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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Youko, you did it.

This was far better than last weeks in my opinion. Every update sounded interesting, and your tangents (the few you did), was actually pretty awesome. I want some curly fries now though...

I was in the hospital with an IV in my arm all morning (Two IV's for that matter), so I just listened to the podcast alot... 4 times today.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
I'm sorry Al Canos but I couldn't stand the way you talked. The way your voice went up at the end of every sentence was annoying after 10 seconds so I had to fast forward through the whole thing.
That makes two people who don't like my voice, I'm starting to feel sad :(
Oh well, I'm not trying to impress people with my sexy voice, just sharing an opinion.

Also, Youko, I think I have a suggestion, but not for the podcast itself. Maybe you should have a list of Brawl Viewpoints that have been done in the past in the first post so that new folks who want to do Viewpoints know what's been covered and don't have to listen to all the podcasts. ;)


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Better: On Febuary 9th, Youko, Samurai Panda, Piffman2, Gimpyfish, that guy from the first trial, and Colbusman come together and discuss everything known from the Japanesse version, and the best updates ever.

It saddens me how no one wants Sariku anymore, but it's fine I suppose. Plus this guy is a new listener, so he may not of heard the old episodes.

Just remember, I used to be a big part of the podcast too. While SamuraiPanda is extremely much more deserving than me, it does feel nice to have some recognition.

That makes two people who don't like my voice, I'm starting to feel sad :(
Oh well, I'm not trying to impress people with my sexy voice, just sharing an opinion.

Also, Youko, I think I have a suggestion, but not for the podcast itself. Maybe you should have a list of Brawl Viewpoints that have been done in the past in the first post so that new folks who want to do Viewpoints know what's been covered and don't have to listen to all the podcasts. ;)
****, I completely forgot about you're Brawl Viewpoint.

Your voice is good for kicks and giggles. It sounds so fake, but that's what makes it sound awesome. Trust me, I KNOW what it's like to hear people complain about your voice.

You didn't' sound like you knew your Sonic Info very well, or at least not as well as your Metal Gear info. But alas, I enjoyed it. 8/10.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
****, I completely forgot about you're Brawl Viewpoint.

Your voice is good for kicks and giggles. It sounds so fake, but that's what makes it sound awesome. Trust me, I KNOW what it's like to hear people complain about your voice.
Fake? Oddly enough I don't remember "trying" to sound fake, but I think I was trying to cover up my southern accent a little bit and sound more "proper". I guess that didn't go completely according to plan, haha.

You didn't' sound like you knew your Sonic Info very well, or at least not as well as your Metal Gear info. But alas, I enjoyed it. 8/10.
Again, odd. I'm more of a Sonic fan than a Metal Gear fan. However, I had more Sonic characters to talk about than MG ones, so I didn't want to spend too long on that section. Same thing goes for stages.

Also, this took a few days to record and I did most of them in the middle of the night (so noone would ask me what the crap I was doing :p). I remember I was particular tired when talking about Blaze and Sonic ATs, that part was originally longer, and even included Super Monkey Ball (which I've never played), but I narrowed it down so I could go to bed.
Trust me, I could go on and on for hours about Sonic :laugh:

In fact, originally I was going to talk about 3rd party franchises in general, including Capcom, Namco, Square, etc, but I soon realized that would have taken waaaay too long, even for Youko, so I narrowed it down to just the companies we know are in and throw in StarCraft just for fun.

Glad you liked it though, its nice to hear other people's opinions, good or bad. :)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Another great podcast, guys. Didn't like it as much as 20, but still great and worth the time to listen to. Excellent work.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC

That has to suck, having your pc restart while recording at least 70 minutes in!

Anyways, I enjoyed this episode..as much as the others.

This podcast has inspired me to start my own..with a friend maybe...

Of course, it won't be anywhere close to as good as Youko's.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
"Shelda" was another amazing word for the dictionary. Don't forget Shelda.
I got em all!

all i have to say concerning today's update...who called motion control in their Brawl Viewpoint?
I made a thread on it a while ago, but I got shunned.

It saddens me how no one wants Sariku anymore, but it's fine I suppose. Plus this guy is a new listener, so he may not of heard the old episodes.

