btw, you say computer science in English.
Well I am going to answer your question you just asked
Well, the wii has 24 megabytes of ram (that's memory used to run games and program). Now, this might not sound like a lot, but in bytes, it is 25165824 bytes......that;s a lot. So let';s say i want to hack my HP, how the heck can I do this if I have one chance in 25165824 to have the right place? And how can I know how much bytes the HP is stored?
I need to know where the HP address is to edit it.
This document tells me exactly that in the middle column.
The right column tells me how much space it takes AND how it is encoded (an integer is encoded differently than a number with a decimal part so 5.0 is actually different than 5 for a computer).
What I do is I search the addresses (with complicated process, basically, if you used CE, you know how it works) and once I find it and how it is formatted, I jsut interpret it by putting a description so humans can understand.
.......this is of the most useful thing a gltich hunter can have. What this allow is anyone that want to glitch hunt spm, they know what to enter to hacks stuff. So, if someone was using a version of dolphin that worked differently than mine, he can add the addresses and hack them.
You know what an action replay or gamshark is? Well, these devices jsut sneak into the ram and basically do stuff. This document allows to ahve that, but much more powerfull because you can do anythign with them while an action replay can jsut do preprogrammed struff.