I've gotten chewed out by other Metroid fans for this opinion but I don't find the original Metroid fun. It's confusing because there's no hints on where to go so, without a map, you're going to be wondering around like an idiot for a good chunk of the game and essentially guessing where to go. With a map, this game takes about 2 hours and maybe 3 if you want to get everything but, without one, I think a reasonable rough estimate is 20 years. The game's also really unforgiving too because healing items are hard to come by and there are many times we're you'll have to farm for a solid 10 minutes to get back to full health later in the game. I further piss off Metroid fans by saying it baffles me how Kid Icarus was less popular (spoiler: they use the game engine and had the same creator) and how Metroid wasn't the one to fade into obscurity instead. Both games are hilariously hard if you don't know what you're doing but I feel that Kid Icarus becomes more fun once you do while Metroid simply becomes tedious. If you want to play the original Metroid, play Zero Mission instead (or, better yet, Super Metroid if you want to get the de-facto Metroid experience). It's a remake that improves on literally everything that was wrong with the original in my eyes plus it has a lot more content.