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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Moon Monkey, I think it would be pretty funny if you just pasted a question mark over the 7.
I'm happy about the quality control aspect of the delay but man is it frustrating. Delay based humor is the only thing keeping me from tearing apart at the seams. Oh, and now I can host two more tournaments before Brawl comes out. "ENTER THE FRAY!" lives on!


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2007
Ok, well, Youko is late for this week's because...

The episode is 86:06 people. Almost an hour and a half.

So bear with me when I say I don't know when it will be out tonight, because I have a Smash tournament to go to at the moment. It shouldn't be too long, and it's actually in my dorm, so if there's a stall of time, I'll come back and post, but maybe it'll be between 7-8. I should really change the estimated time on the first page. I made that guess while I was at home, and college is a whole lot different...

An hour and a half...come on...don't be mad...you know I'm working my *** off for you guys...
I'm not complaining too much. I, personally, like more material in podcasts, and I have a feeling that this one will have a lot of stuff in it...


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
I'm not complaining too much. I, personally, like more material in podcasts, and I have a feeling that this one will have a lot of stuff in it...
Agreed, whilst there is both good and bad news to be discussed, the discussions are the best part!

Arguably my favorite part of being a smasher is when I get to meet a kid I never knew was a smasher at my school and have someone to physically talk to about it, get their ideas and oppinions and really talk about it. SWF is something I am proud to be a part of, but inhuman interaction via a computer screen can only go so far, and this podcast helps supplement the only weakness of the smash community. WE ARE DIVIDED. By barriers, be they restrictions attributed to our age or location, or the different classes of posters, but this podcast helps bring it all together, make things personable, and make them real to the kid who can't travel, the college student itching for someone elses oppinions on Brawl, or the casual gamer just curious about the game.

My final point is that the podcast brings the people of SWF together, lets us see that we are actually speaking with real people. Each podcast brings the people much closer than can be attained in a post on a thread.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
Moon Monkey, I think it would be pretty funny if you just pasted a question mark over the 7.
I'm happy about the quality control aspect of the delay but man is it frustrating. Delay based humor is the only thing keeping me from tearing apart at the seams. Oh, and now I can host two more tournaments before Brawl comes out. "ENTER THE FRAY!" lives on!
I just finished doing that i was thing of doing something like Waring! The date is about to change


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
ha, I like it how you have it.

"Warning! Delays Approaching!"
Could have been a good episode name too I think. Allusion to delays and character updates.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Hey... hows the podcast guys? God **** and hour and a half? and i used to think that 20 mins was long o_O

And er... guys just a little announcement... im back to making Comic : ) Already have two new ones.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
After I record matches I'll see what I can do. We (Seisan and I) are having problems with the Player. I DON'T want to upload it to Youtube, far too much buffering for a Wii. Plus I'd have to cut it into pieces.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
Why it's not on iTunes yet is becouse Youko has been gone to a tournament for most of the afternoon, stopping by in the middle to deliver the stream and download.

so I guess it should be up later tonight.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
Thank you Youko for wasting an hour or so of my life. It was well spent. Keep up the good work. ;)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I just want to add that Sonic's neutral special is the homing attack. It can be seen in the 7 minute Gamespot video during the Link vs Sonic fight. That wind up punch is probably his forward smash. (Interesting, wasn't Mario's old 64 Smash attack that?)


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Great episode Youko, especially on the Round table!, very in depth! i think you and SamuraiPanda covered just about everything from the E for All vids, evry nice work

Ah man! i'd LOVE to come and join you guys on the Round Table, but you'd probably understand Youko, since im also in college, school is swamping me so i cant join, but do you think they'll be other opportunities to join the Round Table? like say at the end of the semester? :grin:

I havent listened to your BV PyroLoserKid, i had to take a quick break to get somethin to eat, but ill let ya know what i thought if your interested :)

Again, great job guys, and for the record i agree, the guys who played Brawl on the videos absolutely sucked, i was embarrassed just to watch them play sometimes


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
Hmm... I am Unkind to Jason Griffeth. He is a terrible replacement to Ryan Drummand, the original voice actor from the Sonic Adventures... Jason just got lucky by Sega being more friendly to the younger Sonic populace.

Ah Youko, go into some sort of Debate class. You're good at it. Everyone should listen to Youko, more so then normal, anyway, and stop whining about the delay. Indeed.

