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Smash 4 Social Thread 3.0

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I want to see videos, stat!

For science!
For the demo event, Nintendo supposedly has a strict "you take any video or pictures, we beat you with a nightstick" policy so only a few videos have snuck through but they look like they were recorded using a potato. We probably won't get any clear footage until Thursday or Friday when at least one store breaks street date and then receives the hammer of god from Nintendo.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
For the demo event, Nintendo supposedly has a strict "you take any video or pictures, we beat you with a nightstick" policy so only a few videos have snuck through but they look like they were recorded using a potato. We probably won't get any clear footage until Thursday or Friday when at least one store breaks street date and then receives the hammer of god from Nintendo.
That sucks...

「 Derk 」

4th times the charm...
Jun 4, 2014
Ellijay, Georgia
Switch FC
I am working on a fierce deity Link recolor based on the info we got last night from the demo. Was anyone actually there that seen the skin/color? What I have currently is based on what the players described since there is no picture of it yet. Everyone so far has said it was a recolor and does not change his actual design any other than the colors (similar to his skyward sword costume). Zipzo said something about a dark colored tunic which does not match what fierce deity looked like in MM.

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
For the demo event, Nintendo supposedly has a strict "you take any video or pictures, we beat you with a nightstick" policy so only a few videos have snuck through but they look like they were recorded using a potato. We probably won't get any clear footage until Thursday or Friday when at least one store breaks street date and then receives the hammer of god from Nintendo.
That ****ing sucks, but I can understand why the staff at Nintendo would be so stingy with how information is given after the leaks happened.

Luckily I'm a patient guy, so I can stomach waiting slightly less then a week.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
That ****ing sucks, but I can understand why the staff at Nintendo would be so stingy with how information is given after the leaks happened.

Luckily I'm a patient guy, so I can stomach waiting slightly less then a week.
I bet five monies that Soul Blazer here doesn't last another day.
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Smash Master
Jun 26, 2014
Being petty
Before, I posted how :pikachu64: was younger than :4shulk:, so I decided to go a little further. Here's the ages of all characters at the time they were introduced, for those interested.

Mario: 18
Donkey Kong: 18
Luigi: 16
Link: 13
Samus: 13
Yoshi: 9
Captain Falcon: 9
Kirby: 7
Fox: 6
Ness: 5
Pikachu: 3
Jigglypuff: 3

64 AVERAGE: 10

Mr. Game & Watch: 21
Bowser: 16
Peach: 16
Ice Climbers: 16
Zelda: 15
Marth: 11
Dr. Mario: 11
Falco: 8
Mewtwo: 5
Shiek: 3
Ganondorf: 3 (Or 15)
Young Link: 3
Pichu: 2
Roy: -1

MELEE AVERAGE: 9.21428571428

R.O.B.: 23
Pit: 22
Snake: 21
Sonic: 17
King Dedede: 16
Wario: 16
Meta Knight: 15
Diddy Kong: 14
P. Trainer / Charizard: 12
Wolf: 11
Olimar: 7
Toon Link: 6
Zero Suit Samus: 3 (Or 22)
Ike: 3
Lucario: 3
Lucas: 2


Pac-Man: 34
[Duck Hunt Dog]: 30
Palutena: 28
Little Mac: 27
Mega Man: 27
Villager: 13
[Bowser Jr.]: 12
Mii Fighters: 8
Rosalina: 7
W. Trainer: 7
Shulk: 4
[Dark Pit]: 2
Robin: 2
Lucina: 2
Greninja: 1

KNOWN 4 AVERAGE: 13.5714285714

TOTAL AVERAGE: 11.1808035713

(EDIT: The average is a little off since I forgot [Bowser Jr.] at first, but not by much.)

So yeah, I think there's a pretty good balance of past and present throughout the series.
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Rocket Raccoon

Subject: 89P13
Writing Team
Jul 18, 2013
the Milano.
Before, I posted how :pikachu64: was younger than :4shulk:, so I decided to go a little further. Here's the ages of all characters at the time they were introduced, for those interested.

