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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
They might but I wouldn't expect it AT ALL for the week after, or even the next! I know if I were making it I wouldn't the first week. I'd be WAY to busy playing the game itself!

sonic smash down

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
somewhere in the smash community
if he doesnt have time to do the run-down then he doesnt have time. he's still tryin to have a life along wit doin this for us. Besides i think that he's goin to cover everything in the round-table. But don't get me wrong i will miss that rundown to. o well what can ya do if it takes 5 hours to right the script every week

NICE DRAWIN BY THE WAY FUNNY STUFF. that kinda lightened the mood


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Youko, not to be a prick or anything, but I'd like to know why exactly does it take you FIVE hours for the Rundown? Do you put THAT much effort and editing into it or what?


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Youko, not to be a prick or anything, but I'd like to know why exactly does it take you FIVE hours for the Rundown? Do you put THAT much effort and editing into it or what?
Well, you said it yourself earlier, I'm a "busy college kid". Yeah, it just so happens that there are other things I generally have to do besides the Rundown, so I can't devote time SOLELY to it. Thus, it takes a while. Plus, I hold myself to high standards while making it, so that's a factor as well. So yes, I DO put that much effort into it.

...Wait, wasn't I supposed to not give you any more "guilt trips"? You kinda set yourself up for that.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Youko, not to be a prick or anything, but I'd like to know why exactly does it take you FIVE hours for the Rundown? Do you put THAT much effort and editing into it or what?
Considering writing/researching a script, recording it, making no mumbles or "uhhhh's", and editing. Also editing alone can take a long time. I would know since I'm a youtuber and have quite a bit of subscribers =P


I think everyone should stop tormenting youko and let him do what he want's and support his decision like I will. Are you supposed to be HAPPY when this week he does a rundown when you know he didn't want to?

Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
For Me, It doesn't matter what decision Youko makes, I'll stand wholeheartedly with his decision....So, all of you who are complaining, stop, move one, and get over yourself please? Because last thing Youko needs is multiple complainers


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2005
Uh, I'm a bit late in saying this, but I'd rather just have the long Round table with things being discussed there. Yoko, you do a great job on the rundown, but it's a lot less forced sounding when it's being improvised on the round table, as such it sounds a lot more natural. Plus, the extra discussion of the news articles that results. Given that it's both less work for you and a better end result, go for it!

No matter what you decide to do, keep up the great work!


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Wrote something up for the first page of the thread in the News section, but I'll be kind and post it here as well...

All right, let's make this official, here and now:

The podcast will be switching formats akin to that of last week's, but allow me to outline what will occur.

- Intro will stay pretty much the same as always. You get the catch phrases that you know and love as well as the theme.
- Instead of "diving on into the Rundown," ROUNDTABLE WILL OCCUR EVERY WEEK. "But Youko, wouldn't that get boring?" First of all, our process of trials/guest hosts will still occur. That means that you'll be treated to a three-person Roundtable every other week, while SamuraiPanda and I will host by ourselves in the off weeks while we take extra time to run Trials. In the Roundtable, we will discuss the week's updates in a fashion similar to that of the Rundown, touching on all the important points, so you won't be missing that.
- The frequency of Mailtime is still to be determined, but we will either answer your questions every week, or trade it off with some other segment that we're not sure of yet. We still have to decide on that.
- BVs are STILL IN, and this is important. We need your perspectives, and it's all the more impressive if you can record it and send it on in!
- End it off with an Easter Egg at the end and you've got the best Smash Bros. podcast on the net!

Why did this change?:
- Obviously, it's well established that writing the Rundown takes way longer than it should.
- As I've stated before, it's not fun to write the Rundown anymore, while the Rundown is so enjoyable!
- Roundtable gives a looser atmosphere, allows for more relaxed humor, a natural feel, and FUN!
- You get longer podcasts as a result, which can be listened to many more times over.
- After 17 straight weeks, I need to relax a little bit, but not necessarily take a break from doing what I enjoy.
- Finally, I'm in the midst of some personal issues that need me to have less stress on my plate.

I cannot stress enough that I am not taking a complete break from this podcast - after all, it is something I'm very proud of and I enjoy doing this for you all. But I'm trying to make a shift that what I believe is for the best in terms of the long run of the podcast and for my personal well-being. And I hope that you can all agree that this is in fact a good thing for Show Me Your News!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!

Considering writing/researching a script, recording it, making no mumbles or "uhhhh's", and editing. Also editing alone can take a long time. I would know since I'm a youtuber and have quite a bit of subscribers =P
In other words, looking at all my posts each week! :laugh:

I think everyone should stop tormenting youko and let him do what he want's and support his decision like I will. Are you supposed to be HAPPY when this week he does a rundown when you know he didn't want to?
BHLMRO is right. He'll probably try and construct the roundtable in a rundown like structure, but with ya'know...TWO OPINIONS=win. Either waay, I'm good, but I prefer this new way now.

For Me, It doesn't matter what decision Youko makes, I'll stand wholeheartedly with his decision....So, all of you who are complaining, stop, move one, and get over yourself please? Because last thing Youko needs is multiple complainers
^ Best post on this thread on this whole ordeal, ever. You win, SIR! :)

FAR easier said than done, but maybe something that will be considered in the VERY distant future...
Super Smash Bros....4? [4 years later...]

And I'm looking forward to this week's "Show Me Your News!" :)


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Nice another major change in the podcast.

And BHLMRO was that sarcasm or you just being rude? (In response to your comment towards JK1).


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Awesome stuff Youko. (About the new format)

And sorry I have been a no-show recently witt reviews and such. **** has been heavy over my end...I have missed the past two casts! Rawr.

