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Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Wait, one more.

Legendary Vegeta Dancing Troupe
He needs to be singing the Tanoshii Bingo song when doing that...

BINGO! BINGO! BINGO! Tanoshii Bingo!
Chikyuu wa Tanoshii tokoro da yo
Gohan mo Ooishi
Tanoshii Bingo! Tanoshii Bingo! (end with the most epic "AY" you ever heard)
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Skyward Sword discussion? Things I liked:

1. I loved Skyloft. I liked the fact that it was a community that actually cared about Link and that he had a relationship with just about everyone there. Twilight Princess sort of tried this but it wasn't convincing enough and Ilia was the only character that seemed to have any real attachment to him.

2. The orchestrated music. Don't lie, even if you hated the game, the boss theme for Moldarach/Koloktos got your blood pumping.

3. Adding the stamina meter. I liked the fact that you could actually run and it made climbing a little more tricky. It made things a little more realistic in my eyes. I also liked the fact that your shield could break and you didn't get an unbreakable shield until nearly the end of the game.

4. Great cast of characters. Groose and Ghirahim were obviously the best new additions while the incarnations of Zelda and Impa in this game were easily the best in the franchise. Like many people, I also found Fi annoying but I didn't find her any worse than Navi.

5. Made aspects of exploring and fighting more like puzzles. I liked that if you swung your sword mindlessly that you'd get wrecked most of the time.

6. Boss rush mode and Hero mode. Both were long overdue for Zelda in my opinion and I've wanted both since Ocarina of Time.

Things I didn't like:

1. Not a lot of creative items aside from the beetle. I did like that you could upgrade most of the items though.

2. Fi was annoying. She could have been a great character but I don't understand why they decided to make her so cold and emotionless.

3. Motion controls were only annoying for some of the parts for me like fitting the boss door keys exactly in the right spot.

4. I thought Demise was a terrible final boss. They basically just smashed Ganondorf and Akuma from Street Fighter into one character.

Overall, I'd rate the game a B. It's the worst 3D Zelda but definitely not the worst Zelda game (that title would go to Phantom Hourglass). I think time will be a lot more forgiving of it because I remember how a lot of people were equally outraged by Wind Waker and Twilight Princess but now they're considered classics. I think it added a lot of new elements that could easily be improved upon in future Zelda games and it took far more risks than most previous Zelda games. Some things worked while others didn't but I still think it was a solid title, just not totally up to snuff with typical Legend of Zelda standards.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Skyward Sword discussion? Things I liked:

1. I loved Skyloft. I liked the fact that it was a community that actually cared about Link and that he had a relationship with just about everyone there. Twilight Princess sort of tried this but it wasn't convincing enough and Ilia was the only character that seemed to have any real attachment to him.

2. The orchestrated music. Don't lie, even if you hated the game, the boss theme for Moldarach/Koloktos got your blood pumping.

3. Adding the stamina meter. I liked the fact that you could actually run and it made climbing a little more tricky. It made things a little more realistic in my eyes. I also liked the fact that your shield could break and you didn't get an unbreakable shield until nearly the end of the game.

4. Great cast of characters. Groose and Ghirahim were obviously the best new additions while the incarnations of Zelda and Impa in this game were easily the best in the franchise. Like many people, I also found Fi annoying but I didn't find her any worse than Navi.

5. Made aspects of exploring and fighting more like puzzles. I liked that if you swung your sword mindlessly that you'd get wrecked most of the time.

6. Boss rush mode and Hero mode. Both were long overdue for Zelda in my opinion and I've wanted both since Ocarina of Time.

Things I didn't like:

1. Not a lot of creative items aside from the beetle. I did like that you could upgrade most of the items though.

2. Fi was annoying. She could have been a great character but I don't understand why they decided to make her so cold and emotionless.

3. Motion controls were only annoying for some of the parts for me like fitting the boss door keys exactly in the right spot.

4. I thought Demise was a terrible final boss. They basically just smashed Ganondorf and Akuma from Street Fighter into one character.

Overall, I'd rate the game a B. It's the worst 3D Zelda but definitely not the worst Zelda game (that title would go to Phantom Hourglass). I think time will be a lot more forgiving of it because I remember how a lot of people were equally outraged by Wind Waker and Twilight Princess but now they're considered classics. I think it added a lot of new elements that could easily be improved upon in future Zelda games and it took far more risks than most previous Zelda games. Some things worked while others didn't but I still think it was a solid title, just not totally up to snuff with typical Legend of Zelda standards.
My thoughts pretty much verbatim.
Well done. Seems very unbiased, too, I could never accomplish that. Also, the point about Skyloft is something I sort of knew, but didn't really know how to explain, so thanks for that.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
@Shrek_is_love is watching this thread...:crazy:

Please do not remind me of that disturbing video. :urg:

As for Fi being playable, I'm not that mad since she DID play a huge role in Skyward Sword. He moveset does seem to fit her graceful characters and I hope her Vocaloid-esque voice returns. As for Ghirahim being supposedly "disconfirmed", I can tell that the devs are trolling us and will reveal all humanoid bosses as unlockable characters in Free Mode.
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Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Alright, fine, whatever, Mario isn't amazing.

Anyway, UGH. I wish they'd hurry up and release the screenshots for Fi and Ghirahim already!! I want that HD Ghirahim!!!!

How long was the wait between the Agitha/Lana Famitsu leak and the official worldwide confirmation?


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
Just got done reading chapter 59 of the AoT manga. I'm going to assume you've read up to the end of that chapter in the spoiler so DO NOT LOOK IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE THAT OK
just a friendly warning :)
Ok, my thoughts. That was a pretty good chapter overall, though not much really happened outside of Marlow and Hitch. While I am glad to see Jean not die, that did seem like a bit of a cop-out... initially. However, the MP soldier hesitating could bring some more character development on Armin's part. It's also interesting to see Hitch not be a *****. My first impressions were not kind to her but her expression when she hears that Annie was the female titan is quite heartbreaking to say the very least.
The panels showing the MP soldier weren't pretty either. Her expression when hesitating is a cruel reminder that they still aren't evil exactly, and the shot of her being shot in the head is simply gruesome.
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