Mario: 18
Donkey Kong: 18
Luigi: 16
Link: 13
Samus: 13
Yoshi: 9
Captain Falcon: 9
Kirby: 7
Fox: 6
Ness: 5
Pikachu: 3
Jigglypuff: 3

64 AVERAGE: 10

Mr. Game & Watch: 21
Bowser: 16
Peach: 16
Ice Climbers: 16
Zelda: 15
Marth: 11
Dr. Mario: 11
Falco: 8
Mewtwo: 5
Shiek: 3
Ganondorf: 3 (Or 15)
Young Link: 3
Pichu: 2
Roy: -1

MELEE AVERAGE: 9.21428571428

R.O.B.: 23
Pit: 22
Snake: 21
Sonic: 17
King Dedede: 16
Wario: 16
Meta Knight: 15
Diddy Kong: 14
P. Trainer / Charizard: 12
Wolf: 11
Olimar: 7
Toon Link: 6
Zero Suit Samus: 3 (Or 22)
Ike: 3
Lucario: 3
Lucas: 2


Pac-Man: 34
[Duck Hunt Dog]: 30
Palutena: 28
Little Mac: 27
Mega Man: 27
Villager: 13
Mii Fighters: 8
Rosalina: 7
W. Trainer: 7
Shulk: 4
[Dark Pit]: 2
Robin: 2
Lucina: 2
Greninja: 1

KNOWN 4 AVERAGE: 13.5714285714

TOTAL AVERAGE: 11.1808035713

So yeah, I think there's a pretty good balance of past and present throughout the series.
Like they're literal age or how old the game is that they first appeared in?


Smash Cadet
Aug 30, 2014
I am really enjoying the design choices for this game.
Faster then brawl slower then melee
For fun
For glory

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Before, I posted how :pikachu64: was younger than :4shulk:, so I decided to go a little further. Here's the ages of all characters at the time they were introduced, for those interested.

Mario: 18
Donkey Kong: 18
Luigi: 16
Link: 13
Samus: 13
Yoshi: 9
Captain Falcon: 9
Kirby: 7
Fox: 6
Ness: 5
Pikachu: 3
Jigglypuff: 3

64 AVERAGE: 10

Mr. Game & Watch: 21
Bowser: 16
Peach: 16
Ice Climbers: 16
Zelda: 15
Marth: 11
Dr. Mario: 11
Falco: 8
Mewtwo: 5
Shiek: 3
Ganondorf: 3 (Or 15)
Young Link: 3
Pichu: 2
Roy: -1

MELEE AVERAGE: 9.21428571428

R.O.B.: 23
Pit: 22
Snake: 21
Sonic: 17
King Dedede: 16
Wario: 16
Meta Knight: 15
Diddy Kong: 14
P. Trainer / Charizard: 12
Wolf: 11
Olimar: 7
Toon Link: 6
Zero Suit Samus: 3 (Or 22)
Ike: 3
Lucario: 3
Lucas: 2


Pac-Man: 34
[Duck Hunt Dog]: 30
Palutena: 28
Little Mac: 27
Mega Man: 27
Villager: 13
[Bowser Jr.]: 12
Mii Fighters: 8
Rosalina: 7
W. Trainer: 7
Shulk: 4
[Dark Pit]: 2
Robin: 2
Lucina: 2
Greninja: 1

KNOWN 4 AVERAGE: 13.5714285714

TOTAL AVERAGE: 11.1808035713

(EDIT: The average is a little off since I forgot [Bowser Jr.] at first, but not by much.)

So yeah, I think there's a pretty good balance of past and present throughout the series.
This makes me wonder how would it be if All-Star Mode made you fight in order of each character debut instead of their respective series.
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The Original Robot boy

Smash Champion
Jun 17, 2013
idk if anyone saw this but here's the demo of japan info from a guy played most of the characters
- Lucario has a purple and green skin and dark grey skin. Rest are shades of blue.

