Well, I did wanted to reply to this, but i didn't have time.
The reason it concerns me so much is that listening to an mp3 is clearly not the way the original composer intended. In game, well, that's fine (but rare exceptions exists like the music on ssb43ds...the files itself were equalised to work more on the speaker and I noticed there was something wrong comparing to some high quality videos I've heard and btw, the latest direct proved me even more that there was modification in the files).
Though, normally, almost no one should notice any difference in lossless, even for myself I need the wav near me.
Lossy however, I would be very surprised that it can't be noticed. In fact, this is so significant that I'm sure I would notice something on speakers. My pc speakers is already bad so, not doing it (plus, I'm so picky in quality that i bough a 150$ BOSE headphones...I care that much because the sounds is so mervelous
But I have to agree on one point, yes I'm VERY picky.
The reason for it is very simple: I pay in my life A LOT MORE attention to anything audio comparing to visuals. I have severe sight issues and just to give you an idea, I currently wear glasses that magnifies near ovject with my pc quite near my eyes. I need and I'm not jpking to use this site at 200$ of display and even worse, I don't even have an appropriate sight to get a drive permit! It's a really bad eyessight...
But I learned that my brain got used by having very close attention to sounds. That is why I'm going very emotional on vgm in games like menu 1 because those type of music are even more engraved in my head than most people.
This is why in games I tend to reference more the audio quality than the visuals, but here's a funny fact: Paper Mario is a very rare exception.
This will interest you, but the major reason that TTYD was marking for me in design that much is because of 2.5D. It's a design where you have 2D objects in 3D environment even though technically, everything is 3D, just made to not look like it. This means that it helps a lot my severe perspective difficulty because there's no depth in the characters and object. Only the environment in which I btw can get enough depth. Plus, the colors of the games are very bright with minimal gradients and unified which is perfectly suited for my sight difficulties.
The only other game that came that close to those tastes outside of this series is wind waker, but this one had depth. I however loved the bright green being heavy present.
So, you know why I still love to post images of the game and music too, but it's very rare that I can detail more on the visuals than the audio. Heck I could write a page on we believe in you mario, but not as much on Rogueport design even though it would be more detailed than usual comparing to other games visuals.
This also explains why I like to main G&W.