Just remember, I used to be a big part of the podcast too. While SamuraiPanda is extremely much more deserving than me, it does feel nice to have some recognition.
Sariku for SMYN! =]

and me. =]

Also, I almost got to the viewpoint but then my internet decided to stop working. So here's my review-ish thing up until the BV, which I will listen to in a bit.

Edit: Screw it. I'll just listen to the podcast again so it's fresh in my mind. Probably not tonight though =[ .


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
good episode. the voice changing thing was cool. thanks for ansering my questions guys.
good brawl viewpoint. love to see megaman in brawl, but id rather Lucario be in(but megaman is my most wanted 3rd party[besides sonic])

Mr. Alcohol

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2007
Teaching your children.
Just to let you guys know, the download links for episodes 18 and 19 don't work.

And Al Calnos, I loved your section on this week's Viewpoint.

Keep up the good work, Youko + S. Panda.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Natchitoches, Louisiana A.K.A. "The South Ya'
Once again, Youko and SP have delivered to us a podcast full of badassadry. It was great ya'll. The one with Gimpy was better though, so I say Gimpy should return. lol

@Al Calnos: Not bad info, but you were kinda hard to understand. I know what it's like to have that southern accent get in the way, then when you try to cover it up you sound weird. Same here, lolz. I've got a nice Aussie accent I think though...

@Youko: Pro-tools m eh? Nice, I ain't used pro-tools before but I've always wanted it. lolz. I use Audacity until I can either get some money, or until I can "acquire" it. lol. Anyway...


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
favorite things about brawl

the updates that blow away their sections.
stage builder for stages
final smashes for character
my music for music
online for gamemode
assist trophies for items
all the new techniques for how to play (crawling, gliding, footstool hopping)
notices (this is my least favorite) delay

those just make the dojo.
awesome job again, although this whole month sorta sucked...not 1 character.
and samurai panda, i could not agree more about how the dojo makes you obsess. everyday, i check the update, and i get agonized more every time. the only reason i keep coming back is because of the updates like the ones listed above, and new characters. its like how people get addicted to the lottery, you get small prizes, but in the long run you usually lose money. its how advertising goes, you never actually give the customer what they want, you break it up into little pieces and scatter it and mix it with other things.
this makes me feel 2 very strong emotions simultaneously.

and if you do end up doing a show me your news samuraipanda and gimpyfish, you can always use past brawl viewpoints that weren't used (hint hint mine)


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Once again, Youko and SP have delivered to us a podcast full of badassadry. It was great ya'll. The one with Gimpy was better though, so I say Gimpy should return. lol
Ahaha, I stole your name. Kinda wish I picked Reid even more now.

Anyways, good podcast. I'm going to have to go listen to all the early ones now. When I get some time anyway.

Al Calnos, you were a bit hard to understand and it sounded like you were trying to talk fast sometimes, but the info was gotten so it's all good.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Just to let you guys know, the download links for episodes 18 and 19 don't work.

And Al Calnos, I loved your section on this week's Viewpoint.

Keep up the good work, Youko + S. Panda.
Click on the "Download" link and it takes you to the SmashBlog Page. Then you click "download" from that page.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Then the people at your EBGames are stupid and deserve to be fired. Or just grossly uninformed. :p


Or just right-click and save link as.

Mr. Alcohol

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2007
Teaching your children.
Click on the "Download" link and it takes you to the SmashBlog Page. Then you click "download" from that page.
Yeah, but then you have to search back to some of the old pages, and I'm way to lazy.

And what's this Smash Stash or something that I keep hearing about? Is it like Smash TV?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2007
Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, Zack and Wiki, SMR
It's been a couple of hours since I listened to the podcast, but here is a bunch of pros and cons of the show:

1) Just another bang up job from you guys. Especially since it sounds like production was tougher than usual
2) Loved the length. It's only once a week, so be as long winded as you want.
3) This was the first podcast where we had rumor central. Very cool, even if the rumors weren't the most pleasant news in the world.
4) You put the Capt. Falcon song at the end. Awesome.

1) Youko, you said you haven't played Star Fox 64 much? I believe that is sac religious
2) Another awful Brawl viewpoint. Not the topic, the speaker. I mean I could understand this guy a little better than the week before, but not much. Are there really that few Brawl points that you have to pick the lisp speaking or thick accent speaking people?
3) You sped the Capt. Falcon song up. boo. that should be the closing song from here on out.