- I made a mistake for the light blue costume of ZSS it's actually gray. It just looked light blue to me in passing

- No Masked DDD alt

- Diddy kong only gets 1 banana. If you pull another, It disappears

- Captain falcons uppercut (side B) doesn't do strike dmg anymore, only a grab. His up b goes straight up

- Why on earth is ZSS getting 2 shades of blue as her alternate colors? Is purple and white really gone for "really light blue"?? It's actually gray, I looked too quickly.

- Fast falling is pretty swift. It also has the ash 64 effect sparkle when you do the input.

- Charizard can be purple, yellow, red, grey

- Megaman has yellow

- No Metal Sonic. Shades of Blue/One White skin

- Marth has an Orange Skin

- Fierce diety link IS in as a costume

- Pacmans costumes change his gloves and shoes

-Zelda has no alternate costumes only colors

-Pits side b fist has a bad lag if you whiff, big KO power if you hit at higher %s

- Wolf deconfirmed. Fox has an alternate skin that looks exactly like wolf. he's gray fur, purple eye device and grayish clothing. It's the only skin that changes foxes fur. This is only a color, NOT a costume

- Pikachu has a hat with sunglasses on the front costume, and a fighter headband (red and black colored I think).

- megaman has a green/orange costume, and white/red costume, a blue and white costume
- Zelda's new phantom move. It doesn't hit a character right up in her grill. The phantom spawns maybe a character away, so if your opponent is right up on you, the phantom will just spawn in front of them and whiff.

-There is no island toon link costume.

- link has a costume with like red markings under his eyes. It looks nothing like link... But his eyes are whitened and has red markings and he's dark colored clothing. There's also a white and blue link.

-toon link has the four swords colors + old style link color, the black with red eyes.

-there is no Melee dash dancing. It's incredibly hard to do with the circle pad but it's essentially the same thing as brawls. IE not super useful or practical.

- Marth double fair is not possible.

- Shulks second jump is a somersault. Feels funny. All his smash attacks have a strange millisecond-ish load-up time before they come out. The Monado powering up or whatever.

- the ledge is DEFINITELY tougher to grab and there is no snap. Unfortunately both Marth and Shulk flip for their 2nd jump so I could not test ledge re-grabbing within a short window of time because it waits for their flip animation to finish before actually grabbing.

-ZSS comes in dark blue, really light blue (lighter than her normal costume) green, black, and red.

-Peach's forward B has BARELY any startup time anymore (the butt slam)

- pacmans forward a is a combo like Marth except with punches

- his down aerial is like lucarios except he kicks like 2-3 times.

- Shulk has amazing spacing options because his Monado reaches so damn far
- The game still has a sense of floatiness to it that is present in brawl. It's definitely not like Melee where you drop like bricks.

- Shield rolling is extremely fast and there's a neat little sparkle star effect when you do it and acting out of shield is as well. I think of it like a mini-wave dash. No wave dashing or l-cancelling. Just rolling baby.

- Ledge snap SEVERELY nerfed. I feels like Melee ledge grab.

- Meta knights up b is like Marth's up b. It hits people like once and sorta knocks them away and has an upward direction to it.

His tornado still has a lot of hits but you can DI it pretty easy because the hits are actually less frequent, I don't know yet about its priority.

- Pivot cancel is still in

- Pac Man is SLOW. Every single one of his aerials are kicks. His forward aerial is a double kick, his back air is like Mario. The thing that stood our about him is his utter sluggish-ness. His fall speed is like brawl. His run speed is slow. His forward b sends a pellet out in front of him, and then he turns in to classic pacman and boosts towards it. It's kind of like greninja'd shadow sneak thing except you can't time it.

- lucario is unchanged except his smash attacks feel MUCH faster.

- peach is unchanged except for her up aerial. It's now a rainbow thing, it has an arched hitbox over the top of her head, she draws it with her hand.

- Zelda has a white costume

- Ike feels unchanged. I was never an Ike main so I don't know the specifics but his attacks were all the same general thing, nothing new I noticed.

- pacman. He feels slow, but his attacks felt like they had a good hitbox, because he's really fat and his legs stretch when he kicks. He just felt really interesting to play, but I ended up using his aerials the most because of their hit boxes.

