I'm just curious. Besides release dates, what concerns about the game are unique to America?
Hearing what other people in the U.K., Europe, Australia, etc., feel would be good characters for the game, stages, music, etc. Now this is not unique to Americans of course, but its interesting to get an outside perspective.
I realize now I did not phrase that correctly. Rather than "American concerns" I should have typed "American complaints." It has gotten to the point where the speculation is over flowing with stupidity and annoyance.
I believe that an international voice would be good to help with the discussion of various topics about the game. They could bring a new perspective or perhaps speak of things that we, as Americans, perhaps overlooked.
Do not take it personally, Buzz. I was not trying to take a way from what you do on the forum. I am not out to insult you or discredit you. In fact, I think you would actually be perfect for an epsiode of Show Me Your News, that perhaps does NOT focus on the Dojo Updates. I see that may take away from the point of the show, but perhaps after all the updates are discussed, you could join in with Youko, Samurai Panda, and whoever else, on a discussion of one of the various concerns or topics you have written about on your blog. You could provide some well needed logic and insight that may be helpful to other members of the forum who listen to Show Me Your News regularly. I hope you are not offended by my comments, for that was not their purpose. I also apologize for the use of the phrase "American Concerns" when I should have said "American Complaints." An example of an "American Complaint" might be the rumors of another release date delay, where as a international complaint might be the release date...period.
Perhaps an concern could be the use of certain characters in certain geographical regions. An example could be that Japan may have a Japanese only character, and other regions would not, and Europe might have a strictly European character (if there is such a thing) and other regions do not, etc. etc.