And this is the only thought you have which is dangerous. But it's a normal one.
No I wasn't referring to a cold war with Africa. If I was to put a big red box anywhere in the world right now, it would extend from the baltic (Ukraine) to Georgia, and all the way down to just above South Africa. A big red box which tends to care less and less about what harsh words/"sanctions" from the United Nations (NATO/USA), when the real super powers coming into this century don't care and are more than willing to financially support every nation which the US will not.
Iraq has so many layers. Not only am I fully supportive of the Kurd's self determinism/nationalism, I also sympathise with those of the Sunni faith who have been **** on by Iraq's current President who is now throwing a tantrum over the backlash and the lack of the world supporting his regime.
For the most part, the borders of the world weren't made naturally. Specifically Europe and West Asia are primarily set by the aftermath of World War I (the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire + "Oh no, RUSSIA"). These decisions were made with completely different perspectives to ones we have now ('oh we don't want Turkey getting that great piece of land even if the entire population is of Turkish culture/language/descent'). It took 100 years but the **** is hitting the fan, and the power brokers originally involved aren't really happy.
Dangerous? I don't think so. Self centered, obnoxious, and a little cowardly? Probably. And I'm at peace with that. I'll get to live my life with little to no struggle, in a year I'll have a BS in CS, which really can take you wherever you want in the us. It's an incredibly self serving point of view, but sometimes that's what it takes to get around in the world.
I know how most countries were formed, world history is actually an interest of mine, but an understanding of history isn't going to save the situation with Russia (not saying it isn't helpful, just, it isn't enough alone). It's hard to imagine a peaceful settling of the events in eastern Europe right now, but at the very least, it's in my thoughts.
The entire middle east is in a bit of a cluster**** right now, Saudi Arabia currently rich, but with some major human rights violations going on, and getting a pass from the world because of the oil, Iraq with endless conflict after conflict, and more bystanders are killed every day by extremists, Afghanistan, a country that only 30 years ago was a paradise for backpackers, now probably has more makeshift bombs than trusting households.
Globalization is hitting everywhere, rough and hard, and it's going to go down differently everywhere. But standard citizens are always going to want basic rights and freedoms, and hopefully general populations will be united in that sense, at least. I misread your comment on Africa, I think.
I dunno. I guess I'm just feeling a bit low right now. Sometimes, I only see the positives, the world for the first time, is taking its first steps towards a truly global community. Industrialization is happening everywhere, India, Indonesia, and South America are on facebook, and a sense of basic human rights is finally starting to take root in more places than ever before.
But then I see a headline about African war lords excusing themselves from war crimes, and I remember there's still so far to go, it'll probably take many, many generations to spread human rights overseas when America hasn't even finished the enlightenment yet, what with still restricting women's rights, gender identities, and tying church and state.
I'd love to discuss more specific points at any time (including dangerous thoughts, which seems to be the only real debate we're having), but I have to wake up really early tomorrow, so I'm going to have to throw in the towel here.
thanks for the invigorating discussion, though ^.^