- Peach's turnip pull speed is nerfed. She can still move in to float to do things like crown and nair. Her fsmash goes tennis club, golf club, and frying pan. I believe it's a set order now.

- Sonic still dies pitifully if you end up in a spin without a jump

- ledge stalling may be impossible now? If you drop from the ledge and jump back up, you literally will just NOT grab it. It's like the ledge gains invulnerability to your grab for a certain time after you let go. DO NOT TAKE THIS OUT OF CONTEXT. I am not 100% sure I need to try it again on my 2nd go around but in my last match I basically lived on the ledge trying this out.

-I could no re-grab the ledge directly after letting go and jumping back in to obvious grab range.

- palutena's smash reach is incredible. Her up smash is the giant pillar laser beam thing. Her side smash moves a bit forward and her wings slap in front of her.

- robin is FANTASTIC. Magic is not slow, when he has his spell book his attack speed is really good. If you use a smash attack in the air IT USES HIS MAGIC SMASHES. If you use a normal aerial it uses his other weapon.

- Lucina is not playable. (Editor's note: Lucina is not playable in the demo, which means she is an unlockable character)

- chrom appears in robins victory pose.

- they are really right on pictures and video. I almost got kicked out for trying.

- villagers up b is the most overpowered recovery I've ever seen.

- whoever is worried about combos, there are combos.


- Olimar has Alph as a costume

- Robin's hair model doesn't change. Only color changes.

- Glasses Pikachu confirmed

- Fierce Diety Link confirmed (Face changes too). White tunic and Purple tunic confirmed (for Link). His down air has less recovery frames, but doesn't have as much knockback. Boomerang throwing animation is more reminiscent of how it used to look in 64

- Black and purple Yoshi colors confirmed

- Charizard's up throw is seismic toss, similar to Kirby's throw.

(rumored) Costumes/colors atm
Peach: Fire Peach
Yoshi: Black, Purple (no white)
Link: Fierce Deity, White, Purple
Toon Link: Pajamas
Pit: No black color
Palutena: Viridi color
Olimar: Alph (full model change)
Meta Knight: Dark Meta, Galacta Knight
Fox: Wolf color (may just be Brawl's black Fox)
Pikachu: Gold/Silver's Trainer Hat, X/Y's Trainer hat, Party hat returns
Charizard: Shiny Charizard
Robin: His hair color changes, but not the model
Pac-Man: His color doesn't change, but he wears accessories.
On top of this roundup, we have more news coming in from a Reddit AMA, so be sure to keep checking back on this article for updates!

  • Post-game bonuses from Melee have returned
  • Shulk's Monado Arts special is "weird." "A black kanji will appear behind you. Then quickly press b until you have the mode you want you can act normally while doing it"
  • Donkey Kong has a new dash attack
  • Diddy still has his Dixie Kong recolor
  • Some of Shulk's skins are sleeveless
  • Peach still has a Daisy recolor
  • Dedede has a new side special
  • Ike does not have a Path of Radiance alt
  • Riki and Dunban are the only characters that appear in Shulk's Final Smash
  • Captain Falcon's recovery is straighter and goes higher. His aerial knee attack has more power, but more landing lag.
  • Link's Gale Boomerang has been improved
  • Charizard has been buffed
  • The tester "hated Brawl" but loves the new games
  • Link's recovery has been greatly improved
  • Bowser has a pink-haired recolor
  • Ike's fire is now blue
  • Meta Knight has been somewhat nerfed
- See more at: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/a-mega...e-deity-link-is-an-alt#.VAuCN_kYoXk[/spoiler]


Jul 7, 2014
So, I heard on the Reddit boards that when Diddy throws a banana to his opponent, it disappears. Guess that's another nerf.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
So, I heard on the Reddit boards that when Diddy throws a banana to his opponent, it disappears. Guess that's another nerf.
That seems inaccurate.

I've read (as per Zipzo's notes) that Diddy can only summon one peel at a time; if he uses Down B again, the current peel will vanish while a new one spawns in his hands. So presumably, if an opponent is holding the peel, and Diddy uses Down B, the opponent will lose the peel while Diddy gains a new one.