I know there were other things, but that's the only things I remember off the top of my head. Nice job as always guys, keep up the good work.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
Al Calnos, you were a bit hard to understand and it sounded like you were trying to talk fast sometimes, but the info was gotten so it's all good.
Well, I was just using my computer's standard voice recorder. It only lets you record up to a minute at a time, so I had to click the record button every minute if I wanted to talk about something for more than a minute, so yeah I did feel a little rushed during some sections (especially in the Metal Gear part @.@). Perhaps I should look into an alternate method of recording one's voice should I ever do something like this again...


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2007
Smash boards reminds me of smogon both are the sort of big competive forum for a video game. Only difference is smash boards is for smash and smogon is for pokemon.

Mr. Alcohol

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2007
Teaching your children.
Speech impediments aside, I thought the Brawl Viewpoint this week was good. He had a lot of information, and I liked how it was a little bit longer this week. You guys should consider letting them be a bit longer. Remember--we only get these once a week.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'm two weeks behind in the podcast...YIKES! :psycho:

Episode 20:

What? The Navi fairt taunt is lame...he also had Tateli or whatever...his Melee one was arogantly awsome! :laugh: Navi for Brawl! XD OMG Kaiba for Brawl...in America! Link crawls in Wind Waker...lol. It's not useful until you use Snake...against ZSS...In stamina...in America! :laugh: Handicap...I've played Smash since 1998, and never used it ONCE! Ness the worst...nah. His aerials are awsome...Lucas...is going to be the Link of Melee. Overused! XD Blind gambling ftw!

Super Mario Galaxy...I got so far in that game.
I got 50 stars with Luigi. HAHA! BEAT THAT!
The boss battles are great...Bowser boss battles are EPIC! Sakurai's favorite updates...Meta Knight....Meta Knight....King Dedede and Kirby...Meta Knight...Meta Knight....Meta Knight....did I mention Meta Knight=??? Sakurai is soo nice...never mentioning the random character update two days after you air it! XD

Wave Knight fools....WAVE KNIGHT! WAVE KNIGHT ONE (1) is the bets wave knight! :laugh: The Gimpyfish combo....HAHA! Nintendo hates Gimpyfish! XD Ink Dropping is a name made of win.

Items in tournament...would be good in Brawl. Melee tounries will never go to items. in SSB64 items were good, but not used anymore in tournies. They need a chance, especially TEH BUMPER! Items should be legal just for the bumper, seriously.

Don't forget the classic "OMFG! MEGAMAN CONFIRMED!" thread. Yep, he said a waterfall confirmed Broly from DBZ. You guys loved that thread. XD

Colbusman...never heard of you! XD You sound like a scrub! (jk) :laugh: I hate the Wiimote sideways...the only controller I ever liked with no anolgog stick was the NES controller! XD The Wiimote + Numchuck is going to be great, definitely! :) Classic Controller...the buttons are better place, two grab buttons, two great control sticks...this is great. Might actually be better then the GCN controller! XD The GCN controller...needs a better Z-button! XD The N64 controller....YES! Personalize it (with the Zelda II dungeon theme=PWNAGE!)...mwyhahahaha! The N64 with a GCN plug in=WIN :) ... or as a FIFTH CONTROLLER/CC spin-off! XD

Club R.I.D.L.E.Y...I should apply! XD DEATH-BY-DRAGON! Ridley ftw...as a boss
...and pc, of course! XD Hell, even a stage cu'z he's that awsome!

This week of updates...sucked. They've all sucked after King Dedede! XD

As for the week, it was dumb. Luigi's Mansion ftw...or the Mansion-like Galaxy in SM Galaxy
with Luigi hiding in part of it! XD Hilarious seeing Luigi scared when you are Luigi! XD

You hadn't given aryman a shoutout yet Youko...it's about time! XD

F-Zero theme....YES!!! LOL at the voice...s...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...HA! That was GOLDEN! Too good, too good! XD

Episode 21:

YES, you guys did my question! XD (the most and least liked thing about Brawl....I think it's mine at least! XD) Dang it, I was wrong. :(

Apple pie and Cherry pie ftw...I had 5 types of pies. Boxing, football, basketball...I was happy. It was a 3.75/10 at best! XD December 3rd! XD Marvel vs. Capcom 2...yes...I think I mained Megaman! >_< Star Fox is awsome=played all of them! Electrode...lol. Voltorb should be in Brawl just to confuse SP. :p Electrobe is a avatar....in Melee! XD Exploding barrels and crates suck. They suck, seriously.

