Ok, I just wrote a long a** post but I didn't go through. I went through atleast 5 pages and multi-quoted some things, but I just can't be bothered to do that again in fear that my internet may crash. So here's my post in a nutshell.
I agree with Sariku for the most part. I did say that this week made up for "the Rountable taking away from the cast", but I have a feeling that if it was the Roundtable EVERYWEEK, it'd DEF. take away from the cast.
Now I know you said that you don't like writing the rundown anymore, and I respect that. By all means, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to get you to do something you don't want to do, but Youko, please cut it out with the guilt trips. We know you're a busy college guy, we know you have an outside life, so you don't have to try and guilt trip us when you say things like "I hope you can forgive me for trying to have a life" . If people aren't appreciating the service you're giving us, than they can screw off.
But back on topic, I think having the EVERYTHING every week would get just as redundant as the Roundtable repeating the rundown. Also, wouldn't that be even more work for you, doing it EVERY week? I think that if the Roundtable was biweekly, and it swapped weeks with the Rundown, everything would go smoothly. Also, I don't think it'd hurt anyone to get some Mailtime in everyweek, because Mailtime is just fun in a barrel, but I digress.
Show Me Your News rocks, but people get tired of the same old thing. It's just human nature. If we were to get the same thing every week, how long do you think that'd last? I mean, the biggest reason why I was such a fan of this weeks Table was because of the third personality. Colbusman was just great, and added so much more to the table. If you could have an excellent third like him everyweek, than sure, I'd love the roundtable, but if it's just going to be You and Panda, even though I love you guys, it'll get dull. Colbusman being there was like an easter egg, and I think that if Roundtable is going to occur everyweek, we'd need a Table easter egg alot more than once in a blue moon.
This is only one guys opinion though, and I don't really matter much to the cast. This isn't my thing, it's yours. You can go in whichever direction that you want, it's up to you and I guess the majority of the fans. To shed some light though, no matter what direction SMYN goes, I'll still listen everyweek because I always need some Brawl on the weekends.
You rock Youko. Stay that way.
Also, Roy's downair doesn't spike, and doing a BV on clones is a bad idea. I was going to do one a week or two ago but then I remembered that Sariku pretty much got it all.