On the one hand, he has less peels to work with. But on the other, if an opponent tries to use the peel against him, Diddy can go "Not Today!" and deny the peel to their opponent.

I don't play Diddy, though, so I can't say just how beneficial (or not) such a trade-off may be.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
So, I heard on the Reddit boards that when Diddy throws a banana to his opponent, it disappears. Guess that's another nerf.
Longer reach is not a good compensation for DiddySuckyKong right now...

Diddy's got that low-tier vibe right now.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
That seems inaccurate.
I've read (as per Zipzo's notes) that Diddy can only summon one peel at a time; if he uses Down B again, the current peel will vanish while a new one spawns in his hands. So presumably, if an opponent is holding the peel, and Diddy uses Down B, the opponent will lose the peel while Diddy gains a new one.
On the one hand, he has less peels to work with. But on the other, if an opponent tries to use the peel against him, Diddy can go "Not Today!" and deny the peel to their opponent.
I don't play Diddy, though, so I can't say just how beneficial (or not) such a trade-off may be.
This guy must be pretty happy.

Please only have one banana.
Please only have one banana.
Omfg please only have one banana.
Wish granted.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
idk if anyone saw this but here's the demo of japan info from a guy played most of the characters
- Lucario has a purple and green skin and dark grey skin. Rest are shades of blue.

- I made a mistake for the light blue costume of ZSS it's actually gray. It just looked light blue to me in passing

- No Masked DDD alt

- Diddy kong only gets 1 banana. If you pull another, It disappears

- Captain falcons uppercut (side B) doesn't do strike dmg anymore, only a grab. His up b goes straight up

- Why on earth is ZSS getting 2 shades of blue as her alternate colors? Is purple and white really gone for "really light blue"?? It's actually gray, I looked too quickly.

- Fast falling is pretty swift. It also has the ash 64 effect sparkle when you do the input.

- Charizard can be purple, yellow, red, grey

- Megaman has yellow

- No Metal Sonic. Shades of Blue/One White skin

- Marth has an Orange Skin

- Fierce diety link IS in as a costume

- Pacmans costumes change his gloves and shoes

-Zelda has no alternate costumes only colors

-Pits side b fist has a bad lag if you whiff, big KO power if you hit at higher %s

- Wolf deconfirmed. Fox has an alternate skin that looks exactly like wolf. he's gray fur, purple eye device and grayish clothing. It's the only skin that changes foxes fur. This is only a color, NOT a costume

- Pikachu has a hat with sunglasses on the front costume, and a fighter headband (red and black colored I think).

- megaman has a green/orange costume, and white/red costume, a blue and white costume
- Zelda's new phantom move. It doesn't hit a character right up in her grill. The phantom spawns maybe a character away, so if your opponent is right up on you, the phantom will just spawn in front of them and whiff.

-There is no island toon link costume.

- link has a costume with like red markings under his eyes. It looks nothing like link... But his eyes are whitened and has red markings and he's dark colored clothing. There's also a white and blue link.

-toon link has the four swords colors + old style link color, the black with red eyes.

-there is no Melee dash dancing. It's incredibly hard to do with the circle pad but it's essentially the same thing as brawls. IE not super useful or practical.

- Marth double fair is not possible.

- Shulks second jump is a somersault. Feels funny. All his smash attacks have a strange millisecond-ish load-up time before they come out. The Monado powering up or whatever.

- the ledge is DEFINITELY tougher to grab and there is no snap. Unfortunately both Marth and Shulk flip for their 2nd jump so I could not test ledge re-grabbing within a short window of time because it waits for their flip animation to finish before actually grabbing.

-ZSS comes in dark blue, really light blue (lighter than her normal costume) green, black, and red.

-Peach's forward B has BARELY any startup time anymore (the butt slam)

- pacmans forward a is a combo like Marth except with punches

- his down aerial is like lucarios except he kicks like 2-3 times.

- Shulk has amazing spacing options because his Monado reaches so damn far
- The game still has a sense of floatiness to it that is present in brawl. It's definitely not like Melee where you drop like bricks.

