I never bother with stages like that because you typically only live for like 20% longer. I go for stages where you win the on-stage game solidly.
You take Marth to DL in Melee because he can't tipper FSmash the platforms, in general has less on-stage coverage, and he has no guaranteed kill set ups at higher percents, meaning it's not uncommon to live to 200%, as an example. Peach actually does badly on DL64 vs most of the cast.
That's my favorite counter-example to why people typically choose stages. I chose stages on two criteria:
A. My character's ability to do well on-stae
B. My opponents potential for discomfort with the stage.
I spend hours learning jank stages, because I know that nobody else bothers to practice on them. They'd sooner ban them, I'd sooner take players better than me to a ****ty stage for a free win. I have no problems with abusing gimmicks, degenerate play, and jank stages.