Old news is so exciting! It makes me wet myself! (jk) Overspeculating...don't forget WAVE KNIGHT...or knighting (owning) someone pyroloserkid! XD Looks like Pikachu had some of Wario's onions! XD OMFG Wario confirmed...o wait (jk).

FFVIII? You mentioned that SP...woaw! XD They'll never be playable...unless with GameShark or ActionReplay or whatnot! XD Not Micheal Jackson Moonwalker...he has chimps turn him into a Cyborg! XD That game was horrible SP...just horrible! XD

The thread forgot the music...the Zelda theme...the Metroid theme...the Smashville song in the demo, the Halberd song (not the current song), etc. Too much crap we're behind with! XD

The Clock is from Super Mario Bros. 2, and the Soccerball is from Animal Crossing...it looks EXACTLY LIKE THAT! It has a zipper...it's not from Megaman Soccer! XD Soccer...hehe...who's the goalie=??? Lucas? Snake? Bowser? Donkey Kong? Mr. Game and Watch? His uB is a damage racker from what I can tell at E for All...not a KO move. It was only a KO move with Dr. Mario.

The catchphrase should be "Spills Don Exits"! XD

Fire Mario and Luigi Mario=win. Tanuki and Raccon Mario=win. Anything from Super Mario Bros. 3=win! The red and black costume...
the flying outfit=WIN!
SMG too new? MGS4 isn't too new! Seriously, Mario should have that outfit! XD Normal and Wario ftw in SSB64 and Melee...call the black and white should be called classic! XD Albino DK=win! Green or Red DK. Wario was always my favorite with Wario too. Wario's classic outfit would rock. Dark Link (from Zeldaa II, OOT, FSA, TP)=win. The TP Zelda is awsome. The black, blue, and green Link is the best.

Fusion Suit is AWSOME...except in Metroid Fusion she doesn't have those giant shoulder pads=smaller! Purple Sonic=win. Dark Fox=PWNAGE! SP speaks the truth. Falco says "WHAT? 9,000!?!?!? We already knew the Pikachu one, but the googles are awsome. What is with that last one...Pikachu looks like a samurai. Poor two people...Chu Dat! XD I don't think that is Jigglypuff's headband. I almost want Pichu back for the alternate costumes! XD

Shame on people with Wiis and no TP=fail. The old dress and the old hair. GREAT OUFIT!

Shelda? HAHA! That is a new fad! I'm starting that. Thd Black Zelda is awsome. The Pit outfits are awsome. He looks awsome...I'm gonna try Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, Diddy Kong, and Snake for sure. Maybe Lucas and Meta Knight...actually I'll try everyone! XD Gold Pit is awsome, too. Nintendogs has sold 15 million units plus...more then the ENTIRE METROID SERIES! XD Ike's costumes are awsome...Ike needs some legs to run with. XD

I'll play everyone....but Diddy Kong is awsome. I love Marth and Roys (especially Roys), and Ike's are pretty good-but lower quality compared to the rest of them. Leopard...his Ocelot boss outfit from MGS3...it is his Animal Camoflogue, that stops his arms from shaking when he is low on energy in MGS3.

C'mon, they need more diffrences in the alternate outfits. Alternate Colors are wierd. Classic DK, normal DK, Yeti DK, etc. Samus could have the Phazon Suit, Dark Samus (even), Fusion Suit, PED suit, Varia Suit, etc. The alternate colors are great. Maybe Dr. Mario is a alternate outfit...but Sakurai is hiding it! XD Red, Blue, and Green in the last smash games, and yellow and black would be awsome. The Subspace Emisssary...hehe. Zelda vs. Zelda of old...that'd rock!