Gah. Your voice has been nerfed again, and this one is a little worse then last time. =/ But you two are aware of this, and then it becomes forgivable.

Agreed with Samurai Panda - They are terrible players. And it looks so nice, I agree. I never noticed Samus' charge, so I'll check into that myself. Although, I have to disagree with Youko - Smash is the best when it is a four player free-for-all. While Two player fights are skill fests where it is enjoyable in the fight - Four player madness is awesome.


More taunts are cool. Having three taunts is cooler, but I'm expecting one text per taunt, really.

I was annoyed by the announcers voice. It was too... drawn out. Plues it's hard to hear the ending victory quotes over his voice.

Norfair was an awesome level. From what I saw, as I told Youko - A Metroid Level that doesn't suck! Although, I have to agree with the smaller levels. While Samurai enjoys this, I find that there are less possibilities for design of stages. I mean... there is only so much you can do.

Lol about the random button. I was spamming it the other day when I was free-for-all'ing a majority of the Smashers in Ludington. Yoshi and Luigi seem to be easier to pick through it, I swear.

Computers AI... Well, I made a topic about it awhile ago, but it was a bit different, but I did request that the AI be stronger.

The stage effects were very strange, but maybe it could be good regardless to this oddity. I agree with using some sort of cue, it just seemed random in Castle Siege. And Delfino, otherwise, you can see where your going, so you got a chance to get yourself prepared for the change. In agreement to Samurai, The bottom of Castle Siege just looked BEAUTIFUL. Even for a hell type setting. But what ticked me off was... SHAWOOP! Your back at the top. Annoying.

Albino DK FTW. Mirror Meta Knight was awesome looking, and I hear about Dark Link. Looking good on costumes. Unlockable Alternate Costumes... Awesome. Diddy Kong with a Waluigi color scheme? Homage to DKC 2 Player Competition.

Kirby's disappearance may be related to is copy moves - perhaps all his B's are changed, more homage to Super Star. Sakurai may be giving his pink Puffball all the power he deserves - the man of many movesets.

Now now, Samurai, each Pokemon has a stamina system different from their percentages... You can't main only Squirtle.

I was wondering about a SSBB demo available to the public. Downloadable? Yes please. Chances? No sir. When confronted to the point that it had crashed and lagged a little... I don't want a demo that does that. Seriously. But hey, Brawl Demo on Mario and Sonic - makes sense, don't it? If it was put into a game by Demo.

...Brawl Tournament at E for All? When? WHY DO I LIVE IN MICHIGANIA?!!?! Gar.

Pacman vs. Donkey Kong is for the Win. Retro Brawl, yo.

Black Mage in Brawl... lol... As long as he had the attitude if the popular 8-bit Theater.

No Simon Belmont from Captain N, please.

Zamus/Sheik Final Smashes will probably happen, but Maybe they will hold the A Button to get one or the other at the start of the match. No nerf Sheik, please.



SamuraiPanda... You suck! No, just kidding. Your voice, while not near Youko's in 'smexyness', is a pleasure to the ears. While I am very interested in Joining in as a Guest star... I have no mic, and I doubt I could give a case as much as the topic regulars such as colbusman, Legolastom, Sariku, and egruntz.

Audio Viewpoints are fine... but it's hard to listen too after the non-nerfed voice of Youko's. It's also an old one, but that was told already - but unlike the Roundtable, this one is just... Well, it just makes me wonder if you are running out of Viewpoints by the age of this one. I'll make one, if necessary, but it will only text Based. Well, it isn't really his fault. It's his parents. =P

That's enough for me on this post. With that, I'm SuperTH, and I'm out.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
It's now on iTunes I'm downloading now.

I'll post thoughts tonight are tomorrow.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
Yeah, it's been blogged, the length and the size haven't been notated, but I guess it should still work for iTunes...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2001
Good show, as usual.

While I agree that the players didn't do that well, you could at least cut them some slack, as they were all using unfamiliar game controls. I bet even "experts" need a learning curve when using the wiimote or classic controller instead of the Game Cube controller.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Good show, as usual.

While I agree that the players didn't do that well, you could at least cut them some slack, as they were all using unfamiliar game controls. I bet even "experts" need a learning curve when using the wiimote or classic controller instead of the Game Cube controller.
I suppose, but the Classic Controller cant be that much different, right? i mean the one fight on Skyworld, i dont know who were the computers, but man, i swore i saw at least one person fall off and die every 5 seconds


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Youko & Panda, that was a superb roundtable! It's easily the best part of the podcast, so getting an entire hour of insightful discussion was a real treat.

