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Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
Palutena's Trailer =/= Madoka Magica. I'm not going to get mad.

It's kind of like saying I'd get mad at someone for hating Cars 2 because it's made by the same people who made Toy Story.
That's actually a really good point!

Actually, you know what would be amazing? A Kid Icarus X Madoka Magica anime special. That'd be so hype.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
Preach it!

Also, out of all the characters, who do you guys think had the least hype in it? I'd have to say Little Mac. As soon as his trailer started I immediately knew it was him -_-
Villager: Never considered the idea he was playable, eventhough the envelope gave it away.
Mega Man: Only knew who it was after he put on his helmet/whatever.
Wii Fit Trainer: Didn't see it live.
Rosalina: Didn't see it live.
Little Mac: Took me three seconds to know who it was.
Greninja: Thought it was Palutena at first because of the dark sky, then Mewtwo but when he formed Water Shuriken I knew who it was.
Mii Fighter: Loved the fight between Iwata and Reggie too much that I forgot to consider they were indeed playable.
Palutena: Knew it immediately.
Pac-Man: Didn't see it live.
Robin/Lucina: Was too shocked Gematsu wasn't real.
Shulk: Didn't see it live.

I would say Greninja was the least interesting trailer. I'm not really interested in playing him and he's not one of my favorite Pokémon either. Was a great trailer, though, only sucks I fooled myself into thinking Mewtwo would return.

Deleted member

Shulk was a really weird case for me. I go into gym class, and since it's the beginning of the year, we just got lockers and nothing the rest of the period, so I went on my phone and suddenly Shulk confirmed. I wasn't expecting a reveal; I was expecting to mock the people who thought there would be one. I might have killed my family's data from watching the trailer though...

The most hype part of it though was that it contained no spoilers for Xenoblade. I haven't finished yet.
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Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
Alright, I might as well give my reactions to the characters:

Villager: The day before E3, I predicted an Animal Crossing rep, so he was expected, but still hype.
Mega Man: Just like with Mega Man, I also predicted Mega Man the day before, but his trailer was amazing to watch nonetheless. I didn't watch the direct live, so I knew about both these characters beforehand, so there's a little less hype because of that.
Wii Fit Trainer: Absurdly surprising, I couldn't stop laughing.
Rosalina: Saw this coming as soon as I saw the Luma, but welcome nonetheless.
Little Mac: The opening of his trailer made it very obvious it was him, but I was still pumped to see him.
Greninja: My heart literally stopped thinking it was Mewtwo. When I realized it was Greninja, I was a little disappointed, but then I got excited again seeing his moves.
Mii Fighter: I was so hyped seeing the Reggie vs Iwata fight, but when I saw the Miis... Let's just say I was really disappointed. They came out better than I expected, and we got to see Reggie and Iwata fight because of it.
Palutena: Knew it was her as soon as they showed her face in the beginning. Not much of a surprise there.
Pac Man: Didn't see it live, but when I heard he was announced, I started getting scared that it might be the Ghostly Adventures version.
Robin/Lucina: Was very surprised for the inclusion of both characters, and massively excited for the return of the Falcon Punch.
Shulk: I called this one the minute before he was revealed, but I still enjoyed every bit of the reveal.


Jul 14, 2014
Renvall, Grado
Preach it!

Also, out of all the characters, who do you guys think had the least hype in it? I'd have to say Little Mac. As soon as his trailer started I immediately knew it was him -_-
Well Punch Out's art style is really unique so it was pretty obvious haha; But it's a really pretty trailer.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Welp. Just got finished with a Melee/Brawl/P:M tourney.

I did pretty well

Brawl 1st
Melee 2nd
Melee doubles 1st
P:M 2nd

@ Backgammon Backgammon (I totally sandbagged with Zelda in Brawl and Melee doubles :awesome:)


Jul 14, 2014
Renvall, Grado
Not really Punch Out's art style, just the Next Level Game art syle. Looks more like Mario strikers to me.
Good Point, I just didn't remember the company's name heh.

Damn it all. Why does the new 3ds look so awesome, and the faceplates, ughhhhhh.

Deleted member

Good Point, I just didn't remember the company's name heh.

