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Sleeping problems

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
I'll be so tired I'm about to fall asleep standing up, but when I lay in bed or "attempt" to fall asleep, I feel very alert and awake.

It wasn't a problem in highschool or any time before that, because passing highschool is really easy, even if you skip half of your classes. I'd pull all nighters all the time and not care.

I can tell college is going to be different, though. I've skipped a few classes already because of my messed up cycle, and it's only going to get worse. The more I want or need to fall asleep, the less I'm able to.

The only drug that puts me to sleep anymore is xanax in high doses, but I don't have a prescription, haven't found a dealer, and don't want to have to pay money to sleep.

So I'm asking for advice. Anyone here have similar problems? I want to see a doctor, but sleeping medication sounds scary. I've tried every trick in the book for falling asleep, but my body won't allow it. I find myself tapping on stuff and clenching my jaw in weird rhythmic patterns subconsciously all the time while laying in bed to music in my head.

I'm usually able to fall asleep after 24 hours of being awake, but I never pass right out. I always have at least 45 minutes of laying motionless to look forward to each time I attempt to sleep, no matter how long I've been awake.

tl:dr -> how to sleep?


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
I have the same problem, my friend. I take Tylenol PM a lot.

Usually takes me an hour or longer of laying in bed to fall asleep. You know the average time is supposed to be 7 mins? lol I envy those people.

I hear it has a lot to do with your daily diet. I eat a lot of fastfood and ramen noodles...

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
I hardly eat anything, trying to cut weight down a little.

Tylenol PM doesn't knock me out... well 4 of them at least.

7 minutes? hahaha yeah right I'm jealous


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
you.... need to not think alot of **** in your head. maybe it's the bed you're sleeping on that's not making u knocked out... i'd give u some advice but i don't have much at this time... do you sweat hard when you try to sleep?

a temporary solution i may propose... i should try lending you my sleeping mat, it's not a comforter of sorts, but at most it's pretty chillin when u lie down

health services and such at college is usually free unless otherwise, you can consult a therapist if something bothers you...

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Yeah, the clinic at UCF is free, but I'm not sure how much you'd want to go there...

One thing that really relaxes me is to super-control my breathing... like, breathe in for 6 seconds, hold for 4, then out for 6 seconds...

Do that a few times, then start thinking of ONE thing nice... like really nice. Be it nature, friends, memories... something that makes you happy... (probably not smash lol too frantic)

Like... I found that trying to eliminate all thought is like impossible for me... and I would lie awake thinkingn about random crap a lot of the time... but if you focus on one pretty relaxing thing, it really helps you drift off... since you are just thinking of the one.

otherwise... try to normalize your schedule... even if you are lying awake, your body will get rest. Your mind is screwed, sure, for a few days, but if you try to get on a normal schedule, after a few days, your mind should become more accustomed to it.

Sleep meds are scary, yeah...

Sorry this is happening, man

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
you.... need to not think alot of **** in your head. maybe it's the bed you're sleeping on that's not making u knocked out... i'd give u some advice but i don't have much at this time... do you sweat hard when you try to sleep?

a temporary solution i may propose... i should try lending you my sleeping mat, it's not a comforter of sorts, but at most it's pretty chillin when u lie down

health services and such at college is usually free unless otherwise, you can consult a therapist if something bothers you...
I can't erase my chaotic thoughts. The more I try, the more the insanity ensues. For instance, try to not think about a polar bear.... Thought of one, didn't you? :p I really appreciate the offer, but I had the most comfortable bed in Palm Coast, which didn't make a difference.

Yeah, the clinic at UCF is free, but I'm not sure how much you'd want to go there...

One thing that really relaxes me is to super-control my breathing... like, breathe in for 6 seconds, hold for 4, then out for 6 seconds...

Do that a few times, then start thinking of ONE thing nice... like really nice. Be it nature, friends, memories... something that makes you happy... (probably not smash lol too frantic)

Like... I found that trying to eliminate all thought is like impossible for me... and I would lie awake thinkingn about random crap a lot of the time... but if you focus on one pretty relaxing thing, it really helps you drift off... since you are just thinking of the one.

otherwise... try to normalize your schedule... even if you are lying awake, your body will get rest. Your mind is screwed, sure, for a few days, but if you try to get on a normal schedule, after a few days, your mind should become more accustomed to it.

Sleep meds are scary, yeah...

