Wow that is a blatant rip by the WWE, nice find Youko.
Overall the podcast kept it's excellence up, as always. It was apparent that Samurai was a pit out of it, and it made sense once it was revealed that it was midnight when it was being recorded, but I liked the goofy side of things, it made the podcast more of a fun listen. I also liked the early release, though I know I shouldn't get used to it.
On the subject of casual vs. hardcore (and relating to our favorite comparison game, Halo, which I play relatively avidly as well as frequent the official forums for) it is almost the opposite, and mostly due to the randomness in the online play, especially during Halo 2. The hardcore gamers for Halo have very strict rules that in some cases they can not customize, to a point where in Halo 2 they just would not pick up the sword in Pro Games, even if it was on the map. The way the game is set up online, where you can not pick a stage (though you can now veto it), you can not turn off certain weapons, etc etc, it was actually the Pros and hardcore gamers who played online with the default settings which they hated, that would criticize us casual gamers who just wanted to have some fun. I think the most talked about topic before it's banning on the halo 2 "Zanzibar" forum, was the SMG vs Battle Rifle as starting weapon debate, the SMG being a less skillful weapon, and the BR being a much more powerful and strategic choice.
It is just interesting how the implementation of online gaming across these two spectrums of gamer is going to affect the community, though if Brawl does it right and there is a high amount of customization with stage selection and item use, or even different playlists (maybe an item on, item off playlist type, or a random stage and tourney legal stage playlist) can help keep everyone happy.
I expect that we will see Luigi this week, probably Wednesday, because of the much speculation that has been had on his unveiling mostly due to the idiot Nintendo Rep mentioning him as he struggled for characters/ The silhouette theory if just dumb.
To wrap this post up, here is a list of Halo 3 weapons that could be implemented with Master Chief in his unlikely appearance as a character:
-Beam Rifle (a laser sniper rifle type thing, maybe a hard to aim, thin, but high damage projectile?)
-Brute Shot (alien grenade launcher that has a bayonet-esque blade on the back for good melee attacks
-Covenant Carbine (alien gun that shoots green laser-like projectile, could be a rapid A attack)
-Energy Sword (smash attack that beats the crap out of people)
-Firebomb (think a quick PK fire type attack)
-Flamethrower (Bowser's firebreath)
-Frag Grenade (self explanatory)
-Fuel Rod Cannon (Big Laserish rocket launcher)
-Gravity Hammer (this was brought up, but to explain it, it is a very powerful, slow melee weapon that knocks anyone near it's collision far back, could be a slow, one attack, but extra powerful Down B, kinda based on DK's attack.
-Needler (shoots pink needles of death that explode after a few seconds)
-Plasma Cannon (plasma turret thing)
-Plasma Grenades (sticks to enemy, big explosion)
-Plasma Pistol (could be used like it is in Halo, auto shield breaker)
-Spartan Laser (long charge, pure ownage, like Samus' B but you can walk around while charging, cannot be stored but can be charged infinately)
-Spike Grenade, sticks to things and explode, shooting spikey shrapnel everywhere)
MC can also just beat people down which he is accustomed to doing in Halo, and he has a bunch of vehicles at his disposal, maybe one can make a wario chopper type appearance
Sorry about the long post, but as you can see though it is unlikely, Sakurai does have enough to work with if Nintendo sold their soul to the Devil and included the Chief in Brawl.
Edit: I see someone beat me to the moves for Chief, nice job on the set, I like the Grav Lift for Up B