Damn it all. Why does the new 3ds look so awesome, and the faceplates, ughhhhhh.
Does the Smash DS have a planned release anywhere other than UK yet?


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Also, out of all the characters, who do you guys think had the least hype in it?
  1. Villager: Didn't care about him much, but he grew on me.
  2. Mega Man: Hyped, now meh. But I'm open to maining him.
  3. WFT: Hate followed with acceptance followed with openness to maining.
  4. Rosalina: "Why her?!" to meh.
  5. Little Mac: It could just be that I wanted him, but I was excited when he came up.
  6. Greninja: Hype/surprise followed with okay.
  7. Miis: Hated at first but loved at heart.
  8. Palutena: Never really cared about her before, still don't care about her now.
  9. Pac-Man: Disinterest followed by actual interest.
  10. Robin: "Eh, he looks nice I guess."
  11. Lucina: "Wait, a clone? Dr. Mario may have a chance!"
  12. Shulk: "Oh hey, I guess the leak is legit now."
  13. Dark Pit: "Really? Dark Pit? What? Hades or Medusa was not good enough? ...Why Dark Pit?!"
  14. Duck Hunt Dog: Eh. I just need to see how he works.
  15. Bowser Jr.: "Well he's better than I feared he'd be."
And yes I'm adding the leaked newcomers simply because I already know about them, so my reaction would be the same as if I had just seen their trailer.
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Alright, I might as well give my reactions to the characters:

Villager: The day before E3, I predicted an Animal Crossing rep, so he was expected, but still hype.
Mega Man: Just like with Mega Man, I also predicted Mega Man the day before, but his trailer was amazing to watch nonetheless. I didn't watch the direct live, so I knew about both these characters beforehand, so there's a little less hype because of that.
Wii Fit Trainer: Absurdly surprising, I couldn't stop laughing.
Rosalina: Saw this coming as soon as I saw the Luma, but welcome nonetheless.
Little Mac: The opening of his trailer made it very obvious it was him, but I was still pumped to see him.
Greninja: My heart literally stopped thinking it was Mewtwo. When I realized it was Greninja, I was a little disappointed, but then I got excited again seeing his moves.
Mii Fighter: I was so hyped seeing the Reggie vs Iwata fight, but when I saw the Miis... Let's just say I was really disappointed. They came out better than I expected, and we got to see Reggie and Iwata fight because of it.
Palutena: Knew it was her as soon as they showed her face in the beginning. Not much of a surprise there.
Pac Man: Didn't see it live, but when I heard he was announced, I started getting scared that it might be the Ghostly Adventures version.
Robin/Lucina: Was very surprised for the inclusion of both characters, and massively excited for the return of the Falcon Punch.
Shulk: I called this one the minute before he was revealed, but I still enjoyed every bit of the reveal.
Villager: I was playing New leaf at the time so he was incredibly hype.
Mega Man: *Shrugs* The Dr Wily remix was the hypest thing for me. I don't have an attachment to Mega Man
Wii Fit Trainer: Huh? She seems cool though.
Rosalina: My literal reaction: "...What?...What?...What?...*Mario Kart trailer is next*...What?...What?...(And now I'm planning for her to become my main. :3)
Little Mac: :O It excited me for track practice that day. <3
Greninja: Mewtwo? *Sees water shuriken* OH GOD IT'S GRENINJA...AND HE KNOWS SUBSTITUTE! :D
Mii Fighter: *Sees Reggie and Iwata fighting*...It's the miis isn't it? Welp, there goes the forums.
Palutena: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Pac-Man: He looks ok.
Robin/Lucina: Wha? The leak can't be fake! But oh man Robin! ROBIN! My magic user finally! <3 Lucina is good too. <3
Shulk: People are so going to regret not watching the direct. There MUST be a character reveal! *Smash fire thing appears* YEP! *Sees Gaur Plains* YES! *Hears You will know our names* *Dies* Shulk has my favorite trailer so far.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2013
The M.S. Prima Vista
I was around for most of the Pre-Brawl hype, under a different account. It's all pretty hazy to be honest. All I really remember was Japan Time, You Must Recover, and the entire Internet freaking out when Sonic was confirmed. Mostly it's just a blur of constant insanity and dumb jokes waiting for an update every night. And arguments. Constant, endless, insipid arguments.