Sorry this is happening, man
I appreciate the support! I've tried so many different breathing and zoning out techniques to no success. Unfortunantly, I guess the clinic is my best option at the moment.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
I've had the problem as well. Every time I jog, I've had no problem going to sleep the same day. But if I jog like 2 hours before I try to sleep, I'm still rushed with endorphins stay up till at least 3-4. Too bad I jog like 3 times a month.

Reading stuff for class to sleep...I've also read somewhere (like posted above) that you shouldn't eat, but I've also read you might want to eat like a small bowl of cereal to make yourself satisfied if you're a little hungry.

Don't play smash, watch combo vids, or take long naps during the day.

What are you doing the hour before you sleep?


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
here's my current sleep patterns.

-go home
-go online
-chat for awhile
-if you have an objective (like wake up at 9am for class), then prepare yourself 6-8 hours in advance (meaning sleep at 1am if you can)
-Set multiple alarm clocks

-in trying to sleep, I try to keep my room super cold as possible, find a good sleeping position with less tossing and turning. try to keep things silent around me, every day since i've moved up here i've been sleeping on an airbed with sheets and a bamboo comfort mat (it's no foam obviously). once i'm in my proper state, i can breeze through a few hours til i need to wake up at the specific hour... your biological clock is screwed up at this time

-if you are trying to think happy thoughts, think of someone or something

-I also had sleeping problems where i tried putting on headphones and music blasting at low volume (make sure the soundtrack is nothing disturbing), and that got me knocked out a bit, yet hurting the ears a lil from headphones

look, feel free to talk to me or anyone else (online or by phone) if problems persist, I'm practically available 24/7 (in class, doing something else, sleeping) i mean u have my number already. cuz the problem at hand at times is talking to someone to relieve problems (I didn't get much help often, i didn't go to any clinic, friends weren't available for talk half the time, i had to settle it against myself every day), and as fenrir said, go to a clinic if needed. since you're new in school (college) and you already have friends in orlando.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
Watch your Olimar combo video...

but nah it takes something like 2 weeks or some **** to "get used to" a new sleep schedule

but w/e everyone else here posted better ****

fearless you so dumb

but your bed is kinda comfy

lol me/ansel slept on that ***** sonnnnnnnn

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Before I sleep, I'm generally relaxing in my room, maybe talking to a few friends on aim or something, nothing too energetic. Like I said before, I tried a lot of relaxation methods (soothing music, pressure points, even some Buddhism stuff). This has been going on for a while, under a variety of circumstances with the same result.

I jog during the day, HTG, but it doesn't have any effect. I can't really come up with a reason why any of this stuff happens... I don't think my body wants to sleep.

i miss you g money... brawl gigs?


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
I can't erase my chaotic thoughts. The more I try, the more the insanity ensues. For instance, try to not think about a polar bear.... Thought of one, didn't you? :p I really appreciate the offer, but I had the most comfortable bed in Palm Coast, which didn't make a difference.

I appreciate the support! I've tried so many different breathing and zoning out techniques to no success. Unfortunantly, I guess the clinic is my best option at the moment.
Write things down, in a journal. Believe me, it's the easiest way to clear the mind.

Or smoke chron.


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
I actually DON'T recommend sleep medication because it is only good for short term benefits like fixing one's circadian rhythm. Medications like Neurontin and Tylenol trigger a surge of melatonin (the chemical that makes you sleepy) and thus helps you to sleep. HOWEVER, this foreign increase of ANY neurotransmitter will make the body decrease its own production of said chemical. Basically, you'll be forced to take increasing doses of medication to sleep or suffer from insomnia.

tl;dr Don't take medication if you want to get good sleep in the long run.

Light is an important factor in the sleep-wake cycle because it triggers an area in the brain called the superchiasmatic nucleus which is the main factor of sleep and governs the release of the 'sleep chemicals'. When light is present, you're not gonna go to sleep easily because the superchiasmatic nucleus is active from the optic nerve's processing of light and it will produce chemicals to keep you awake. This is why most animals are awake at the day time and asleep at night.

tl;dr Turn off all lights

I have no other advice than what has already been said. I like to listen to classical music while I sleep.

Is your problem insomnia or is it just an off circadian rhythm?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I dunno if smoking chron is the best idea.

As he's explaining it, his mind is just thinking on overdrive a whole bunch. Smoking would quite possibly cause so much activity it'd cause an aneurysm <_<;

Everything sounds like the best idea ever in that state.