- Shield rolling is extremely fast and there's a neat little sparkle star effect when you do it and acting out of shield is as well. I think of it like a mini-wave dash. No wave dashing or l-cancelling. Just rolling baby.

- Ledge snap SEVERELY nerfed. I feels like Melee ledge grab.

- Meta knights up b is like Marth's up b. It hits people like once and sorta knocks them away and has an upward direction to it.

His tornado still has a lot of hits but you can DI it pretty easy because the hits are actually less frequent, I don't know yet about its priority.

- Pivot cancel is still in

- Pac Man is SLOW. Every single one of his aerials are kicks. His forward aerial is a double kick, his back air is like Mario. The thing that stood our about him is his utter sluggish-ness. His fall speed is like brawl. His run speed is slow. His forward b sends a pellet out in front of him, and then he turns in to classic pacman and boosts towards it. It's kind of like greninja'd shadow sneak thing except you can't time it.

- lucario is unchanged except his smash attacks feel MUCH faster.

- peach is unchanged except for her up aerial. It's now a rainbow thing, it has an arched hitbox over the top of her head, she draws it with her hand.

- Zelda has a white costume

- Ike feels unchanged. I was never an Ike main so I don't know the specifics but his attacks were all the same general thing, nothing new I noticed.

- pacman. He feels slow, but his attacks felt like they had a good hitbox, because he's really fat and his legs stretch when he kicks. He just felt really interesting to play, but I ended up using his aerials the most because of their hit boxes.

- Peach's turnip pull speed is nerfed. She can still move in to float to do things like crown and nair. Her fsmash goes tennis club, golf club, and frying pan. I believe it's a set order now.

- Sonic still dies pitifully if you end up in a spin without a jump

- ledge stalling may be impossible now? If you drop from the ledge and jump back up, you literally will just NOT grab it. It's like the ledge gains invulnerability to your grab for a certain time after you let go. DO NOT TAKE THIS OUT OF CONTEXT. I am not 100% sure I need to try it again on my 2nd go around but in my last match I basically lived on the ledge trying this out.

-I could no re-grab the ledge directly after letting go and jumping back in to obvious grab range.

- palutena's smash reach is incredible. Her up smash is the giant pillar laser beam thing. Her side smash moves a bit forward and her wings slap in front of her.

- robin is FANTASTIC. Magic is not slow, when he has his spell book his attack speed is really good. If you use a smash attack in the air IT USES HIS MAGIC SMASHES. If you use a normal aerial it uses his other weapon.

- Lucina is not playable. (Editor's note: Lucina is not playable in the demo, which means she is an unlockable character)

- chrom appears in robins victory pose.

- they are really right on pictures and video. I almost got kicked out for trying.

- villagers up b is the most overpowered recovery I've ever seen.

- whoever is worried about combos, there are combos.


- Olimar has Alph as a costume

- Robin's hair model doesn't change. Only color changes.

- Glasses Pikachu confirmed

- Fierce Diety Link confirmed (Face changes too). White tunic and Purple tunic confirmed (for Link). His down air has less recovery frames, but doesn't have as much knockback. Boomerang throwing animation is more reminiscent of how it used to look in 64

- Black and purple Yoshi colors confirmed

- Charizard's up throw is seismic toss, similar to Kirby's throw.

(rumored) Costumes/colors atm
Peach: Fire Peach
Yoshi: Black, Purple (no white)
Link: Fierce Deity, White, Purple
Toon Link: Pajamas
Pit: No black color
Palutena: Viridi color
Olimar: Alph (full model change)
Meta Knight: Dark Meta, Galacta Knight
Fox: Wolf color (may just be Brawl's black Fox)
Pikachu: Gold/Silver's Trainer Hat, X/Y's Trainer hat, Party hat returns
Charizard: Shiny Charizard
Robin: His hair color changes, but not the model
Pac-Man: His color doesn't change, but he wears accessories.
On top of this roundup, we have more news coming in from a Reddit AMA, so be sure to keep checking back on this article for updates!