As for this time around, most memorable moments for me are more or less the same as everyone else.

Mega Man reveal
Little Mac reveal
Palutena "leak" (if only for how crazy everyone went)
Smash Direct
E3 Invetational
Robin trailer, for "killing" the Gematsu leak

It's been an exciting time following this game. It's had its highs and its lows (some pretty low lows frankly) but overall it has been a fun experience. Honestly though, I'll be happy when the game finally releases and we can move past whining about the roster (well mostly move past it) and start talking about the game itself.

Favorite trailer is a bit of a toss up between Mega Man's and Little Mac's. Mega Man's reveal definitely had the wow factor, but finally seeing Little Mac really in the game after supporting him since before Brawl... it's hard to articulate how excited I was. Least hype... Mii Fighters, I guess? The Reggie vs Iwata part was awesome though. Wasn't really all that excited for Palutena, but I really enjoyed the Link and Pit fight (cuz Link kicked ass).


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
  1. Villager: Didn't care abut him much, but he grew on me.
  2. Mega Man: Hyped, now meh. But I'm open to maining him.
  3. WFT: Hate followed with acceptance followed with openness to maining.
  4. Rosalina: "Why her?!" to meh.
  5. Little Mac: It could just be that I wanted him, but I was excited when he came up.
  6. Greninja: Hype/surprise followed with okay.
  7. Miis: Hated at first but loved at heart.
  8. Palutena: Never really cared about her before, still don't care about her now.
  9. Pac-Man: Disinterest followed by actual interest.
  10. Robin: "Eh, he looks nice I guess."
  11. Lucina: "Wait, a clone? Dr. Mario may have a chance!"
  12. Shulk: "Oh hey, I guess the leak is legit now."
  13. Dark Pit: "Really? Dark Pit? What? Hades or Medusa was not good enough? ...Why Dark Pit?!"
  14. Duck Hunt Dog: Eh. I just need to see how he works.
  15. Bowser Jr.: "Well he's better than I feared he'd be."
And yes I'm adding the leaked newcomers simply because I already know about them, so my reaction would be the same as if I had just seen their trailer.
Don't think Dark Pit will get a trailer. Nor does he really need one, anyways.

Deleted member

So we're posting our reactions to trailers now?

Villager: Indifference
Mega Man: *excited screaming*
Wii Fit Trainer: Confusion followed by intrigue
Rosalina: Indifference
Greninja: A whole slew of emotions, from hype, to confusion, to disappointment, and then back to hype.
Miis: Indifferent on the outside, an underlying sense of dread beneath
Palutena: Like that character, hate the trailer
Pac-Man: Childlike glee
Robin/Lucina: Mostly indifferent
Shulk: Indifference, might just be because I saw him when I woke up in the middle of the night and was still mostly asleep.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
Still no emote for Shulk?

But..but..it's Shulk time. :sadeyes:
Nintendo has a very unique thing with time, it's really funny. We have Waluigi Time, Reyn Time, Weegie Time, Partners in Time, The Hero of Time, The Gate of Time, The Temple of Time, The Ocarina of Time, The Sword of Time, Time to tip the scales, Chance Time, Timeshift Stones, Time Portals, Shulk Time.... I hope Nintendo has enough clocks at their headquarters, because they are clearly overcompensating for something.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
That's a very nice spread man, damn. Well done!
Thanks. There weren't many people there. It was very small though. The person I got lost to in both games is someone I play with all the time. I expected him to win those (everyone did.). It was the first tourney my area has had in a while so small numbers are to be expected. The TO is trying to do a Bi-weekly thing. That would be pretty cool.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Nintendo has a very unique thing with time, it's really funny. We have Waluigi Time, Reyn Time, Weegie Time, Partners in Time, The Hero of Time, The Gate of Time, The Temple of Time, The Ocarina of Time, The Sword of Time, Time to tip the scales, Chance Time, Timeshift Stones, Time Portals, Shulk Time.... I hope Nintendo has enough clocks at their headquarters, because they are clearly overcompensating for something.
Maybe they're trying to compensate for mortality.

