a nifty idea for P Trainer to have different gen Pokemon. I don't even care about repping the gens properly. I think it should be done because of the idea behind P Trainer not for fair repping. The idea just so happens to help the people who scream about fair repping
Okay, I'll just address the 2 points you made:

1) Keep in mind you said:
The idea is to catch them all ain't it?
Catching them all is one of the main objectives of the Pokémon series, just as carrying items to the ship for profit is a focus of the Pikmin series. You're using a game's objective as a means to include other characters, correct? My point still stands: Regardless if it is a mechanic or a character, a game's objective isn't going to be faithfully represented in Smash. PT may not show signs of a person who is interested in collecting them all, just as Olimar isn't going to have a Pikmin swarm of 100 Pikmin.

2) You're free to think that, there is nothing wrong with that.
I just think we should focus less on generation representation and just focus on Pokémon as a series in it's entirety. I'm not saying your wrong as what you are expressing is an opinion, as is mine. It just so happens that they conflict.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Okay, I'll just address the 2 points you made:

1) Keep in mind you said:

Catching them all is one of the main objectives of the Pokemon, just as carrying items to the ship for profit is a focus of Pikmin.
You're using a game's objective as a means to include other characters, correct? My point still stands: Regardless if it is a mechanic or a character, a game's objective isn't going to be faithfully represented in Smash. PT may not show signs of collect them all, just as Olimar isn't going to have a Pikmin swarm of 100 Pikmin.
Miscommunication on my part. I find the idea behind P trainer to be "Gotta catch them all". I wasn't referring to the game's objective. For you see P trainer is called just that, Pokemon Trainer. He could have been given the name red instead, in which case I wouldn't even be arguing this, but they didn't. Instead they called him Pokemon Trainer.

My statement still stands. You are comparing apples to oranges here.

2) You're free to think that, there is nothing wrong with that.
I just think we should focus less on generation representation and just focus on Pokémon as a series in it's entirety.
I'm not saying your wrong as, what you are expressing is an opinion, as is mine. It just so happens that they conflict.
Again. I don't care about generation representation. I don't give a damn about representation at all in any series, aside from maybe Fire Emblem. It's what P Trainer is suppose to represent that I care about. My idea just so happens to help out those who care about fair representation, that doesn't mean I care about fair representation, cause I don't.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I cannot answer 3 people at once. Please seriously back off and give me some breathing space.

I do not feel ashamed at being sick of Gen 1 being overrepped. Alright? I cannot accept any representation as good enough outside of being playable. The rest are bonuses to me and nothing else. Poke Balls don't even count for me, just like Assist Trophies never did. Nor Stickers. Nor regular Trophies. And definitely not courses.

This is obviously subjective. And I stick to what I said and will never change how I feel on that. I want to actually have every franchise shown off by having characters span a variety of games they were introduced in, not catering heavily to one game(or in Pokemon's case, one set of games equal to a Generation). Every single franchise but Pokemon just happens to do this somewhat decently, save Zelda. Namely because you can't play as anyone but the Links(in a Nintendo-made Zelda game), but at least some of them were introduced in games besides the first.

Now please just stop replying to me for a while. I'm completely stressed out from this and being bombarded by Alerts severely is not helping here.
You don't have to reply to this.

I have always wanted playable Pokemon outside the 1st gen games.

I wanted Pokemon Trainer Gold (2nd gen), Pokemon Trainer May (3rd gen), Zoroark (5th gen) and of course Meowth (1st gen)... but it seems like we might get Brawl Pokemon + Mewtwo... I really wish we could get new playable Pokemon characters besides them. It isn't like the Mario series where the main cast is mostly static... there's no main cast in the Pokemon games. I feel that Smash should reflect that by changing Pokemon rosters each game (keep Pikachu since it is the mascot of the franchise).

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I wouldn't mind either changing the starter Pokemon or adding a newer gen Pokemon. But the thing is, I don't really see it happening. I would like to be wrong on this though. But I doubt Game Freak really cares too much about representing different generations of Pokemon, rather they would prefer to promote the popular ones.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Miscommunication on my part. I find the idea behind P trainer to be "Gotta catch them all". I wasn't referring to the game's objective. For you see P trainer is called just that, Pokemon Trainer. He could have been given the name red instead, in which case I wouldn't even be arguing this, but they didn't. Instead they called him Pokemon Trainer.
My statement still stands. You are comparing apples to oranges here
Lemme get this straight:
You interpret the character idea of the Pokémon Trainer to be about "Catching them all." If the Pokémon Trainer was called Red, you would have no problem with the character having only :002:,:007: and :006:. However, because the Pokémon Trainer IS called "Pokémon Trainer" and not Red, you feel he should be the epitome of "Catching them all." Correct?

Now I must of missed it, but no where in that you clarified what you meant by "Gotta Catch 'em all"; If you weren't referring to the game's objective, then what are you talking about? You just went on to explain, because the Pokemon Trainer wasn't called Red he should have other Pokemon. That really doesn't answer what you meant by "Catching them all."
Again. I don't care about generation representation. I don't give a damn about representation at all in any series, aside from maybe Fire Emblem. It's what P Trainer is suppose to represent that I care about. My idea just so happens to help out those who care about fair representation, that doesn't mean I care about fair representation, cause I don't.
Okay, we're going in circles here:
  • You don't care about representation (Exception for maybe FE), yet you want the Pokémon Trainer to have the starters from each of the generations.
  • I care about series representation, but I don't care for breaking up a series into sub-categories (Generations) and advocates that each must be represented.
I think we both understand where each other stands. If there is anything on your part that you want to add or clarify, feel free.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Idc about the practicality, would love to see a silhouette Donkey Kong level stage.
every character would obviously need to have a color element that pops out though. Like Kirby's shoes, Pikachu's cheeks, Link's Tunic...
What about Kirby?

Edt: I fail at reading. Jigglypuff then.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Idc about the practicality, would love to see a silhouette Donkey Kong level stage.
every character would obviously need to have a color element that pops out though. Like Kirby's shoes, Pikachu's cheeks, Link's Tunic...
Kirby has shoes?
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