This whole contest thing for your third voice is a great idea. I'd like to try out myself, but since you guys are in Michigan and I'm in Canada it probably isn't feesible. Maybe I'll do a Brawl Viewpoint or something...

Why no "X number of days, and counting?" too depressing? ;)


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yhea and they could have at least tried to show a few moves or test some things like toadstool jumping.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
We do the discussion online through Ventrilo currently, so please don't let location limit you!!


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA

Nice job guys, and you too Pyro! Loved the episode.

I might decide to enter the contest, I'll have to think about it a bit.

ps. How bout a demo disc packaged in with Mario and Sonic at the Olympics? It would kinda make sense!

Oh and lol at the very end of the episode... nice bonus. Ripping on Halo is always fun.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Alright! I'm listening to it right NOW! w00t. :)

Woaw, the Beginning was GREAT! Could have been longer. This could have been further in depth, I guess.


Roundtable: I'd pwn all of them ON A TEAM!

Yes, it looks faster in air, slower on ground. It looks like Melee refined, but also SSB64 refined. Personal Entrances, Ending, DI, etc.=SSB64. Personal Entrances ROCK! Snake in a BOX (or electric intro, like in MGS2), Luigi and the Vaccum, and alternative intros=??? 3 TAUNTS=PWN! Taunts=win. My friends hate when I do 4 taunts in a row! :luagh: 4....up button=Final Smash, Jump, or Items=??? I'm guessing Jumping, but items would be better. Interuptable taunts=??? Stopping them? SICKNESS!

The announcer=AWSOME! Smash 64's announcer ROCKED! The same guy in Melee wasn't as good. BRAWL'S....ROCKS! Norfair=AWSOME! V shapped stage, lava, this is THE BESET METROID STAGE EVER! Where is Metroid Prime, enough of the Super Metroid. SSB64 stages were a bit TOO BIG, SSB Melee's were to SMALL, but SSB Brawl's look varied, AND AWSOME! :)

And the character select screen...ROCKS! Random Button should be called Ditto instead! XD That would rock. The music, the aura, the graphical contrasts, lighting, EVERYTHING...it's all GREAT! :) Those players suck, seriously. The AI was on and off, lol. It was kinda dumb. Fighting was solid, and the recovery was HORRIBLY POOR. HORRIBLE! It still sucks, definitely. Hopefully there is a level 100 characters, because that rocked! :laugh:

The changes...I LOVE IT! That's kinda wierd, but it's awsome! I don't liked the no warning, but there will probably be certain timing we'll need to memorize, or something. Castle Siege rocked, Lylat Cruise rocked, Smashville, Battlefield, Yoshi's Island's visuals changing...MAN! I WANT THIS GAME! Smashville was SOO INTERACTIVE! Diddy Kong DID do a wall jump, it was pretty odd. Everyone in those videos sucked, minus MTV (they were okay for n00bs ;)). Albino DK, Yoshi rocked, Mario's rocked (he had a few new ones), and META KNIGHTS ROCKED! Unlockable altnerate costumes FTW! DARK LINK! DARK LINK! DARK LINK! That's it, I'l lbe using him! Dark Meta Knight FTW, folks!

Breaking the smash ball is a good idea. Very intresting. It seems very avoidable, except for a few. It's kind of wierd, to be honest. Peach's was wierd. Peach seems wierd, but I doubt they have any skill. Meta Knight's poor Final Smash...bout' time!

O, the E for All questions thread. That is a good thread. Wavedashing is key. Wavelanding is confirmed, and I doubt wavedashing will be removed. *points at official techs thread...read my posts* I can't wait for the reports, since there are a lot of good matches. WE NEED A GOOD KEN (Ike, Fox) AND ISAI (Pikachu) VS. CHU DAT (Pikachu) AND AZEN (Various) MATCH! Gimpyfish, Eternal Phoenix Fire, etc. etc. etc. Zelda...or Snake. WAtever...Shiek....HE'S SAKURAI'ING US! Kirby...the Kirby hats...maybe he can EAT FRUIT AND ITEMS! Pokémon Trainer....will be intresting. Pikachu wearing Pichu's goggles, good bye Pichu! :) Sakurai's hiding key character, obviously.

