You know what would be so hype, if they modified the fludd.
See the fludd has 2 other modifications
Fludd hover nozzle
(In Sunshine when your Fludd is filled with water you would use this while in mid air to shoot water outward from under you to hover for a small period of time for better footing)
and fludd rocket nozzle
(In Sunshine you charge this up till it's at full capacity then release to shoot in the air)
Yes the original use can still be possible. But what if you charge it up then save it for later and use down b when your in the air. It could be the hover nozzle or the rocket nozzle kind of recovery.
Or to make it a little more balanced, a charged up fludd would automatically do the hover nozzle (Down B) when used mid-air
And the rocket nozzle can only happen when you charge down b while in mid air then when you release he rockets upwards but does a helpless fall afterwards (same with hover nozzle), cannot charge rocket nozzle on the ground because that's the regular fludd move.
This would give more originality to Mario instead of just copying the fludd over from brawl.