  • Post-game bonuses from Melee have returned
  • Shulk's Monado Arts special is "weird." "A black kanji will appear behind you. Then quickly press b until you have the mode you want you can act normally while doing it"
  • Donkey Kong has a new dash attack
  • Diddy still has his Dixie Kong recolor
  • Some of Shulk's skins are sleeveless
  • Peach still has a Daisy recolor
  • Dedede has a new side special
  • Ike does not have a Path of Radiance alt
  • Riki and Dunban are the only characters that appear in Shulk's Final Smash
  • Captain Falcon's recovery is straighter and goes higher. His aerial knee attack has more power, but more landing lag.
  • Link's Gale Boomerang has been improved
  • Charizard has been buffed
  • The tester "hated Brawl" but loves the new games
  • Link's recovery has been greatly improved
  • Bowser has a pink-haired recolor
  • Ike's fire is now blue
  • Meta Knight has been somewhat nerfed
- See more at: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/a-mega...e-deity-link-is-an-alt#.VAuCN_kYoXk[/spoiler]
It's all heresy until I see images.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Is there any info on costumes for Miis?
If you can't answer this question, then all is lost.

EDIT: Thought you meant whether Miis will get costumes, which I thought was self-evident.

If you're inquiring as to specific costumes (hats, coats, etc.), then know that the Miis didn't seem to be playable at the Japan demo event, so no info has surfaced pertaining to them.
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Jul 7, 2014
That seems inaccurate.

I've read (as per Zipzo's notes) that Diddy can only summon one peel at a time; if he uses Down B again, the current peel will vanish while a new one spawns in his hands. So presumably, if an opponent is holding the peel, and Diddy uses Down B, the opponent will lose the peel while Diddy gains a new one.

On the one hand, he has less peels to work with. But on the other, if an opponent tries to use the peel against him, Diddy can go "Not Today!" and deny the peel to their opponent.

I don't play Diddy, though, so I can't say just how beneficial (or not) such a trade-off may be.
Yeah, I heard about that. I'm not sure if the "banana throwing the opponent makes it disappear" thing is true. Could be false.
You're right, that would let Diddy steal the banana so that he can use it.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
That seems inaccurate.

I've read (as per Zipzo's notes) that Diddy can only summon one peel at a time; if he uses Down B again, the current peel will vanish while a new one spawns in his hands. So presumably, if an opponent is holding the peel, and Diddy uses Down B, the opponent will lose the peel while Diddy gains a new one.

On the one hand, he has less peels to work with. But on the other, if an opponent tries to use the peel against him, Diddy can go "Not Today!" and deny the peel to their opponent.

I don't play Diddy, though, so I can't say just how beneficial (or not) such a trade-off may be.
Well, the banana stealing would be extremely helpful if he had 2 bananas. The trade off isn't really that beneficial though. Diddy loses half of his stage control. Diddy's need 1 banana in hand and one on the field at almost all times. There also will be no more banana locks across the stage. Basically with 1 banana in hand and one in front of you Diddy can

Glide toss 1 banana> throw the other> Glide toss> Throw>>>> until the end of the stage and can end with a grab/D-smash/F-smash.

Now there's not even glide tossing in this game. So all the Smash attack/grab follow-ups he had are now non-existent. It's really taking away from his character. Like, A LOT. While its good for more inexperienced players to get bananas easier by in essence deleting an old one, it is nearly impossible to do anything with the banana now. Maybe his 1 banana infinite will still be in. I doubt it with the fall speed increase. Good Diddy's won't loose banana control for long if at all. That's generally an item character thing. The best strategy against item characters is to throw the item away since they're better at using it than you. Even if the banana can be spawned back to Diddy its still a laggy move and can be used to even set up combos. I can see new Diddy mains spamming Down B once they loose a banana. Just to fall into the opponents bait.

Diddy's next best bet is that his dash attack is still crazy good. If they nerfed that I don't know how it could get any worse. He has so many follow-ups from it. Even at high percents. And it has such good priority.

Its an awful trade-off if your highly skilled but not so much at a lower level of play. Heck lower level play doesn't even use 2 bananas if even 1.
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