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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Good questions, you two - keep them coming, everyone!

Yep, just like Brawl Viewpoints, you can send questions in that are audio. Although you can imagine I don't get too many of those cuz it's just so easy to type it out.

That's all right, I can increase the volume, etc. with the software I have, so you don't have to worry.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
why not me too? (even though i am a little sick ATM)

sorry you feel so sick. hope you get better. and awesome pic too. you continue to amaze me

Good questions, you two - keep them coming, everyone!
just sent mine in. and in audio format too! people can continue listening to my voice...or not. there is such a thing as a mute button if you don't like my voice in any way *shakes fist at you*

lol Blackadder

but yea Colb and John seem like they would do the job.
huh, i don't know what i did, but i'm a favorite for the Roundtable. maybe it's just the way i don't have this huge ego until i feel like i've accomplished something (like how i felt all high and mighty when gypsy and I got Club Ridley up) so i can't see why i'm a favorite, but...yea for me?


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
that was nice from you Colbusman!

I am not sure lego whats wrong with your computer, and what makes you want to hear it so much. =p

you will hear a girl speaking bad English, Lol.
He doesn't have much interaction with girls I'm guessing. :chuckle:

I kid.... XD


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
ouch man. low blow. i'm just nice is all.

but you kid. nice one, like i've never heard that before

so Youko, when will we hear who will try out for Roundtable? i'm curious as to the date
You misread, that comment was aimed at Legolastom. Not everything is about you colb.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
ah yes...i was trying to stay on topic, but you nailed it right on the head

also, can i say that if the music for this game ends up being what it sounded like in the Fall Conference Video....ohhhh yeahhhh...i love when it transitions into the Subspace Emissary, and as Peach slowly floats down, you hear this triumphiant French Horn section start off Menu 1 from Melee. it's great.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Yeah, the music in trailer 3 was just *shivers* too good.

No fighting guys, not in this thread, please.

...There are issues with iTunes? I'll have to investigate...

Haven't decided exact timing for Roundtable Trials yet, but SamuraiPanda and I will let those involved know soon.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
::Roundtable Application (I like Oreos)::

Let me first start off by saying how your podcasts have become such a weekly thrill for a lot of members of SWF. I think of it as a hearty audible post that continues a discussion and even creates a brand new topic. Great work! Your roundtable is a great way to add another level to this podcast by creating live conversation among different people.

I've done radio in the past that involves this type of "roundtable" conversation and I understand how important it is to keep it flowing smoothly and effectively to prevent discomfort between audience and presenters. I also love to analyze things as soon as I find them; in this case, I like analyzing Brawl updates and finding out more info from different sources, some in other languages. I hope to bring another viewpoint to this roundtable by offering what I know about Brawl after a week's end and also adding to that the findings and thoughts of others in the forums and in other websites. We're getting a lot of new info in the coming week about playabilty and actual game flows from E 4 All, so it's a good time to be sniffing stuff out.

I also think it's important to interact well with another person while having a live chat. Agreeing with someone, or disagreeing with someone's post or even correcting them can liven up the feeling of a roundtable discussion. Plus, I love Smash. I've been playing it since it came out, opening my present under the tree before Christmas even...hehe. I've been playing SSBM competitively recently this year so I can speak the Smash lingo ;)

*ps, I also made that iTunes pic thingy for ya (when I was Kaburii). I always knew you had something big on your hands Youko~



Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
SlackBladder's In-depth

XD Thumbs up silver!

Anyways has BA posted his good old ozzy review yet?
Pfft, no.


What more can I say?

The Rundown:

Zamus Special moves/Cook Kirby/AAAASHLEY/Snap Shots:
As I’ve said before sometime ago Youko, these reviews are getting harder and harder to do. I mean….we all know whatever you through as us is going to be top-notch quality.
And…you know…that’s…really what all this stuff is. Great stuff, what else is there to say? Heh. I will however greatly applaud your review on the “Ashley” song. When I heard it I immediately thought of the wonderful controversy that surrounded her original song in WarioWare: Touched!* and I then thought about why the HELL they had an 18 year old middle-American woman singing the song. SURE, she sounds hot, but she does not sound 8. And you’re right of course, the lyrics sound like someone put them together in 5 seconds flat with their 6 year old daughter telling them what to do. Ugh.
Oh…yeah...the review!