Anyways, if we can EVER get my RT trial done, contact me as always. MSN is teh sex. :smile:


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
ur a prick

And you're an idiot. =S

Well, you said it yourself earlier, I'm a "busy college kid". Yeah, it just so happens that there are other things I generally have to do besides the Rundown, so I can't devote time SOLELY to it. Thus, it takes a while. Plus, I hold myself to high standards while making it, so that's a factor as well. So yes, I DO put that much effort into it.

...Wait, wasn't I supposed to not give you any more "guilt trips"? You kinda set yourself up for that.
Well, I wouldn't really consider that a guilt trip, but yeh. Sorry if I came off a bit harsh, it was really just an honest, curious question. Thanks.


Why did this change?:
- Obviously, it's well established that writing the Rundown takes way longer than it should.
- As I've stated before, it's not fun to write the Rundown anymore, while the Rundown is so enjoyable!
- Roundtable gives a looser atmosphere, allows for more relaxed humor, a natural feel, and FUN!
- You get longer podcasts as a result, which can be listened to many more times over.
- After 17 straight weeks, I need to relax a little bit, but not necessarily take a break from doing what I enjoy.
- Finally, I'm in the midst of some personal issues that need me to have less stress on my plate.
Lol, you mean Roundtable? =P
Anyways, I don't really have a problem with this considering you basically put in everything I said that would make it enjoyable and NOTboring. Please everyone, don't think I'm trying to say Youko did this for me and used my ideas, I just said that that way so that I wouldn't have to QUOTE my post and point out everything. I think this change might be good. My favourite addition is the Table Guest every second week, which is another thing I think I touched upon. Either way, it's still SMYN, and it's still great. I hope you keep it up Youko, and I hope this new format turns out good.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Double post? Bah, I'm making this quick.

Roundtable Trial invites have been sent out. We're doing only two now - gives a more head-to-head feel...and plus we don't have as many time commitments to attend to.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
You do a great job Youko. ^_^ It's really a great thing you do for all of us. This podcast is the greatest and whatever you need to do, I trust you. ^_^

I really do hope that whatever it is in your personal life that is causing you stress gets resolved though. Stress is not fun. Good luck with whatever it may be, and I'm sure you'll come out on top and things will work out for the best in the end.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007

And you're an idiot. =S
how am i an idiot? you are complaining about him taking the run down out, then complaining about how it takes him 5 hours to write the run down? so you would RATHER have a run down that took 5 minutes to write of much lesser quality, than take it out?

shut your mouth


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
I'd love to write the Rundown every week. It is my favourite part of the podcast, and the Roundtable issn't enough update talk for me.
Well, like I said before, the last Roundtable wasn't intended to replace the rundown. Had we known it would, we would've been more organized and detailed.

Also, while I don't doubt you could write a good Rundown, when you have to speak using someone else's words, it makes the job much more difficult. Notice how Youko sometimes stumbles with words when he's reading a written BV? Same concept. Plus, the Rundown is comprised mostly of his own opinion on the matter, plus some personal flair. I don't think anybody could imitate that kind of genuine personality.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Well, it seems like Youko went through with it. While I am very disappointed that he is replacing the Rundown with the RoundTable, I still feel happy for you Youko. We know it's very hard to keep this up, you did for 16 Weeks. That's FOUR MONTHS. Congratulations Youko, we marked our Four Month Anniversary as the best Smash Brothers Podcast on the internet.

The Red M

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
I totally agree with Sariku. The Rundown was a very imporatant well written section of SMYN and I was always looking forward to it because I wanted to see another smasher's reaction to the updates. However, When the Roundtable came out, it was still well discussed. Though it wasnt really written and of course the taboo words (umm, like, you know, stuff like that), it really makes SMYN a discussion podcast. I like this idea and I think it will work. But at some point once the stress is off can you bring the Rundown back. Or if not at least do a special edition episode with not only the rundown, but with Roundtable, Mailtime, Brawl Viewpoint and (to celebrate the end of the podcast) maybe even let Sariku come back with another Whos In. He can talk about the stuff he was right about and the stuff that he was wrong about. Way to go Youko.

Always been a fan of the new theme song.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
It's time for title prediction!! *happy-go-lucky music plays*

"Customized Entrances"

Well, this one tries to rep both Stage Builder and Entrances.

Hope you like it!


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
Youko, not to be a prick or anything, but I'd like to know why exactly does it take you FIVE hours for the Rundown? Do you put THAT much effort and editing into it or what?
how am i an idiot? you are complaining about him taking the run down out, then complaining about how it takes him 5 hours to write the run down? so you would RATHER have a run down that took 5 minutes to write of much lesser quality, than take it out?

shut your mouth
Complaining? I think not, idiot. I was merely asking an honest question. I really wanted to know why the rundown takes so much time to write. Also, he doesn't write the Rountable, idiot. Pyroloserkid wins again.

Double post? Bah, I'm making this quick.

Roundtable Trial invites have been sent out. We're doing only two now - gives a more head-to-head feel...and plus we don't have as many time commitments to attend to.
So I'm guessing you have our "applications" saved somewhere so that we don't have to redo them?

Also, for the Ep Title, something about Ballon Fight would be wicked.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
Hey Youko, I just started listening to the podcasts about 1.5 weeks ago, and I've now heard all of them to date. I'm also in university and we just finished midterms, it was H***! Honestly I don't know how you can manage to do this podcast while going to school, you must be a machine. Keep up the great work, I'm sure the podcasts will be as great as ever with these changes. Thanks a lot for doing this, it's one of the things that is keeping me sane during the wait for brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2006
A place where I can hear SMYN
There's no need for name calling.

Good job, Youko. We can never thank you enough.

I'm not good at making names for episodes... "Stages made from ice and you" (represents both stage updates)

Yeah, let's be glad I don't make the names of the episodes, lol.
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