Deleted member

For me it was;

Villager: "OK, cool. He looks kind of fun."
Mega Man: "Well, good for everyone who wanted him but for me *shrugs*"
Wii Fit Trainer: "Wait seriously? This actually exists? This is the best joke character EVAH!"
Rosalina: "Why though?" followed by "I guess she could be interesting."
Little Mac: "Are you serious? THIS GUY? WHHHHHHHY!" followed by "I am never calling anyone "generic" again."
Greninja: "Mewtwo? Nah." followed by "It's so obviously not Mewtwo. There's no way he'd be revealed this early" followed by "Oh my god... A PLAYABLE FROG!"
Palutena: "Well that was underwhelming" followed by (a few days later) "I think I'm being too harsh..."
Mii: "You know, I don't hate them as much as I thought I would. *makes Miis*"
Pac-man: "OH MY GOD I MIGHT ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT PAC-MAN" followed by "But why would you show Game & Watch but not confirm him? ;("
Robin: "So what the hell is the deal with Lucina anywho? Is she actually playable?" *elwind occurs* "Monado Purge? Nah..." *figure appears* "They didn't. They seriously didn't. That...was unexpected!"
Shulk: "OH MY GOD HE'S ACTUALLY IN THE GAME! i mean i knew that already because of the leak, but this IS SO HYPE!!!!"

Just want to remind you al that this amazing song exists.
I don't need you to remind me :4pacman:

ah, the memories of watching that scene in super low quality when the thing first came out...


Jul 7, 2014
I wonder what will speculators do when the game is out. Are they going to play online or something.
"It's not all about the competitive scene. Urgh."
I just noticed that veterans like Pikachu don't have an Image Gallery thread. Lol.
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Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2014
  1. Villager: Didn't care about him much, but he grew on me.
  2. Mega Man: Hyped, now meh. But I'm open to maining him.
  3. WFT: Hate followed with acceptance followed with openness to maining.
  4. Rosalina: "Why her?!" to meh.
  5. Little Mac: It could just be that I wanted him, but I was excited when he came up.
  6. Greninja: Hype/surprise followed with okay.
  7. Miis: Hated at first but loved at heart.
  8. Palutena: Never really cared about her before, still don't care about her now.
  9. Pac-Man: Disinterest followed by actual interest.
  10. Robin: "Eh, he looks nice I guess."
  11. Lucina: "Wait, a clone? Dr. Mario may have a chance!"
  12. Shulk: "Oh hey, I guess the leak is legit now."
  13. Dark Pit: "Really? Dark Pit? What? Hades or Medusa was not good enough? ...Why Dark Pit?!"
  14. Duck Hunt Dog: Eh. I just need to see how he works.
  15. Bowser Jr.: "Well he's better than I feared he'd be."
And yes I'm adding the leaked newcomers simply because I already know about them, so my reaction would be the same as if I had just seen their trailer.
I literally disagree with everything except Villager lol, I was hype for all of the newcomers ESPECIALLY Wii Fit Trainer she was my day 1 lol
My least hyped newcomer had to be shulk because half the hype for me is the surprise of seeing the character and I didn't get to see the stream live + the leak it felt like he was already in.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
-Villager: Indifferent
-Mega Man: Confused for a moment, but it was interesting. I accepted him in no time.
-Wii Fit Trainer: Was a bit angry at first, but it was interesting and silly. She grew onto me a week after.
-Rosalina: Indifferent, although it was surprising. Took a while to accept her over Bowser Jr, as I waited for Palutena.
-Little Mac: Indifferent. Still a bit sad as I waited for Palutena.
-Greninja: Meh, indifferent. Same as above, except a bit angrier.
-Miis: Indifferent at the start, extremely furious when they were shown... And still waited for Palutena.
-Palutena: Super love for the character, but I was convinced that I didn't like the trailer much now. She deserved better, and more attention in there.
-Pac-Man: Was kinda annoyed, but it did bring up some gaming history. Took a while for me to get used to it.
-Robin/Lucina: Didn't really care for it.
-Shulk: Greatly irritated throughout the whole thing after the Bowser bit. I personally hated it more than how the Palutena Trailer was presented, and it took a lot of guts to say that.

Strange, if I say so myself.
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