Only Popo is blowing...woaw...that's dirty! XD Dang it SP, you put another perverted idea in my mind! :laugh: Pikachu changed it's eyes completely. Popo looks like a wanna be Super Sayian! XD Meta Knight gets a green aura, the Ice Climbers (Popo) just get a yellow aura. As for Lucas, most characters actually have disadvantages on their home stages, actually! XD

The updates failed with old news. Old News totally excites all of us! XD

Rumor Central:

1. Japanese rumors...Coro Coro Comics...I've heard of them. All starters...the hiddeen? Woaw...this sounds great. Starters sound more likely, since we might get Captain Falcon, Luigi, Jigglpuff, Ganondorf, and Shiek. Ness would be the biggest lol copter ever! XD The every other month things sounds intresting. Could be true. As for the Coro Coro thing will probably only show Luigi and Captain Falcon=obvious stuff! XD

2. Part 1: Marth, Roy and Ganondorf voice actors are coming back. Roy pwns ALL! :) Not helping Roy's chances, sadly. I use Roy btw...and no, at least Marth still needs to be a PC.

Part 2: 10 hours to beat the Subspace Emissary...I was hoping for 15 hours, but that sounds neat. 15 hours sounds too long. Must have TONS OF CUTSCENES! Kirby boss (King Dedede vs. Mr. Metal Gear (Solid Snake) with Donkey Kong captive, Sonic breaking in on the party, and Mario and Pit breaking in as well=win. *calms himself down*

3. Brawl delayed AGAIN? Maybe it's only in Japan. If we were to have Brawl delayed for Europe and Australia to get it earlier...maybe. Maybe Sakurai learned from Kojima to treat North and South America, and especially Europe, and mostly Australia fairly with release dates. If it's for them to get the game earlier, I'm down with it. :) I saw Toys'r US show Brawl Boxart in their Winter Wii commerical....NEXT TO GUITAR HEROES III! XD The Brawl Perfection Program Part 2....woaw! XD The only game left is MGS4 is Q1, and it is going to Q2.

TP was suppose to come out in mid 04, it came out in late 06. AND YES FOR MEGAMAN! I'd be chill with that! XD Megaman for the delay would be worth it! XD Same with Geno! Perfect Product=win. They're killing the Wii Memory SLOWLY! XD IF it comes out after April or May, we're screwed. They said it would come out the same day as the Wii, then the whole June 8th thing, then the 2007 promise, then December 3rd 2007, then January 24th, 2008 in Japan and Febuary 10th, 2008 in North and South America. This should go into the Brawl Release Date Discussion.

This sounds like a job for....JOHNKNIGHT1!!! *cheesy* Depressing? Megaman? Roy? I'm excited! XD Roy is all but confirmed in the game...he should at least be a AT (not confirmed as a a PC or anything even AT ALL in any way, shape, or form, but I'm speculating like a idiot, as always)! XD

Mailatime: The voice thing was friggen hilarious! XD Dude....Smahsville, Castle Siege...but I'm maining Delfino Plaza. The updates we get too much crap...and lots of good stuff. We had 29 in Melee, 26 original, 3 classic stages. We'll get at least 40 to 50...maybe 60 even! XD the ALTTP song will rock. Delfino Plaza just pwns, all around. I'll buy the album, definitely.

The Ridley threads? WHAT? Well, they spammed too much, but it wasn't flamming per se. It was overboard, but it wasn't too bad. Until it happened over and over and over. They did go overboard, which is why respected members like O D I N and Colbusman quit. Never visited the thread frequently... >_<

Brawl Viewpoints: The Tanker would be AWSOME! The Big Shell could be neat as well...they're both in the same game. Outtter Heaven as well. Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake, or Liquid Ocelot would be awsome. Maybe Solidis Snake would work better, due to relying on ninja skills and his tenticle dr. octopus things. Raiden would also be sick, especially in MGS2 form. Funny how Snake doesn't even star MGS2, yet he's in his MGS2 form in Brawl! XD Castlevania ATs would be great, but Belmont is a waste. He is NOT A GAMING ICON, at all.

Sonic...the Silver Sticker. Tails should be in the story, and a AT, along with Knuckles. Knuckles is the best, TOTALLY! :) As playable characters? NO! Shadow...should be a alternate outfit, alternate color, boss, etc. Dr. Eggman (Robotnet) will be a boss. Shadow could also be a AT. All the rest can be trophies, stickers, bosses, ATs, NPCs, etc. Green Hill Zone would be awsome, along with a space port ship armada thing or something as another stage. NiGhTs could be a great AT, cameo appearance or whatnot. BLASTOISE FTW!