I usually just lay down in bed with my laptop and watch videos or whatever. When my eye's start to close, I shut down my laptop.

If you want a temporary solution, Nyquil works wonders.

If it's a serious problem, then seriously go to a doctor. If anything, you can simply make an informed decision on whether you need additional help or not.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
That's the exact reason I don't want to be put on sleeping meds. Dependency scares me.

And yeah... pot used to make me fall asleep... back in 9th grade haha when I just started, my tolerance is too high now.

I do appreciate the support, I just have happened to try just about everything you guys have mentioned countless times.

I'm going to visit the doctor some time this weekend and see what he has to say about it.

I don't know exactly what my problem is, Zero Gamer, but my sleeping has never really been consistent. It was easy to stay up all night and joke around \ sleep in highschool because highschool was a joke.


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
Well I had the same problems throughout high school too, but I would constantly miss 1st period and sometimes 2nd period and the suspension policy for tardiness only made things worse; it's a ******** policy to be forced out of school for trying to get to school. It made my high school career a lot worse than I would like it to have been...

Sometimes a 'sleep problem' is just you staying up as long as you're supposed to. If you go to sleep at 6:00 AM and wake up at 5:00 PM, it's only natural to have difficulty sleeping at 9:00 PM without any outside help.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
I always read a book when I go to bed, even if it's a good book it helps me go to sleep. Also, Nyquil works pretty well. I've taken these pills called "Diphenhydramine HCl" lately and they seem to work extremely well. I don't know where they came from though, or if you even need a prescription for them. But there ya go.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2007
Gainesville, FL
I used to have this problem a year ago, although not as severe as you :(

It may sound childish but storytelling does lull you to sleep. Obviously, having someone read to you every night is ridiculous. I usually listened to various comedians with 1hr+ long routines that I have already heard. It's generally light-hearted and laughing helps you relax. It's just a natural feeling.

This method puts me out in about 30 minutes, but its better than just sitting in bed for 2 hours. My favorite comedian to listen to is George Carlin since he just always knocks me out.

I suppose if you want hardcore storytelling get an audio track of March of the Penguins and Morgan Freeman will put you to sleep faster than a jiggs :p


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
what always works for me is to grab a textbook and start reading it

like seriously read it, stop after each paragraph and try to actually learn what they're saying, instead of just feeding the words through your eyes

you will either a. get really smart b. get really sleepy


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
The things that help me fall asleep the most are lifting weights during the day or getting a good amount of sunlight (spending the day at the beach/on my boat). Really any good amount of physical activity during the day will make it a lot easier to fall asleep that night.

There are non habit forming meds that can help you fall asleep as well. You could try generic Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) or Melatonin. The active ingredient in Benadryl is exactly what Tylenol added to their PM version to make you drowsy. Melatonin is an all natural, non-habit forming sleep aid that works in about 30-45 mins (in my experience).


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
I don't have time to read the thread but I used to have some pretty extreme sleeping problems during my first year of college in 06. I'd take 10+ melatonin supplements, 10+ benadryl (antihistimines make you very sleepy), and a huge chunk of my xanax perscription (given to me by campus healthcare....) and STILL not be able to sleep sometimes. But those were really bad days lol...

Anyway, i'd suggest getting on a normal eating schedule if you're not already and try getting up earlier, and eating a big breakfast full of carbs (combats the sleepiness of getting up extra early, and then when you actually NEED to sleep you will) Melatonin supplements (the bodies natural sleep ingredient) help, as well as allergy medication like benadryl.. just don't take as much as I did, I'd be lacking on so much sleep I did that **** out of desperation.... Try breaking them in half as well.

Sleep probs suck! Alcohol usually does the trick for me now though.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
Music. No joke.

I used to have the same problem. I have the ability to stay up for long periods of time, but when I was in middle/early high school, I couldn't fall asleep for about a few hours before finally passing out. Plus, I'd only get about 2-3 hours of sleep, if I was lucky.

Then, I decided to listen to music while I try to sleep. Worked like a charm.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Try reading. Ever since I started reading the Dark Tower series (I'm on book 2) I've been getting better sleep. The intricate plot and all the thought involved will make your mind fuzzy, or any reading material. Whatever makes you think. Then eventually you sort of just don't want to think anymore after reading since you're using your imagination as you read a lot, it uses up that power to be frantic prior to bed.
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