Zelda (Shiek debate), Kirby (Kirby hats), Lucas (NESS CLONE? Ness debate), Snake (CQC moves, mindgames), Pokémon Trainr (random stuff), etc.

Ike. He looks like a original character. He'll be awsome. ADN WE NEED VIDEOS! *read above* I disagree, Ike looks original. More like Link then Marth, actually IMO. clones are probably gone, since Brawl has been delayed. I think that is the main thing of the delay. DON'T DIE LIKE N00BS! Everyone looks like a God-tier. Link and Pit look underestimated, along with Yoshi. ;)

WII CHANNEL! WII CHANNEL! WII CHANNEL! Noo...we need a Wii Channel. Halo 3 sold over 5 million units already. The need a demo. It would be a LOT OF MONEY! Do a Crackdown copy. *poitns at Super Mario Galaxy* Super Mario Galaxy is a good key. HAHA, SamuraiPanda stole my idea! Releasing a demo is beneficial. They need limited features, characters, stages, etc. The Metroid Prime Hunters Demo was odd. It was far from the actual REAL game. It is uncharacteristic, but we can pull out another petition. Like the online petition. Imagine the advertisement. It'd be GREAT! I'm already in a Brawl tournament...Febuary 20th. :( First tournament, lol! i'm dead=Dylan Tnga, NES N00b, etc.

Everyone going, good luck, enjoy, and tell us how you studied it. MEGGGGAAAMMAAANNNNNN!!! Seriously, the Capcom Prepare Yourself, on the day Sonic the Hedgehog was confirmed. WTF? Pac-man...that'd be lame, seriously. He's cool, but he'd be a bad character. GENO! GENO! GENO! He's 3rd party, but he's Mario. Geno is the Dark Horse of Brawl. He'd be perfect. Pac-man would be hilarious...but he's...wierd. Megaman is perfect. PERFECT! PERFECT! Belmont...not very good add.

Anyone going to E for All...hold down the A BUTTON WHEN PLAYING SAMUS!


ZSS is Samus, and Zelda and Shiek: down B, hold A, or own roster spot. Shiek...meah. She should return, since she's original. Try the A button people. TRY THE A BUTTON WHEN PLAYING SAMUS! And Ridley=awsome. He needs to be in Brawl.

News: I say Colbusman, he fits nice. He's got good opinions, and would fit properly. Also, Sariku ***could*** be a good additional add (but apparently not too many people like him). 3rd person....hmmm. This could be intresting. Who Will be the Next Person=??? This will be good to see! :) LONG IS GOOD! LONG IS GOOD! Sound quality is pretty good (some errors, okay). And the hour long one thing is GREAT! I love this. It's great, and this will be perfect. Maybe even longer, seeing as how next week will be. The Roundtable was Great. Another 10 out of 10.


Brawl Viewpoints: PyroLoserKid Trohies. Trophies. Trophies. Trophies rock, and I'm expecting more! :) The lighting is neat=background...I guess. Assist Trophy...Sakurai is a confusing person, isn't he! :laugh: Bonus mode...intresting. I like it. This is a great add. I am pleased with it. Snapshots! YES! I can't wait to see the bosses. And it's going to be awsome! LOL at last comment. You forgot the confirmed cel-shaded characters in the Tingle thread. LOL!

Bad mic quality, sorry. But good entry.


Last Comments: Expect some stuff. EXPECT LOTS OF STUFF! IT'S GONNA ROCK! Next week could be bigger, seeing as how we'll be getting like 50 hours of videos. I can't wait to see. Youtube...hehe, your vids. Your videos are...well...no comment.


Master Cheif and the Arbitar. LOL. Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, MEGAMANNNNNNNN!!!

LOL at the ending. That was great.

Overall: Great episode, for the best week EVER!



Edit: MAybe I should give this entry a try. Great...now I have to do my research! :laugh:


Smash Master
Jun 20, 2007
I'm going to try and listen to the ep through the blog right now.

Stupid wii.

Edit: “Not enough memory to display flash content” Sariku I need you...or I can listen to it on Tuesday when I'm ungrounded.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Oh yeah, by the way Youko, the conversations with your roommate are funny and all, but personally I want to hear some more music-related easter eggs ;)
You've gotta remember just how much work it is for Youko to do those music-related easter eggs. Plus with an hour of Roundtable edit alone and the time it takes to write/record the rundown then put everything together, I'm surprised Youko still has an easter egg at all.

Props for the hard work, Youko.
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