People who think Snake is getting removed because of his low relations to Nintendo are ignorant.
As are people who think Simon would get in over Bomberman. When ironically Simon has less affiliation with Nintendo than Bomberman.
I don't see how it's ignorant to questions Snake's return especially when Sakurai himself has stated this time around:
Smash Bros. can still be considered as an all-star collection of Nintendo characters. Just like with Mega Man or any other third-party character, it would have to be a very special situation.
As stated before the only reason why Snake got in the first time was due to a personal favor.
So by your very words, if Snake has 'low relations' how does that make him a viable character to return if Smash is first and foremost an all-star Nintendo game?
Snake could still be included based on his appearance on Brawl alone; but I feel like if Snake never made it into Brawl in the first place, no one would be even considering Snake as a viable candidate. Bomberman and Simon would still be pretty talked about though, as they both were pretty well known on Nintendo platforms. As to which