Trailer/Sonic: Well…again, spot on stuff, not a single voice glitch (Like I expect them anymore!) and no false information, and non pure bull****. And that’s what matters right?
Though I was almost pissed off and scared to hear you may well join the “Ima main Sonix!!” bandwagon…partly because it’s so common to hear, partly because every ten year old is going to do so…but mostly because my slow Ganon will be ***** by your speedy Blur online! Incidentally, I found the trailer talk rather lulling. In a good, “This is nice” way, but you know.
Odd. Now I can REALLY review, with-

An hour. One fill hour., 60 minutes. SamuraiPanda. Youko. A raw and cheap sounding mic.
This is what a cast is meant to be like.
I listened to this with such attention, the flow is brilliant, you guys really click. It’s like hearing to friends banter on in a living room about Brawl, really. And that’s why I love it, it’s so real, if you get me? The mic quality is a startling jump, but once you relies it’s Roundtable time, you love it. It sounds raw and grappling, and just makes the whole
scripted thing work far better.

And as I said, you guys click! It all works fine, and it’s just breath taking stuff. We really see a less formal and looser Youko, which is again a great thing. You guys do occasionally ramble of go off topic, but (Yes, again) this gives it a new feel from the normal casting, though the use of the words “****” and “******” also had me really feeling it was unscripted.

This is all praise, I know, but I love this stuff. ^^

“Turn it up to 11 man!”– Youko

I know I said this last night, but I thought EXACTLY the same thing as you when you said that. Creepy.

Ahh. Good segments. Good times.

Pyroloserkid’s BV:
Yeah, yeah, good stuff and all man, though I’d like to nitpick at you on your voice acting. The opening “skit” thing you have going sounded a little fake and put on, or even...gasp, DIRE! While this dies down as the BV marches on, the voicing does sound a little off putting, though this may be simply because of the great segment you had to compete with. Other than that, really, this Viewpoint is very solid, as Youko said.
Nice try man, not bad.

Roundtable is clearly what made this cast epic, and I’m sure you new it. While the week was epic in itself, it really was Roundtable that made this one for me.
What’s there to say? Besides that I want even LONGER (Greedy!) Roundtables, nothing. Epic cast Youko.


*When listening to her character theme in the music bonus in WarioWare: Touched! and the player spins the disc at a certain speed, Ashley can be interpreted into saying "I have granted kids to hell." This, added to her appearance as a witch, led some to believe Nintendo was encouraging Satanism; however Nintendo has stated that it was a coincidence.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007

I know this is a double post, so sorry for that. But you know...

Anyways, I didn't call this "Why I should be in Roundtable" as that sounds to...sure of myself.
So I'll just do what everyone else is doing.


For the basic intro, I’ve been a fan of the Basy since the first episode, and I do try to help out when possible, though this mainly comes in the form of my weekly in-depth, even if they often don’t come on time. I’m Australian with Irish background, so my accent may through the whole “Americanism” feel to the Roundtable away, which may or may not be a good thing. I’m only 15, so don’t expect a deep voice of James Earl Jones caliber…
But I really hope this test go is fun! And that’s really the main reason I’m here now.
Intro done. Now why I wanna give this a shot:

- It sounds fun, Both the trial and the real deal. That’s really my main reason.
- I’m not 12, so I can add “decent” conversation I guess, though I don’t know much on Smash Brothers really. I know what a “sex Kick” and “Wavedash” are, and how to do them, but that’s it. I can’t tell you Yoshi’s LBD, or the date Sakurai showed us Peach in Melee.
- I’ll try to “mesh” well with you guys, and keep a good conversation going, and keep it natural.
- I have a mic!
- I’m pretty easy-going really, and while I know I often seem schizophrenic on SWF, changing from the guy with authority to the nice guy to the joker, I guess my “real” self is just an easy going guy that doesn’t take much of what he rambles about seriously. This is most evident in my reviews and more in-depth posts, really.
- I’m fairly active on the boards. …I just wanted to add that, in case it helps, really
- I take a couple uppers, I down a couple downers, but nothin’ compares to these blue and yellow purple pills, I been to “Mushroom Mountain”, once or twice but who’s countin’? But nothin’ compares to these blue and yellow purple pills.
…well, not really.
- I’m actually rather bad socially. But I am far more charismatic when taking in a creative or fun activity, so hopefully this will be, and I won’t chock, and I’ll be good fun to talk to.
- Again, I’m Australian, so my accent may prove off-throwing, if it’s really as bad as you guys hear it. Bonza! Let’s throw some shrimp on the Barbie, eh mates?
- I’, pretty 21st century, so It’s easy for me to make lewd comments or swear. But I respect the casts rule and regulations, and will make sure to tone that down.