Good viewpoint, but you went off too much, sorta rambling. That's not that bad-but you did it a bit too much for my taste. Don't be afraid to go off topic, but don't make a habbit of it! XD

Closing timeline...and the delay...I'd be glad to help takeover if you need it...if I'm available during the Christmas Holidays. :)


Great Easter Egg Montage Thingy! XD A Mario Easter Egg would ROCK!

Episode rating: 9.5/10

Can't wait for the next episode! :)

Mr. Alcohol

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2007
Teaching your children.
Holy crap. Nice wall of text, John.

So are there going to be anymore Roundtable Trials? If so, when? Too bad Blackadder didn't keep his schedule--it would've been hilarious having him on.


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Here's my review-ish.

I know I said the intro was a little on the unenthusiastic side, but I apologize. I soon realized that you were (or sounded atleast) really tired, so I apologize. Anyways, I still thought the intro was catchy and yeh, I love the Season 2 theme so much =P.

Roundtable stuff.
I thought it was really cool how you guys talked about the stuff from EforAll that we haven't gotten updates on yet. It was really informative especially to the people who haven't watched the videos and stuff. I don't really know how to explain it, but I thought it was just great information to talk about.
You guys also pointed out Mario tripping. At first glance I just thought it was his dash attack lol.

Thanks so much for getting all the soccer ball theorys out of the way. Megaman Soccer was a pretty sweet game though =P.
The whole "throwing and NOT catching" idea seemed pretty cool though. But if you can't catch a soccer ball in midair, how do you figure you can throw it?

When you guys started talking about Youko being an emo kid I was laughing my a** off. I mean, that so used to be me. Mid-long hair that covers one of my eyes, and I listened to linkinpark and wore all black. Then I grew my hair REALLY long, and I started listening to death metal. The funny thing is, even though I'm listening to Death metal now, I've started wearing lighter colours. =P
Anyways, CurlyFro's ftw.

Final Smashes...uhh.
Well, for the IC's we didn't really get to see how it works very well as Panda said, so even though it looks cool, I still really have no clue how it would work. Now about the final smash SANS Nana. Well, do we really know that the duo works the same as they did in Melee? Assuming that they did, I'd think the Final Smash wouldn't work with just Popo because a bunch of IC's moves didn't work very well with just Popo, so why should their final smash? Moving on...

Lucas final smash is just death. Love it. I also thought it was hilarious how Panda pointed out how much this move sucks on Lucas' own stage. That just sucks.

The rumours...well Panda made a thread about the Dec 15 roster thing...so yeh.
The voice actors isn't that much of a big deal, because like Panda said, they could be just voicing other characters. It doesn't really confirm any characters.
Now, the rumour about ANOTHER delay. Wow, I'd hate this. Considering it comes from the Japanese, it could be true, you never know. Like Youko said, it wouldn't make any sense to delay Brawl any longer. Sales would die. End.

I don't like how you guys went on for the longest time on how you banned the Ridley threads. Also, you went on about how you guys are moderators (again), and how you want the boards to look. I mean, this is a good way to get your message out, but I personally didn't enjoy it =P.

Al Calnos:
Other people have already said this, but your voice did sound kind of fake and radio-announcer-y. There was a couple lines during your viewpoint where I thought it wasn't English. I know this might be because you were trying to cover up an accent, but still, it doesn't matter much to me as long as you know your stuff, and you do. It also sounded like you were "freestyling" the viewpoint at some parts. You sounded like you were rambling sometimes, and other times you kind of tripped over your words or repeated yourself. This might've been bad editting, but yeh. Also at times you sounded as if it were too scripted. Yes, contradictory. I know. I just don't know what advice I can give here, sorry.

On the plus side, you knew your stuff Al. You have tremendous knowledge on a variety of Konami and Sega characters and provided a pretty humble opinion on which characters you thought to be playable, and others as AT's. Even though some characters were a bit "WTF", your knowledge still backed them up.

If I were to give you a score, it'd probably be 7/10.
I was first thinking of lower because of how difficult it was to follow you because of things mentioned above, but your vast knowledge and awesome music won me over.
Good viewpoint.

edit: Jesus Christ that's long.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
al calnos sounds like a radio talk show host from the 1940s

what a champion

that was a good episode
For that awesome compliment, I'm going to do a run through Classic mode as Bowser in your honor.

