First I have to note that my views and opinions do not reflect the views and opinions of anyone else but myself that being said I have a couple points to make here
1. Do people regularly leave trash every where especially at a school facility or even someone's house?
I find it ludicrous how when trash cans are about 6 steps away from the TV and can be regularly emptied no one bothers to use them. Trash cans are there for a reason. Also if this is the way you treat a public area where you know the room does not belong to you, how do you treat your own house, that being said I feel very sorry for your future spouse. That being said no single person should have to clean up for any one else
2. This behavior is not accepted anywhere. Would you go to someone's birthday party and leave a mess for the birthday boy/girl to clean up for you? After all that someone did have the decency to invite you and allow you to participate in activities in this party. Would you not show the same decency not to leave a mess for the person to clean up for you? Once again remember that this is a public facility and the room belongs to no one except the school and perhaps the Dean of Computer Science other than that no one else owns the room.
3.DO NOT expect other people to clean up for you! EVER because other people are not your mom who is probably too much of a pushover to be stern with any of you. Other people are not as forgiving so clean up your own mess.
The bottom line is "Treat others how you would like to be treated"
Ok, I'm tired of this. You make some valid points, but must all 4 of you restate the same **** POINTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN?
You're getting absolutely nowhere, and it really looks like that you're out to point fingers and assign blame when the "culprits" aren't even reading this thread. Instead, most of us here have been longtime members of the community, and while we realize that we are partially at fault for not taking the initiative to clean up after our fellow smashers, must you bring that up with each and every sentence?
Then again, there's an interesting point to be made; why are you berating the whole of Norcal for failing to clean up after a choice few, when you keep on mentioning the standard of "no one should have to clean up after anyone else"?
You realize that if you had even
mentioned the mess that was there, and said something about having everyone take part in cleaning up before rushing out the door, I can guarantee you that it would have been dealt with. Most people aren't unwilling to clean up the mess (be it their own or others'), they just have to be prodded a bit to do it. You're going to ask "why must we remind them to clean up after themselves?", but that's entirely up to you. You can do the minimum required of you and watch this disaster unfold; or you can go a little beyond what's needed, and achieve a better result.
Get that **** about maturity out of here if you're going to insult the way people were brought up by their parents; you really think that they're going to listen to what you're saying
after you go out of your way to insult their mothers?
I agree that perhaps some individuals were overzealous on the issue of trash. I would expect that the attendees (no offense to those who did keep track of their food) have the common courtesy to deal with their trash accordingly. But that is an issue gone by, not much can be done about what has already happened. I apologize for any offensive statements that may have been made by other members of the SJSU Computer Science club, because really, while I do find it fun to antagonize others from time to time, this issue should only have gone for possibly two pages at best.
Which brings me to a more important question: How would you recommend we improve the tournament setup? If you have any concerns about food disposal, hygiene, or other matters that may have bothered you during the tournament, please list them and perhaps this discussion can be steered in a more constructive direction to improve not only the experience of the host but also to improve the enjoyment of the people who count: The people attending the event. After all, what is an event with no attendees?
And for the record, I am a student at SJSU as well. Just happened to set aside about 2-3 hours to tidy up the room for the event Friday night by myself. There was quite a bit of trash that is normally left lying around, though I possibly could have gotten more done as far as clean went if I had brought a broom. :D
Hi, I like constructive posts like these. **** gets done when people aren't so overly negative.
But yeah, for future reference at any tournament: Yell for **** to be thrown away before everyone rushes for the door. Don't let people out until the trash is disposed of.
And to people new to the community:
CLEAN YOUR **** UP DAMMIT. Also, don't play friendlies on pool TVs if time's an issue
and you want to make it out of your pool.
Oh, and for once I'm agreeing with Shroomed about something. Good ****.