And that’s that.
Though I would really like to recommend Colbusman for the next Roundtable. Kudos to him.

SOrry for the shit review I gave this week. It's getting hard to review these days! Such...a perfect cast! :(;)


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
I know this is a double post, so sorry for that. But you know...

Anyways, I didn't call this "Why I should be in Roundtable" as that sounds to...sure of myself.
So I'll just do what everyone else is doing.


For the basic intro, I’ve been a fan of the Basy since the first episode, and I do try to help out when possible, though this mainly comes in the form of my weekly in-depth, even if they often don’t come on time. I’m Australian with Irish background, so my accent may through the whole “Americanism” feel to the Roundtable away, which may or may not be a good thing. I’m only 15, so don’t expect a deep voice of James Earl Jones caliber…
But I really hope this test go is fun! And that’s really the main reason I’m here now.
Intro done. Now why I wanna give this a shot:

- It sounds fun, Both the trial and the real deal. That’s really my main reason.
- I’m not 12, so I can add “decent” conversation I guess, though I don’t know much on Smash Brothers really. I know what a “sex Kick” and “Wavedash” are, and how to do them, but that’s it. I can’t tell you Yoshi’s LBD, or the date Sakurai showed us Peach in Melee.
- I’ll try to “mesh” well with you guys, and keep a good conversation going, and keep it natural.
- I have a mic!
- I’m pretty easy-going really, and while I know I often seem schizophrenic on SWF, changing from the guy with authority to the nice guy to the joker, I guess my “real” self is just an easy going guy that doesn’t take much of what he rambles about seriously. This is most evident in my reviews and more in-depth posts, really.
- I’m fairly active on the boards. …I just wanted to add that, in case it helps, really
- I take a couple uppers, I down a couple downers, but nothin’ compares to these blue and yellow purple pills, I been to “Mushroom Mountain”, once or twice but who’s countin’? But nothin’ compares to these blue and yellow purple pills.
…well, not really.
- I’m actually rather bad socially. But I am far more charismatic when taking in a creative or fun activity, so hopefully this will be, and I won’t chock, and I’ll be good fun to talk to.
- Again, I’m Australian, so my accent may prove off-throwing, if it’s really as bad as you guys hear it. Bonza! Let’s throw some shrimp on the Barbie, eh mates?
- I’, pretty 21st century, so It’s easy for me to make lewd comments or swear. But I respect the casts rule and regulations, and will make sure to tone that down.

And that’s that.
Though I would really like to recommend Colbusman for the next Roundtable. Kudos to him.

SOrry for the shit review I gave this week. It's getting hard to review these days! Such...a perfect cast! :(;)
I did say when I started listening to this that all you guys are missing is an Australian. THUMBS UP TO THE DAWN PATROL


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2007
Newark, Ohio
RANDOM INFO. I sent an email to Nintendo, and here's the reply..



At this time, we don't have any plans to offer a game demo of Super
Smash Bros. Brawl. Typically, game demos are released to familiarize
players with a game they hadn't heard of and encourage them to buy it. I
think you'll agree that's really not the case with Super Smash Bros.

If, however, a demo is made available in the future, we'll be sure to
post the news to Nintendo's official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website.
I've included a direct link to it below:


Nintendo of America Inc.
Kurt Wagner

Nintendo's home page: http://www.nintendo.com/
Power Line (Automated Product Info): (425) 885-7529


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Thank goodness, that alone should cut down on a good number of the threads regarding that in GBD...


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2007
Newark, Ohio
Thank goodness, that alone should cut down on a good number of the threads regarding that in GBD...
That is, considering that a lot of people come to this specific page, and see that specific post. Which I doubt :laugh: btw, very good episode. You know, I remember when I sent in a BV, and I listened to the file itself. My thoughts on it? Horrible :chuckle:
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