Brawl Viewpoints: The Tanker would be AWSOME! The Big Shell could be neat as well...they're both in the same game. Outtter Heaven as well. Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake, or Liquid Ocelot would be awsome. Maybe Solidis Snake would work better, due to relying on ninja skills and his tenticle dr. octopus things. Raiden would also be sick, especially in MGS2 form. Funny how Snake doesn't even star MGS2, yet he's in his MGS2 form in Brawl! XD Castlevania ATs would be great, but Belmont is a waste. He is NOT A GAMING ICON, at all.
Wow, I can't believe I completely forgot about the Tanker, that was my favorite part of the game! :laugh:
I forgot about Solidus as well, but I never played through all of MSG2...

But yes, it is funny how they're using the Sons of Liberty model for Snake.

Sonic...the Silver Sticker. Tails should be in the story, and a AT, along with Knuckles. Knuckles is the best, TOTALLY! :) As playable characters? NO! Shadow...should be a alternate outfit, alternate color, boss, etc. Dr. Eggman (Robotnet) will be a boss. Shadow could also be a AT. All the rest can be trophies, stickers, bosses, ATs, NPCs, etc. Green Hill Zone would be awsome, along with a space port ship armada thing or something as another stage. NiGhTs could be a great AT, cameo appearance or whatnot. BLASTOISE FTW!
I'll be honest, I don't like Shadow that much. Personally I would cringe a little if Shadow makes it in as an alt. costume but Tails and Knuckles don't show up at all... But I do admit he does deserve an appearance of some kind beyond that of a mere sticker. Just Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik should appear first.

...and what does Blastoise have to do with NiGHTS? :p

Good viewpoint, but you went off too much, sorta rambling. That's not that bad-but you did it a bit too much for my taste. Don't be afraid to go off topic, but don't make a habbit of it! XD
I'll remember that if I ever choose to do one of these again ;)

Al Calnos:
Other people have already said this, but your voice did sound kind of fake and radio-announcer-y. There was a couple lines during your viewpoint where I thought it wasn't English. I know this might be because you were trying to cover up an accent, but still, it doesn't matter much to me as long as you know your stuff, and you do. It also sounded like you were "freestyling" the viewpoint at some parts. You sounded like you were rambling sometimes, and other times you kind of tripped over your words or repeated yourself. This might've been bad editting, but yeh. Also at times you sounded as if it were too scripted. Yes, contradictory. I know. I just don't know what advice I can give here, sorry.
I did have it typed out and use it as a guideline sortof. There were a few points where I said stuff that wasn't exactly in the written version, so yeah it was kinda a mix of both :laugh:

On the plus side, you knew your stuff Al. You have tremendous knowledge on a variety of Konami and Sega characters and provided a pretty humble opinion on which characters you thought to be playable, and others as AT's. Even though some characters were a bit "WTF", your knowledge still backed them up.
Forgive my modesty, but I wouldn't say "tremendous knowledge on a variety of Konami and Sega characters", I just know some things about Metal Gear, Sonic, and NiGHTS (I'm one of those people waiting on that sequel this December) :)

If I were to give you a score, it'd probably be 7/10.
I was first thinking of lower because of how difficult it was to follow you because of things mentioned above, but your vast knowledge and awesome music won me over.
Good viewpoint.
Thank you, I appreciate honest corrective criticism. And no, that does not include "Dude, you suck." ;)


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2007
Cape Coral, FL
I love the podcast guys, you do a great job. I like how you make the boring updates funny with sarcasm. Also I enjoy the tangents you go on, they're great. I definitely think you should keep having guest speakers (especially Gimpy if he's able).


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Natchitoches, Louisiana A.K.A. &quot;The South Ya'
Ahaha, I stole your name. Kinda wish I picked Reid even more now.
Yeah, I noticed... LOLZ! Everybody takes "Cless" so I use "cless-mint", dunno why, lolz.

When Youko is gone I think Gimpy and Panda should do the basy. Maybe if blackadder gets time he can join ya'll.

Anyway, can't wait for next sunday's PODbasy and all the updates this week.



Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Odd that I happen to pop back in on this thread when Cless posts! *Shifty eyes*

But what's this about "Youko leaving"?
And what about me having time and joining what now? I is confuzziled.
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